Official Bitcoin Thread

I’ll make the claim right now. Over the next 20 years bitcoin will be used to facilitate international trade and settlement and it will be looked at the global currency that is used across borders while CBDCs are used in nation states.
China is really anti-Bitcoin and one of the big traders of the globe, but I wouldn't rule it out.
Looking to start long positions this week in:
I'll stake or provide liquidity w/ one of the lending platforms with those
NRG - I'll start a masternode

Edit*- Might add some MATIC - staking rewards >50% :wow:
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I'm still chuckling at some of the ignorance on display last week.

As if Bitcoin isn't inseparable from its public ledger that literally anyone can track.

Someone even tried to explain to dude about Monero but couldn't get through. :lol:
Oh. That’s actually pretty lame.

might be a good time to buy though 🤷🏻‍♂️
is this good or bad lmao
Just goes to show they've always taken Bitcoin much more seriously from r longer than they want to admit and have been busy stacking and tracking while spreading fud. This could very well be leading up to some political grandoise Harvey Dent get all the bad guys at once move since it's all on one ledger and then be developed the tools for complete analysis.

Crypto development is alot further along than the public knows.
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Does anyone have a recommendation on which Solana wallet to use or why one might be better than others out there?
Just goes to show they've always taken Bitcoin much more seriously from r longer than they want to admit and have been busy stacking and tracking while spreading fud. This could very well be leading up to some political grandoise Harvey Dent get all the bad guys at once move since it's all on one ledger and then be developed the tools for complete analysis.

Crypto development is alot further along than the public knows.
had no idea the feds could run your crypto pockets like that.
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Does anyone have a recommendation on which Solana wallet to use or why one might be better than others out there?

I use primarily but I’m also using Phantom Wallet and love it. Easily the best browser wallet I’ve used.

It’s still in beta but if things keep going well and it continues to appear to be rock solid, I’m probably gonna drop
The gov has said they've had Bitcoin "way back machine" and tools to rewind transactions for a while. Like 5 years +.

do you have more info on this?

from my understanding of the tech, this is not possible unless you control / convince >50% of the computing power behind btc.

if that’s the case, the whole point of why btc is interesting would be in danger (decentralized, can’t reverse transactions, etc.)
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