Official Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Thread - OUT NOW! - FULL Multiplayer INFO Pg1 [New Poll]

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  • AMAZING! Best CoD yet!

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  • Solid.

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  • Meh. Just like every other CoD.

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  • Trash. I want my money back.

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  • I ain't eem buy it, bruh.

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Im debating whether or not to do the midnight release for this but more than likely I'll just wait til Tuesday morning
Ghost unlocked at 55 nooooooooooooooo. And im so debating on getting it release date .

I LOVE the fact that they made ghost at the last level that almost makes the game a must buy in itself. Ghost was way too overpowered to be unlocked at the early levels.
Treyarch made it this year so Ghost would ONLY work if you're moving. Meaning if you're standing still or camping, you can still be seen on the map even with Ghost on. 

What normally would be Ghost/Assassin Pro has been split up to like 3 different perks.

Treyarch made it this year so Ghost would ONLY work if you're moving. Meaning if you're standing still or camping, you can still be seen on the map even with Ghost on. 

What normally would be Ghost/Assassin Pro has been split up to like 3 different perks. :pimp:
Class Setup
It looks as if Treyarch have decided to revamp the entire class system for Black Ops 2. During the multiplayer reveal trailer, we were treated to several screenshots of class setups. Here are some valuable pieces of information that the COD community has been able to glean from the aforementioned screenshots:

20 Slots
Black Ops 2 will have 20 class slots. These are broken down into:

1 Primary Weapon
3 Primary Weapon Attachments
1 Secondary Weapon
2 Secondary Weapon Attachments
6 Perks
1 Lethal Grenade / Equipment
2 Tactical Grenade / Equipment
3 Wildcards.

Out of these 20 slots, you can only choose 10 items. This means that the create a class feature will be far more varied and flexible than it was before.


Wildcards in Black Ops 2 are intended to mix things up. They extend and bend the system rules for class setups. Wildcards work like other class items in the sense that once you choose one, it takes up one of your available class slots.

Primary Gunfighter

Primary Gunfighter allows you to select a 3rd attachment for your Primary Weapon. In the past, we've been used to perks that allow the player to select a 2nd attachment, so it'll be extremely interesting to see what kind of combinations players will come up with now that we know Black Ops 2 will be providing them with the option to select a third.

Secondary Gunfighter
Secondary Gunfighter will allow you to select a 2nd attachment for your Secondary Weapon. In essence, it kind of works like Bling Pro from MW2.


The Overkill Wildcard will act just Overkill perk from previous COD games. This will allow you to equip two primary weapons. My guess is that this will be extremely popular among players using the Assault Shield, as it could provide them with the opportunity to fire an AR via the hole in it's shield.

Danger Close
No, it's not the horrible perk that we saw in previous games. In Black Ops 2, Danger Close will allow you to select a second piece of lethal equipment. For example, if you wanted two semtex grenades or two battle axes, this would be a good choice.

Perk 1 Greed
Perk 1 Greed will allow you to pick a second perk from the first perk tier. So, if you want to use Ghost and Blind Eye together, this will be the right option for you.

Perk 2 Greed
Perk 2 Greed will allow you to select a second perk from the second perk tier. Could be used combine the perks "Toughness" and "Fast Hands".

Perk 3 Greed
Yep, you guess it. Perk 3 Greed will give you the ability to choose a second perk from the third perk tier.


The Tactician Wildcard will allow to select a second piece of tactical equipment, AT THE EXPENSE of your lethal equipment. i.e. If you decide that you want a second stun grenade, you'll have to give up your lethal equipment.


Here is the latest Black Ops 2 Perks list. This information has come directly from those who had the chance to play the multiplayer at Gamescom. It is completely legitimate and it is one of the most accurate lists you'll find online:

Firstly, it's extremely important to note that that will NOT be any Pro perks in Black Ops 2. Instead, they'll be going with an new type of class system that allows you fill up 10 out of 20 slots.

Perk Tier One[/B]

Flak Jacket
Flak Jacket is a perk that allows the player to receive less damage from explosives such as hand grenades and bouncing bettys. This one appeared in the previous Black Ops game.

Ghost is back, much to everyone's horror... The good news? It's not nearly as powerful this time around. Ghost will only make you invisible to UAVs... IF you are MOVING. i.e. if you sit in a corner, Ghost isn't going to stop you from showing up on the enemy radar. No more stealth camping for you, champ!

Blind Eye
Blind Eye is another one than has appeared before. This will make you invisible to AI-controlled killstreaks. You'll still be visible to player-controlled killstreaks, if their eyesight is good enough.

Lightweight allows you to take no falling damage. It also allows you to move faster / run quicker. Although, it's worth noting that Lightweight has only a small effect. You're much better off using Extreme Conditioning with an SMG or a Shotgun.

These are all starting to sound familiar, huh? Hardline makes it easier for you to get your killstreaks by making every killstreak achievable with one less kill.

Perk Tier Two

Scavenger is a perk that allows you to pick up ammo and grenades from fallen foes. When using Scavenger, small bags of ammunition will appear beside the dead bodies of enemy players.

Hard-Wired is a new one. It kind of works like Assassin Pro, in the sense that it makes you immune to the Counter UAV and Enemy EMPs. Counter UAVs block your radar and EMPs take down all enemy electronics (including your radar).

Another new one. This allows you to flinch less whenever you get shot. This works like the Focus proficiency found in MW3. In case you didn't already know, taking damage in COD will cause your aim to go off target. Toughness will lessen the effect of it and allow you to finish off your opponent.

Cold Blooded

Looks like all of the stealth perks are being broken up into 3 pieces in order to prevent them from becoming too overpowered. This one makes you immune to Target Finders, Player-controlled killstreaks and Sensor Grenades. In some of the footage, you'll see that certain futuristic scopes put a red box around enemy players. Cold Blooded will get rid of this effect.

Fast Hands
Fast Hands allows you to use your equipment much more quickly (stun grenades and flash grenades). This works like Quickdraw Pro in MW3. In Black Ops 2, it'll also allow you to safely throw back a frag grenade.

Perk Tier Three

Engineer works like Sitrep or Hacker. It will allow the player to see enemy equipment through walls etc (it highlights them in red). It'll also make it possible for the player to booby trap care packages (so that they blow up when enemy players try to capture them) and re-roll care packages to get higher killstreaks.

Extreme Conditioning
Extreme Conditioning gives the player the ability to sprint for much longer distances. This is similar to Marathon, which featured in the previous Treyarch game (it also featured in MW3).

Dead Silence
Dead Silence is similar to Ninja, which has been in many of the previous Call of Duty games. This makes your footsteps silent. Extremely important for game modes such as Search and Destroy, where sound whoring is extremely common.

Dexterity is also a new one. This works like Marathon Pro from MW2. It will allow you to climb over obstacles and climb up ladders at a much faster rate. It'll also give you the benefit of being able to recover from a melee attack (i.e. a knife attack). Ever knife the air by mistake, only for your character to be stuck in that lengthy animation? Dexterity will allow you to recover from that animation at a faster rate.

Tactical Mask
Tactical Mask reduces the effect of stun grenades, flash grenades and and shock charges. Extremely useful, especially in games such as Dom, where enemy players will toss everything they have at B flag.


The Awareness perk in Black Ops 2 will act like Sitrep Pro in the sense that it will allow the player to hear enemy footsteps much more loudly and much more clearly. Not sure if this will actually counteract Dead Silence or not.
Here is a list of all the killstreaks that will appear in Black Ops 2. They've all been ranked and ordered by the amount of points that you need in order to get them (yep, it's no longer just about kills anymore).

Name Points Needed

RCXD 325

The RCXD is a small remote-controlled car that can be detonated by the player. The resulting explosion can be pretty powerful.

UAV 375

The UAV is a killstreak that plots the position of enemy players on your minimap.

Hunter Killer 400

The Hunter Killer is a new one. It's basically an unmanned airborne drone that seeks out an enemy player and attempts to kill/him. Think of it as an AI-controlled Predator Missile.

Care Package 450

The Care Package is returning. These are air-dropped packages that contain a random killstreak (and sometimes, ammo).

Counter UAV 475

The Counter UAV will disable the enemy team's minimap / radar for a set amount of time. Often used to counteract enemy UAVs.

Guardian 500

The Guardian Turret can be placed down on the ground and pointed towards enemy players. This turret will project microwaves at anyone in front of it, blinding them and impairing their movement. This was seen in the multiplayer reveal trailer.

Hellstorm Missile 525

The Hellstorm Missile is basically an air-to-surface cluster bomb that is dropped onto a general location. The missile will fall from the sky and then break apart into multiple cluster bombs, which then blanket the area in question with a lot of explosive power.

Lightning Strike 550

The Lightning Strike is kind of like a futuristic version of the Mortar team found in the previous Black Ops game. This killstreak allows you to pinpoint three locations on the map and have them bombed.

Death Machine 600

The Death Machine (nice name, eh?) is a large mini-gun similar to the one that featured in the previous Treyarch game. Can be pretty powerful; but you use it at the expense of your movement speed.

Sentry Gun 650

This has appeared in previous Call of Duty games. This is an AI-operated turret that automatically fires upon enemy players. The Sentry Gun will point in one direction and scan the scene for enemies. Can be destroyed pretty instantly if it's knifed, which means that you have to be careful about where you place it.

War Machine 700

The War Machine isn't just a grenade launcher. It's a SEMI AUTOMATIC grenade launcher that will help you relive the good old days of Ground War on MW2.

Dragonfire 725

The Dragonfire is a player-controlled killstreak that hovers in the air. An SMG/AR is attached to the bottom of it, which allows the player to fire upon enemy players. Kind of surprised to see this as a 725 scorestreak because it looks incredibly easy to take down.

AGR 800

The AGR is a bi-pedal robot that has guns / cannons attached to it. This thing will rip through other players like a hot knife through butter. This particular one is air-dropped to your location, so keep that in mind if you decide to select it. Although this can be remote controlled, there have been a number of people saying that it can also work on its own AI and search the map for enemies.

Stealth Chopper 850

This is basically an attack chopper that does not show up on the enemy's radar. This will automatically roam a section of the map and shoot at other players.

Orbital VSAT 900

The Orbital VSAT in Black Ops 2 works much like the Blackbird did. This will show the position of enemies on the map and it will also show you what direction they are headed in. Note that this cannot be shot down.

Escort Drone 1000

The Escort Drone is kind of like the AH-6 Overwatch. This is an AI-controlled drone that follows you around the map while trying to protect you.

Warthog 1025

The Warthog killstreak is a hovering jet aircraft that makes several swoops across the map while taking shots at enemy players.

EMP Systems 1050

An EMP doesn't hurt enemy players. Instead, it takes down all enemy killstreaks and equipment. It also disables the other team's minimap / radar. It's worth noting that an EMP will only work for a set amount of time, after which, the game will return to normal.

Lodestar 1150

The Lodestar can be compared to the Reaper. This allows you to guide surface to air missiles with a laser pointer.

VTOL Warship 1200

Haven't heard of much information about the VTOL Warship, only that you get to pilot a large warship (duh!!) and shoot the crap out of everybody. Maybe it's just a futuristic version of the Chopper Gunner?

Canine Unit 1275

The Canine / K9 Unit is a pack of vicious dogs that will run around the map for about a minute or so and hunt down enemy players. These can rack you up a lot of kills in quick succession. This has been a top-level killstreak in the last two Treyarch games.

Swarm 1400

We got to see the Swarm in action in the multiplayer reveal trailer. Basically, the Swarm is a bunch of Hunter Killer drones that will circle around in the sky and automatically attack enemy players on sight. My guess is that this is going to be extremely powerful (think of multiple Predator Missiles falling from the sky).
thanks Stork for all of that detailed info on perks and killstreaks

do have any for all of the primary and secondary weapons?
watching that zombies gameplay looks like just a dlc for black ops 1 so i cant see myself buying this anytime soon.

ive bought all the call of dutys on the release day since cod4 so its kinda weird that i wont be in line to buy it 
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Ghost unlocking @ 55 only means more corner humping and a lot more Commanders in the lobby.

Bums NEED Ghost to have any sort of "success".
I'm still on the fence, bought cod last year and never played the story .... never. Also bought g.o.w 3 and never even opened it
Yeah, Ghost should have been completely removed for this game imo..
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Infinite run? Tired of pushing my damn stick up, release, stick up, release, stick up, release :smh:
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domination equals for cornballs....grow a pair and figure out on ur own where they are 

and stop camping
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