Official Bitcoin Thread

That might be the move, simply figuring out which currency is up and convert it to that.
Not at all, man. Just use Coinbase to deposit funds, transfer to a wallet on Bittrex or Binance, and go ham.

It’s overwhelming at first, but pretty soon you’ll be spending more time at work watching little green and red blocks pop up than actually working like the rest of us.:lol:

Props on the LTC. What price did you get in on, if you don’t mind me asking.

Thanks, I got em at different times between 260-320. Missed out when they were really low but oh well.
It's actually good for you if BTC is down and your coin is up, when you sell and convert back to BTC you will get more BTC for your $.

The ratio is what is important here.

So on Binance you can actually choose what to sell for?

I’ve just never even click on the sell button :lol:
Either litecoin is gonna maintain at 300 like it has strongly been doing and move forward or it’s gonna move backwards into the 250$

I was gonna sell my litecoins earlier to buy the dips but didn’t
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