Official Bitcoin Thread

totally messed up another tron buy yesterday... I hit limit instead of Market on Binance and I transferred funds with a bank account on coinbase today

DOUBLE ERROR in a significant time it seems LOL!!
Potential buyers were hoping for a LTC dip about a month ago. Now LTC is sitting there ripe for the taking and it seems no one wants a piece of it.

I'll admit I've been tempted to trade mine several times but if Fap says 1K by April then dammit LTC will be 1K by April!
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Check out @GDAX’s Tweet:

Ripple ain't coming to coinbase any time soon

"As of the date of this statement, we have made no decision to add additional assets to our exchange."

Hmmm, That sentence is carefully crafted.

They didn't say they haven't considered it, just that they haven't made a decision.
They can announce it next week and wouldn't be in the wrong.
Funny I bought a coupe TRX when it was at .03 cents with leftover eth and btc from buying ripple. Now i wish I would have put way more in :lol:
Lets all take a minute to reflect...


2018 will make new household names. Lets get it.
Just moved all my Bitc bch nd Eth into Lite ....deff taking a chance but I believe in LTC big time. Only a matter of time
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A bit late, but overdue (Had to get the keys from Meth to make a wiki page), I went ahead and made a Crypto 101 Wiki for anyone looking to get into Cryptocurrency and looking to learn a liittle bit about blockchain technology.

I guess it can be used to show n00bs who might come in and need a bunch of resources.

Aleays looking to add more/new info so if anyone wants to add anything to it, hmu and I'll drop it in there.

Edit - Article is still waiting to get passed by a mod ( @kingcrux31 whats good). Might not show until then
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Loaded up on ENIGMA. If you haven't looked into it.. I would say not financial advise, but do so.
Loaded up on ENIGMA. If you haven't looked into it.. I would say not financial advise, but do so.
I looked into it, but it's already pumped; and it also doesn't seem to have too much marketing if any or announcements? No movement in a month??
I looked into it, but it's already pumped; and it also doesn't seem to have too much marketing if any or announcements? No movement in a month??
It was like at 8 dollars the other day. It pulled back. Check their telegram and YouTube page. Run by MIT guys and advised by top data scientist in the world. Great team and growing. Not financial advise. But this has so much room to grow IMO.

From mit marketing guy

Also.. Bought ENG before i saw this.. But i agree with 90% of this.
Maybe ENG at $60-100 for 2018.
No affiliation to this guy.

Long term, what do you guys think will prevail as the ultimate protocol? PoW? PoS? How would that look look from a centralized/decentralized point of view?

Then you have NEO on the Delegated Byzantine Fault Tolerance protocol, which is different, and makes me want to cop more NEO.

Trying to read more as I type, but **** is so wordy in this CS space so feels like I have to re-read multiple times to think I might understand some of it :lol:
I thought I was doing it right this morning moving some ETH from coinbase to binance. 10 hours later I'm still waiting.
There should be coins you arbitrage and coins you hold. Litecoin is the latter.

This alt pump is very new to crypto. Who knows how long it will last or if it's here to stay. But Bitcoin,ethereum, and litecoin are still the big boys on the block

How soon they forget...
af1 1982 af1 1982 youre 100% right, but the vast majority are tryna get a quick buck and capitalize as fast as possible on this "alt bubble". Those that hodl will come out the real winners.

This **** is this generations housing market bubble during 2000-2005. A crash is coming....
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