Official Bitcoin Thread

Anyone wanna take a guess how low ETH or Bitcoin going to go?

Also, since I just got my account back and some LTC, i wonder if it's even worth keeping these? They really havent done **** and I haven't heard anything about them in a minute.
You will see more price action good and bad with just about any other coin. It's cobalt not dead in the water but there are other projects that show more promise.
I have about 30 days until I have enough for my 2nd strong node. Thinking about selling what I have now and just paying the difference
Or should I just wait :nerd:
Excuse me sir. Yes I have to return all this stuff.

been using the coinbase card for everything lol.
Basically my debit card. Paying all bills (water/electricity/etc) too.
That 4% amp building up nice right now.

it's not a bad card, I used it for a minute and got a good amount of free crypto.
how pissed would you guys be if amp hit .10 cents?

I didn't know anyone was holding still besides noskey noskey :lol:

I still have a big AMP bag after taking profits throughout the year, just haven't bought any since May. I was actually half thinking about grabbing some more here.

You know damn well that thing will be one of the first to rebound and get comfy at around 5 cent. :lol:
solana is $102 :wow:
some of these coins are gonna have a glorious bounce at some point. just totally guessing i’d say osmo, glmr, avax, maybe near. i think shib and doge stay down somewhat. anyone else have some guesses?

I think most if not all the bluechip projects are gonna rebound. Question is if it's one month, six, 12, from now.

Bought some RUNE at $3.90. Price action was pretty ugly most of 2021 but I've always been pretty excited about what they're trying to accomplish and there are some major catalyst coming up.
solana is $102 :wow:
some of these coins are gonna have a glorious bounce at some point. just totally guessing i’d say osmo, glmr, avax, maybe near. i think shib and doge stay down somewhat. anyone else have some guesses?

'FOAN' Layer 1's were popping before the dump.... (Fantom, One, Atom, Near)

Those might be the first place money flows back to when the bounce comes. .
solana is $102 :wow:
some of these coins are gonna have a glorious bounce at some point. just totally guessing i’d say osmo, glmr, avax, maybe near. i think shib and doge stay down somewhat. anyone else have some guesses?
OSMO had been staying strong until today... Its only had a 20% decline in the past 7days. 98% of that happened today....

I think ONE, MATIC, FTM have the fastest bounce back once shiit gets back in the green....

But man, this dip is fuxkin fierce. Sheesh.! :sick:
I've been on some degen ish lately... It's been going pretty well, irregardless of the current market...

Just came across this ROI protocol on Polygon.
It's brand new, less than 48hrs old ..
As with mostly anything in crypto, the earlier you jump in, the higher the chance of success.

7% daily for 30days + the chance that MATIC returns to $2 in that time... This could lead to some pretty great gainz.. mplsdunk mplsdunk need somewhere to invest with that newly purchased MATIC.? :nerd:

Peep their statistics on DappRadar... The project is growing pretty fast .. DappRadar Stats

anyway, this is considered "HIGH risk, HIGH reward" but if anyone's interested, use my referral link and hook me up with a bonus. :lol::nthat:

I went in with a small bag. Will update in 30days. :smile:
Once Grayscale added AMP it solidified it to me. I expect ATHs by EOY. I won’t be adding anymore though.

Tryna half my largest buys in ETH and BTC. So hoping for ETH 2k and BTC 20K. Which we will get once this liquidation event comes to shake everyone out.
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