Official Bitcoin Thread

Also noob here...

Where are you guys buying these coins (Bitcoin, ETH, Litecoin)? I am trying to buy more than my weekly coinbase limit.

Thanks fellas and congrats on 9000!
I gotta get up in this bitcoin stuff. Imma have to YouTube it. I don't know nuffin about it. But y'all is eatingggg
Bitcoin to $100,000:lol: I do hope you guys do well and get out before the crash without losing any money you need.
Convo starters...

Do you pull your profit as it goes up? Or, you’re holding for long terms.

holding for longer term. Will reassess in 1.5-2 years and see where I want to go with what I have then.

It's money I don't need and don't mind risking, I wouldn't see the benefit of grabbing a few hundreds bucks every 6 months.
Set up a wallet and invested in some bitcoin. Will it always take 9 days for it to show up in my wallet or just the first time?

Edit: Nevermind
Bitcoin to $100,000:lol: I do hope you guys do well and get out before the crash without losing any money you need.

Yeah and you keep dumping your money into a savings account while your bank uses YOUR money to invest while you are earning .0000000000000001% interest on your deposits.

I sent my nephew some btc about 7 weeks ago, i saw him last week, guess what he has a higher balance!??! How was it magic? Lol

Maybe you have faith in the U.s dollar or the banks or just centralized institutions in General. But people around the globe are losing faith and once people lose faith...

Part of the point of btc isnt just a store of value or peer to peer transactions without having to ask your bank or moneygram if you can send someone some money.

It's about decentralizing everything allowing the "people" to gain control over their privacy, finances etc.

The system is about to get disrupted! Your not gonna need a bank to get a loan anymore, your not gonna need to deal with eBay scammers or bs PayPal disputes. The middleman is about to get cut out!

Your gonna be able to surf the web and use decentralized VPN's and web browsers without these corporations selling your data, i can go on all day with differwnt examples.

You come in here preaching Bitcoin not gonna reach "100k" its deeper than btc, bitcoin just sparked the flame to a new world, so you can get in now and flourish or stand aside.
Upset the set up!

Anyway shout out to all my Hodlers happy holidays!! Keep stacking
The blockchain technology will change everything.

Now is the Bitcoin or any other crypto gonna reach 100k? I don't know, but I'm willing to play the game.
Someone explain the use of a wallet for me?

I can’t gain on it if I move to my wallet, correct? Essentially just a safe place to store coins?

Wish I would have got in when JPMorgan’s CEO manipulated the market a couple months ago.:lol:

Going to keep dumping in my extra cash here and there as it goes. Wanna hold out for a dip, but don’t want to miss out either.
Bitcoin to $100,000:lol: I do hope you guys do well and get out before the crash without losing any money you need.

Thanks for caring, u sound like a solid guy w/no hate! This one time....bitcoin crashed....then another time.....bitcoin crashed...then this one time.....

You must be one of them blackberry type of guys huh? Or go to the library to get books. I like you old hippies...not everyone can be the same. Different is good. Keep telling yourself that! :smile:
tough choice....putting in $$$ to crypto (bitcoin, eth, ltc) or leaving it in savings with that .06%
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Thanks for caring, u sound like a solid guy w/no hate! This one time....bitcoin crashed....then another time.....bitcoin crashed...then this one time.....

You must be one of them blackberry type of guys huh? Or go to the library to get books. I like you old hippies...not everyone can be the same. Different is good. Keep telling yourself that! :smile:

No reason to hate. There will be money for everyone. Some people will make money on it going up and others will make money on it going down.
Wild last night I Picked up a kid in my uber (Probably an NTr) who is a Bitcoin Millionaire

I was all like... chip me off bro

He said he's cashing out and buying ETH
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