Official Bitcoin Thread

i got a decent chunk in usdc rn. was thinking of converting and moving ust to anchor for that 19.5 apy. pita to move though. just gonna sit on it this week to see where the markets go. practicing patience instead of always fussing with ****.
I think this is the play, we've seen Anchor through up and down markets and has been consistently 19%+ APR.
You get in on a Superhuman? You can get your money back pretty quick on one of those.

Obviously the current rewards aren't sustainable for the long term. Thats the main problem I'm seeing with a lot of these NaaS projects. They'll probably end up going through some growing pains like THOR is right now if they want to stick around.

Main reason I didn't go in on a node. Going with VPND instead.

These projects should do like Atlus and have sustainable systems in place from the get go. They're killing it right now. Wish I had got in when is was more affordable.
Get your ROI first for node projects, only takes like a month or so. Then you can just keep getting profits, or compound after you've got what you put in back.

I got in pre-sale for Atlas for a couple hundred bucks. Node worth 5k+ now.. They look sustainable though
SEC coming for BlockFis head
I think this is the play, we've seen Anchor through up and down markets and has been consistently 19%+ APR.
was thinking of doing that but i looked and saw that the pool on sifchain has usdc at .97 lmaooo. imma lose way to much swapping out for that price.
i'm stuck rn until someone balances out the pool or i have to spend $100+ to bridge to ethereum and do something else.
gonna just leave that **** alone for now and watch the market.
Call w/ Amber Group was interesting

The person with whom I talked is working in PWM and says she's going to the US, Dubai, and South American within the next few months. She's in Shenzen so there was some "technical difficulties" on the call. Besides keeping in touch she asked if I would be interested in an affiliate program - to which I said yes.

Not hopeful because i 'm trying to work in person in a U.S office
Things looking pretty good today.

Putin says he wants to negotiate now.
saw that and threw my tokens back into an LP. lost out some decent money doing what i did but it's all good. getting 300% apy in the usdc/rowan pool for now. gonna reposition as things develop on cosmos this month.
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Coolman’s universe met with disney

Floor exploded

Upset I sold 3/4 but so be it

Trading is hard and I needed to rebalance my nft to eth exposure
Cool Pets game having complications but $MILK has been well over 10c since launch this morning. 10c/MILK would equate to around $100.50-$145/day per Cat. Pets can earn anywhere between $50-80, depending on what Quests they roll. End of the day, it'll be interesting to follow moving forward. I'm sure there's been other P2Es that earn more daily, but this is my first exposure to gamification in this space. I'm just excited to see my Pet's final form and then find rare items to sell moving forward.
for anyone still in Klima (lol :emoji_cry:), there is an easter egg for a possible POAP airdop and it may be time-sensitive (and prob not worth much, but still). have to log in thru discord and sign with mm. of course, DYOR with links provided by strangers..
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There's a name (Klima) I haven't heard in a while. Are all these DAOs just dead? I haven't even checked on how Olympus is doing in a while. Don't even know if there's a plan for recovery or not with any of these projects.

I still remember thinking ROME was going to be something big and special lol.
Dao plays came and went quick man.

WL was supposed to be the blue chip of those plays and once that went left I think every Dao was pretty much classified as a rug.

I lost big on WL my homie lost big on klima 🤷🏾‍♂️
We'll see how the new wave of these protocols born out of rebase tokens manage. Redacted, Convex, Concave, there's a chance they help Olympus and Klima and the actual legitimate protocols bounce back. Itll be difficult but who knows what a bull run and ape market could bring.
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