Ehh, not surprised. When you put that much pressure on winning at home, you're bound to crack. Now they head to Detroit knowing they're 0-6 on theroad. They're talented and good enough to win, but at this point, you'd have to ask if their psyche is shaken.
Originally Posted by bangtcg

celtics losing
3 more loses and gatorade can shut down the shame they call a garnett clutch commercial
. Actually, I hope they keep it so I can laugh every time I watch it.

you ain't kiddin, sister. i've officially boycotted gatorade until kevin garnett walks off the court with the scarlett L. flimsy fraudulent dude.

by the way, nice game pistons fans. hopefully they'll continue to seal up the celtics' weak offense. looks good going back to detroit.
Well, cant say i'm surprised cause I expected a split, I just had it backwards. Stuckey was amazing tonight.

If we can take anything positive from this, at least Ray looked good for once. Hopefully he carries it into Saturday.
Now, I'm just sayin.... STATISTICALLY the Pistons just won this series (Celts 0-6 on the road) so..... lets sit back and wait for the Lakers.....

naw, this thing is FAR from over.
Well now that we're at home I expect our bench to give us more pois. GG Detroit and now the pressure is on to win on the road
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by FeelMode

and the pistons steal one... can boston do the same is now the question. i really dont want detroit to advance. damn celtics
you are a laker fan right? if the lakers get to the finals do you REALLY want to face the celtics?

They rammed us like we were fresh fish in jail 2 times already this year.....
Truth be told I really have only been a Laker fan since i moved here about 6 years ago now, its hard not to get behind the home team, and honestly ivebeen a Kobe fan since day 1 so i think it was naturally going to happen. It has been special watching him go through this past few years problems, getting theshaft on the MVP (IMO) a couple times and now finally into a position where he might get another ring on his own. Growing up, i actually was a huge Celtic fan(My dads team) so seeing a Celtic/Lakers Finals match-up would be amazing, and i would be attending at least 2 games of that series, so naturally thats what impushing for. So right now im definitely double rooting right now, come to the finals, im going to be torn, already have joked around about possibly sewing aceltiic and a lakers jersey together for the first game i attend.
Man, Rondo has almost posted a triple double two games in a row.

All I know is if the bench shows up on Saturday like it did tonight, it'll be a Detroit Basketball blowout. That stuff wont fly at the Palace like italmost did at home.
At least Ray seemed to get it going. If the Celtics are gonna win this series he's gonna have to play well, especially on the road. boston's gotta takeeither game 3 or 4.
God damn, like previously noted at least Ray ray got it going............Lets see if the Celts can win one on the road.....I %$+*$+% hope so
oh my god i had to sneak in the backdoor to post in this thread
what the hell is going on with niketalk? nothing is moving... we are stck in time onniketalk
I figured the Pistons would take this one tonight. The Pistons are a tough team and the Celtics can be beaten. I actually think the Pistons will take thisseries.

We'll see. I wouldn't mind seeing either against the Lakers.
As I expected the Pistons came to play. But even with a sub-par showing the team had a chance to win. In the end it came down to the Pistons getting looseballs and offensive rebounds. That's a sure fire recipe for a loss every time.
Only 8 pages? WOW.

This was a great game.

We will now see what the C's are made of. They need a game on the road and we will see if they can get it. I beileve they will. This will be tied 2-2 goinginto game 5.

I love the playoffs!
Originally Posted by koolbarbone

As I expected the Pistons came to play. But even with a sub-par showing the team had a chance to win. In the end it came down to the Pistons getting loose balls and offensive rebounds. That's a sure fire recipe for a loss every time.
im not understanding you as all three of the big 3 played well and they still home....
I doubt the Celtics can steal 1 at the Palace.

Boston better make some changes because when the Pistons get to 1 of their games where they can't miss.

You can kiss this series goodbye.

I speak from experience the Pistons has killed us 3 times
Roscoe P Wallace:
Now, I'm just sayin.... STATISTICALLY the Pistons just won this series (Celts 0-6 on the road)
While I know it makes sense to believe that, I can't. I think it's important for the teams with homecourt advantage (Lakers, Celtics) towin a game or two in S.A./DET, because I think the teams without homecourt advantage (Pistons, Spurs) WILL win a game or two in L.A./BOS.

Obviously, DET has already won in BOS, so saying that they will win a game in BOS is pointing out the obvious. I'm just saying, at the beginning of each ofthese series, I had a feeling that L.A./BOS would not be perfect at home. So it's like, for ME, I was looking at DET/S.A. as having homecourt advantage.

Know what I mean?
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Roscoe P Wallace:
Now, I'm just sayin.... STATISTICALLY the Pistons just won this series (Celts 0-6 on the road)
While I know it makes sense to believe that, I can't. I think it's important for the teams with homecourt advantage (Lakers, Celtics) to win a game or two in S.A./DET, because I think the teams without homecourt advantage (Pistons, Spurs) WILL win a game or two in L.A./BOS.

Obviously, DET has already won in BOS, so saying that they will win a game in BOS is pointing out the obvious. I'm just saying, at the beginning of each of these series, I had a feeling that L.A./BOS would not be perfect at home. So it's like, for ME, I was looking at DET/S.A. as having homecourt advantage.

Know what I mean?

Too early in the morning to try and figure what the hell you just said. Maybe I'll try again later.

Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Roscoe P Wallace:
Now, I'm just sayin.... STATISTICALLY the Pistons just won this series (Celts 0-6 on the road)
While I know it makes sense to believe that, I can't. I think it's important for the teams with homecourt advantage (Lakers, Celtics) to win a game or two in S.A./DET, because I think the teams without homecourt advantage (Pistons, Spurs) WILL win a game or two in L.A./BOS.

Obviously, DET has already won in BOS, so saying that they will win a game in BOS is pointing out the obvious. I'm just saying, at the beginning of each of these series, I had a feeling that L.A./BOS would not be perfect at home. So it's like, for ME, I was looking at DET/S.A. as having homecourt advantage.

Know what I mean?

Too early in the morning to try and figure what the hell you just said. Maybe I'll try again later.



But I think I get it. You knew they would split one at the team with homecourt advantage. That makes it with them having the homecourt now.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Roscoe P Wallace:
Now, I'm just sayin.... STATISTICALLY the Pistons just won this series (Celts 0-6 on the road)
While I know it makes sense to believe that, I can't. I think it's important for the teams with homecourt advantage (Lakers, Celtics) to win a game or two in S.A./DET, because I think the teams without homecourt advantage (Pistons, Spurs) WILL win a game or two in L.A./BOS.

Obviously, DET has already won in BOS, so saying that they will win a game in BOS is pointing out the obvious. I'm just saying, at the beginning of each of these series, I had a feeling that L.A./BOS would not be perfect at home. So it's like, for ME, I was looking at DET/S.A. as having homecourt advantage.

Know what I mean?

I think I get it?

So you're saying that since you knew that DET/.S.A was going to steal at least 1 game that it didn't matter if they where playing away or home. Sincethey're both capable of winning on the road so they basically have homecourt advantage because it doesn't matter where they're at they'recapable of winning either way?
I think I get it. You knew they would split one at the team with homecourt advantage. That makes it with them having the homecourt now.

See, in the BOS/DET series, Detroit has homecourt advantage (H.A.) now. If they win all of their home games in DET and lose the remaining games in BOS,they'll win the series.

And I expect the same to happen in the S.A./LAL series. I have a feeling S.A. will win one in L.A. Tonight? I don't know. Maybe not. Maybe they'll winin L.A. next Thursday, Game 5, which would mean that (if the series was 2-2 at that point, with each team winning their home games), then they would havehomecourt advantage for the next game. They would be up3-2 going into S.A. for game 6.

That's how I looked at each series from the beginning. I looked at them like 'Well, DET and S.A. are definitely, no question about it, absolutely goingto win in BOS and L.A., unlike the previous opponents. So technically, BOS and S.A. have homecourt advantage.'
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