Official Bitcoin Thread

Alright go go go. Only 5 invites in this link. Only rule - Do not be a ****ing ******* and ruin it for everyone.

johnnyredstorm johnnyredstorm get in here bro.
I got in the last time it was posted but have no idea if I'm verified.
Are Flexa/amp and BitPay comparable? Seems like every new merchant that starts accepting crypto uses BitPay
Am I wrong that they’re both payment processors essentially ?
Going to try and allocate some of my time this weekend to play around with ETH L2'S and other projects that are rumored to have air drops
I need more air drops in my life. ICP has been the only good one for me.

After dydx and ENS air drop, I think more projects are starting to see that air drops just skips a bunch of regulatory hurdles, helps with marketing and helps with decentralisation of the tokens.

Some will cost a bit of gas but you gotta do what you gotta do.

Cheapest airdrop for dydx even with this dip is 4K so Im about to shoot and pray.

My girl wants to learn about crypto. Any recommendations for podcasts for beginners?

She knows the basics but that’s it. I can teach her but she wants to learn on her own as well.

i listen to Bankless, but that would be too advanced imo.

Binance Academy is a pretty good resource for beginners.
Not a podcast but a good read.

Coin Bureau is a good YouTube channel for beginners.
I clicked on the emoji's but didn't get an alert or anything saying that I was verified.
Weird. Did the rest of the channels open up? Theres a backup verifier now too, maybe jump in and try that one.
D Double D Double 400k ID needed to run a validator node. that prices me out :lol:
interesting tokenomics/governance updates. they're gonna burn a percentage of transaction fees. actual working products continue to be delayed. hodling the bag is not easy sometimes. i'm looking to do at least one more buy this year.
If anything, you don't want it to moon too quickly. I want at least 5 nodes.

i don’t really care all that much personally. Worst comes to worst just let it compound.

but yeah I got another couple strong tokens last week just to speed things up.

once you get to 4 you’ll really be doing work.
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