Official Bitcoin Thread

I'm still having trouble comprehending the asset aspect of BTC, just bought a book that will hopefully help me understand a little bit better. But i do know that it's different and disruptive to our institutions, which I like/know everything was at one point in time.

I'm in for the super long haul none the less, hoping a nice correction is on the way to scoop more fractals for the low. Not sold on the alt coins just yet (likely correlated to my lack of understanding overall). I'll likely buy a couple ETH/LTC but for holding long term I really only like BTC, not trying to be an active trader with these, too much skress :lol:
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I remember a dude I worked with about 4-5 years ago was telling me how he was mining bitcoins or something like that in his spare bedroom. Said he had a bunch of random computers and **** setup that was costing him a ton in electricity bills, but he was making more off the coin he created or found or whatever so it was worth it. I wonder how he's doing now lol..
I remember a dude I worked with about 4-5 years ago was telling me how he was mining bitcoins or something like that in his spare bedroom. Said he had a bunch of random computers and **** setup that was costing him a ton in electricity bills, but he was making more off the coin he created or found or whatever so it was worth it. I wonder how he's doing now lol..

I remember a dude I worked with about 4-5 years ago was telling me how he was mining bitcoins or something like that in his spare bedroom. Said he had a bunch of random computers and **** setup that was costing him a ton in electricity bills, but he was making more off the coin he created or found or whatever so it was worth it. I wonder how he's doing now lol..

He's probably adding extra guac at chipotle now.
I remember a dude I worked with about 4-5 years ago was telling me how he was mining bitcoins or something like that in his spare bedroom. Said he had a bunch of random computers and **** setup that was costing him a ton in electricity bills, but he was making more off the coin he created or found or whatever so it was worth it. I wonder how he's doing now lol..

Forgetting the time he worked
Ethereum is really disappointing me.
If you’re looking for a wild ride, ether ain’t it.

Probably won’t see anymore crazy gains on that until maybe around Christmas/early next year

Still believing in XRP

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If you’re looking for a wild ride, ether ain’t it.

Probably won’t see anymore crazy gains on that until maybe around Christmas/early next year

Still believing in XRP



Eth is seeing more movement than XRP :lol:
:lol: facts

Im just saying, if anyone bought in after the summer, I would get ready to sit tight a bit before the next takeoff
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