Official Bitcoin Thread

No, I’m not talking about the people who are happy to buying dips (I’m one of them). I’m talking about the people who come in here to gloat, acting like they were right all along about crypto not being a good investment. Even if crypto were to lose value long term (and again, it isn’t), why would you be happy about someone losing money on investments?

oh yeah I agree, sorry for my comment at you. 🤗
I haven’t been in this thread for too long, but wtf is up with people who come in here all happy when crypto dips? Like, I don’t go in the stock market thread to dance during red days. **** is wrong with these trolls? Y’all jealous or some ****?

Its a typical clown trait :lol:

They had their lips closed the last few months when stuff was steady and climbing. Now they been waiting months to come in here and puff out their bird chests during a dip (like we all expected) :lol:
Loving watching this all. Still don’t own any crypto. When people seriously start to consider selling their portfolios, I might start buying :lol:
if people start using it for purchases will you start buying?

I think the us gov't is not allowing it to be a cryptocurrency and instead just another investment vehicle.
They would like to keep the USD as top dog.
Stay strong gentlemen
Ive been through this before

Just bought 20 bucks more of AMP got around 400

holding amp and shiba

laughing at all the idiots in my circle who laughed at me for not going into doge at the right time, past 2 days they all lost a fortune lmao (DONT TAKE THIS AS OFFENSIVE YALL DOGE DUDES, I JUST GOT A LITTLE SWEET REVENGE ON THEM 🤣)
Jokes aside
The reason i have a nice profit still is because i bought the BTC dips in 2018 and 2019.
Keep an eye on BTC.
BTC is a long term hold
I’ve got my last piece of powder for the bull market ready. If this turns into a bear market, even better. I would love the opportunity to buy my favorite projects each week on sale for an entire year plus.
i can’t buy atom unless i get a friend on the mainland to buy it for me and send it to a wallet.

i gotta get busy and sell off more of my old shoes. looking to get in on more ETH, LINK, and maybe more AMP. traders must be making big money with this volatility.
Technically it can create a higher low long as we don’t retest the lows and things can rip back higher. This is why you need to dca and set bids at key pivots. If my bids for eth fill it leaves me with one last bullet for 1k or less
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