Official Bitcoin Thread

I got bread in a Etrade account that's I barely check. Knowing the way the stock market move I don't have any worries of a big move in whatever stock I own to make me a substantial amount of bread but this crypto thing is like drugs man. This past month has been a rollercoaster ride for sure.

I've only been in the game for a month and I feel like I've lived through some wild swings. Lol, can't wait for the next 11 months.

Stocks carry so much risk that I have scaled back my stocks and take my risks in cryptocurrencies. These are stock option type of returns without the crazy risk.

Crypto is like the stock market in 2010. Money is just flowing in and prices have no choice but to go up.
Trying to buy ETH from CB (with card) and it's saying it went through

No email, no confirmation, no balance, no charge. Never happened before.
Trying to buy ETH from CB (with card) and it's saying it went through

No email, no confirmation, no balance, no charge. Never happened before.

how long ago? On my last few purchases things have def been delayed, makes me second guess myself if I even hit the confirmation to buy screen. They all eventually showed up though

I posted a reply to this, everybody in IT copy codes and documents. It’s call template then we build on it and add to it.

Team UTRUST! Where y’all at?

@fapmasterjr I see you...thanks for this info

Red Pulse :pimp:.

Put one of my boys on yesterday, he's loving it :lol:.

Tried to put another one down, but he transferred his ETH from Coinbase to his ETC wallet on the exchange. Tough luck, but a valuable lesson learned.
^ To that point, would be interesting to know how many coins will essentially be burned as a result of sending to wrong wallets, etc

Thats an L if I've ever seen one though I'd be heated
Good time to buy some SNOV or DENT? I got some extra cash I want to put in circulation this week.
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