Official Bitcoin Thread

At the end of the day this is speculation after all. Everyone's situation and risk tolerance is different. However, seeing Bitcoin at perhaps its peak is something that is once in a lifetime. Looking at it from that perspective, it could be worth just making minimum payments for a couple months.

Bitcoin is at its peak?

This technology is game changing.
He did say perhaps . We haven't seen the future yet . Even tho it looks bright.
i got into btc a few months ago when it was under 3k. i was gonna invest more but i decided to pay off my credit card bills. i would be debt free right now if i didn't pay more on my bills.

I always tell people, before you invest in anything, you need to try your best to be debt free.

Welcome to the club fam!
I believe he's referring to Bitcoin becoming a mainstream mainstay.

Any thoughts on the VEN news? Reading up on it in grad school, trying to figure out if this is something worthwhile long term.
Bitcoin at its peak? What are you even talking about?
I didn't mean that Bitcoin is at its peak now or it's price has peaked. I meant that if you have been on this ride you will most likely get to benefit from it when it does reach its peak. If it takes having to put yourself in a little debt to benefit from something so revolutionary that doesn't come around everyday, I think it is worth the risk. However, I am not necessarily suggesting that everyone should put the house on Bitcoin now.
Anyone have any insight on SUB? Decentralized internet that is open and censorship free. Interesting idea with net neutrality but I worry if it could ever work since it seems like you have to create new websites on there, rather than porting over the big players that dominate the internet. I could be wrong though. Need to do more research.
ICO game isn't the same. You are much better off waiting for the day 1 dump buy that with a set amount of risk then ride the hype up and sell.
I have done this twice now with QSP and RDN. It works and you can check most ICOs are close to ICO price before pumping.

Locking up your btc and eth for months isn't the move. I have had a lot of success with ICOs (civic,link,zrx,powr) and I don't do them anymore.
Waiting for my Wanchain and Icon tokens then I'm done with them.

fapmasterjr fapmasterjr congrats again MONA $15 amazing.
Everything is running right now looking to take profits soon.

johnnyredstorm johnnyredstorm Skycoin SKY is much better than SUB . Already achieved what SUB is trying to do they have spent the last 3-4 years developing and just now started marketing I've been in since $5.
So I just put $100 in bit coin
Jumped in blindly
The amount is small enough to where
I’m not tripping off it
But is that amount cool enough to where I’ll see some gains??? :nerd:
Based on the last few months, I’d suggest buying some LTC. Reasonable pricing, and I’ve seen some really good gains since the Summer.

Good luck, brah. Hit me if you have any questions.
Congratz Gentlemen, i just got the alert

trying to get my feet wet. I've got $20k to play with comfortably..any tips at all on the big three?

also on the alternative coins as well with sites to look up things and tips.
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