Official Bitcoin Thread

Im pretty sure im making dividends off more then one of my alt coins =]

Sure, but if owning crypto doesn’t provide real value, certainly the dividends a shot coin kicks off don’t have value either.

Pure speculation play, like Johnny said.
Sure, but if owning crypto doesn’t provide real value, certainly the dividends a shot coin kicks off don’t have value either.

Pure speculation play, like Johnny said.
technically that wouldn't be true unless the coins are at 0.
I get that it costs more now to move money. PP for ex charges 2.9% but I figured they could move the money cheaper if they wanted. Why would they tho?

Also read that some of the big mining farms close up shop once bc dips below a certain level because the costs associated with mining outweigh the income. Is there any truth to this? (I'm still following and trying to learn so please dont take the questions as personal attacks lol )
depends on electricity rates, but it's no longer profitable to mine bitcoin in majority of the US. There will also be halving in 2020 which will cut in half the rewards for mining a block..
I'm sure China will continue their monopoly of mining BTC regardless of halving. My rates are roughly 20c/kwh while China is looking at about 9c/kwh
I'm sure China will continue their monopoly of mining BTC regardless of halving. My rates are roughly 20c/kwh while China is looking at about 9c/kwh

as they should. i read 70% of mining is using renewable energy (wind turbines, water, etc) vs USA or other countries that are strict and have regulation. Philippines will be the next big powerhouse in mining along with Thailand where u can mine w/out much regulation vs other countries
XRP boiis
Haven't been in this thread in forever, you guys still make fun of Tron bois?
The Tron disciples have been accumulating in silence...

You guys think ethereum is a sure thing.?? These prices are nice but I haven’t seen much development from their end this year and that’s kind of a red flag to me... I know the ethereum alliance is deep but they can easily cut there ties and go with a similar platform that’s scalable and ready.... ethereum seems like its 3-5 years away from being used in the real world use which is about the time I think crypto will become apart of daily life.
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You guys ain't worried about the capital gains tax when selling cryptocurrency?
Yea the whole HODL thing is so freaking dumb. Get out high, watch it fall, buy back in for more units when low. It's not rocket science. It's hard to gauge but that should be the goal, not "HODL!!!!!!" Too many internet sheep just doing what the internet tells them to do.
Warren Buffett hodl's stocks... if your a day trader or short term investor of course holding sounds stupid.. but if you have 5 to 10 year plan...
I got in when the prices were at the peak so I can't do that :lol:
Oh yea not saying it works for everyone. Just saying the "I'll ride this down to $0" mindset is mindbogglingly dumb. Hell even in your spot, if you think it's going to $2k, sell now and buy back in later at $2k.
I got in last December. At the beginning of the month... didnt put much in but I've been putting money in for the past year... I've lost so much money but the name of the game is accumulation at this point... last year my goal was to have 5 Ltc by the end of the year seeing how prices were at 300... since I've been buying a little bit every other week or so I have over 20 Ltc now. I can easily double my position now and wait for the bull...

This is a long term investment for me... we will be the dotcom boys of the new age believe it or not...

Dudes that started investing in 96 didnt see it pop til 99 -00
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