Official Bitcoin Thread

Those dudes who sold since 2011 cant be too stressed. They would of killed themselves waiting till 2018. Now those who were in 2015-2016 and sold early id be sick
here ya go....nothing crazy....

Screenshot 2018-06-06 at 10.36.29 AM.png

I’m with you holding onto that SALT bro
Awful :smh:. Hindsight is 20/20 and it's easy to say this knowing what we know now, but why would he sell for a $400 profit? :rolleyes
Probably because bitcoin was something no one heard of and seemed like bs. Not really hard to understand his logic. Main takeaway here is to scale out and leave on a runner.
If there was one thing about Cryptocurrency exchanges (GDAX, Poloniex, etc.) that you could change, what would it be?
Went to my first crypto meetup yesterday ran by a VC. Really good and I'll recommend going out to one if you can.
Crypto and Blockchain brings so may different people together including some fine and i mean fine women. Goodness me

Had a good chat with couple people from Switcheo and Effect AI.
Down to earth guys and its great to see that people in the industry are not that different from us investors.
Who here has had Google Authenticator issues?

Keeps telling me my FAA is wrong when it isn’t. Its worked perfectly fine for 8 months now KuCoin won’t take it. All the rest of my **** is running smooth. Maybe jus a KuC thing? I mean it’s whatever I only have like 8k of that worthless DENT on there

Going to have to take the risk and leave some coins on exchanges so I can tether or whats that other stable coin.

At least Ether's cheap but man even ICO's are dying too. :smh:
I pulled all my money out until the bear goes away. Took profits. Won't go back in for at least a month. Waiting to see how this all plays out. Good luck everyone leaving their funds in.
This is rough was definitely planning on buying another crib this month. Hate taking money out during such a dip.
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