Official Bitcoin Thread

I don' want to make that rookie move. Lol. New to this. Hope everything works out for you. You have been a big help. I goofed up yesterday putting 30% of my funds in something that dropped 30%. Sold what I had and put it all on bch. Don' know if that was good or bad. I tried to transfer some btc to bittrex to buy more but still hasn' showed up. Thinking about using that to buy into other things when it hits my account. Then hodl!
I don’t get why people keep saying they’re moving btc to Bittrex/binance, hasn’t it been made clear to use eth/Ltc?

I had BTC sitting in coinbase. I was too lazy to switch to LTC just to move it. And I think bittrex only has the BTC trading pair
Rookie move. I’m so pissed. I can’t blame nobody but myself. I don’t want to talk about it. Got sidetracked.

Hopefully, I can pull it off, crypto gawds better got me...

Wish you the best homie, you always patient and providing advice to people in here.
If I move my bch from binance to coinbase will I make money just bc the drastic price difference bt the two exchanges??
Rumors of XRP, but I don't see that happening with it not being "decentralized"

Could see NEO, IOTA or DASH
I see something that is going to be on the lower end of the spectrum. Like around the $10-$250 mark to diversify what they’re selling. I was shocked that they through BCH because it moved ETH and LTC to the bottom.
If I move my bch from binance to coinbase will I make money just bc the drastic price difference bt the two exchanges??

That was my thinking but moving bch to Coinbase takes forever right now. Sitting on 1 networking confirmation over the last hour...need at least 6.

There hasn't been much movement with BCH on Coinbase so I don't regret my decision, yet. Think I was supposed to move to GDAX. so in the words of Grine Grine "I done goofed"
Tried sending .5 ltc to bittrex from binance but status has been "processing" for 3 hours. need help!! Anyone had this issue?
I see something that is going to be on the lower end of the spectrum. Like around the $10-$250 mark to diversify what they’re selling. I was shocked that they through BCH because it moved ETH and LTC to the bottom.

I hope you're right. If one of our lower value alts got on Coinbase, I think we'd all be in good position.
Wish you the best homie, you always patient and providing advice to people in here.

Oh I’m not losing any money :lol:

Well I hope not.

I forgot to move my BCH to another wallet, and moved it 5 mins before the CB open market.

My **** is just sitting there. I can’t touch/trade/nothing.
Anybody going to try to switch their BTC to BCH on Coinbase? I have a feeling that's going to be a mistake.

Honestly the market is super irrational, it go either way lol. I'm sure a bunch of noobs are buying BCH because they think they going to get super rich, chasing all time highs are usually a bad idea
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