White dude go up there and spew that same nonsense y'all would be in here crying foul. "Look at them trynna make blacks fail, how dare he say saving money is for suckas". "He doesn't respect men with jobs is just a cover up for him trynna keep black men doing illegal things". Please spare me the if he was white talk. Fact of the matter is the good he said and what many others have been saying is understood. People just wanna o that's just dame it's cool, its military style, like ***** no he's misinforming people. Telling people saving money is for suckas and put all your profit into your next situation is exactly how u end up with foreclosures and repos. I was far from offended but I'm more worried about my younger people out here who took the whole thing as "knowledge". These ****** will never work a job and think they can front cash for their ideas some kind of way that he never explained.