Official Bitcoin Thread

I slept on lend. Thought about grabbing a lotto but never went through with it. Congrats.

On the fence about adding more KNC right now. Chart is looking like it wants to make that move and breakout.
Torn on TRX, the high supply has me on the fence long term. Gotta think it’ll climb to $0.10 at the very least
Guess I’m gonna have to go the gdax route but I’m lazy. I’ll wait it out eth looks like it’s dipping a little right now anyway.
Missed the opportubity to get out of lend at 26. As soon as dude bought in it dipped, got 22 per instead. Riding xvg wave now but pretty flat now
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Advice / Tip - when there is a down turn on the market (last few days).... you really see the panic and negativity in this thread. I know lots of people just started on crypto and you really need to know that you need BALLS.

Seriously, some lose a few bucks, whine about cents on transactions, belittle other coins/tech...just plain emo. The key is to stay even keeled...if market is up, good..if market is down...good. Ya’ll know how athletes are, especially the great ones...a loss is nothing to them, in fact its the next game you have to worry about them cuz they goin all out. Dont get shaken out! Hodl when u can, but if u really need to sell or make hedge moves. I get alot of PMs asking “what should i do, i have 10racks”...the answer is: i dunno, we’re not the same

Setup a standard port of great crypto. Then once established, start playing around with the “riskier” ones that have high rewards. Sorry if sounds preachy, but we’re gonna keep moving to bigger highs in 2018 and with that being said..bigger lows. BE READY. Can ya’ll handle these swings?!


I gotta say thank you personally. You were one of the reasons I really decided to jump in head first and do A LOT of research. There were a few times I thought about selling but always had the mindset that this is bigger than a few pumps and dumps. Thank you to all of you who have been here the last 7 months, not to mention year giving great advice and personal insight, it was never meant to be financial advice but you sure have helped some of us make some money and help expose us to the future of Blockchain . Cheers to you!
The swings get easier the longer you're in the game. Few members here including me lost our **** when we saw 2-5k leave our port in 24 hours back in June/July. Now 10k+ seems like nothing because we've seen these pullbacks before and know what's going to happen....HIGHER HIGHS

Okay Salt memebers, it’s time!!!!

Oh man... you taking out this 100k loan?
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