Official Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Thread - OUT NOW! - FULL Multiplayer INFO Pg1 [New Poll]

Thoughts on the game?

  • AMAZING! Best CoD yet!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Solid.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Meh. Just like every other CoD.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Trash. I want my money back.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I ain't eem buy it, bruh.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
IDK fam...I gave it some thought last year before the MW3 release but after I heard there wasn't any major difference between how the game ran on XBox and PS3, I just decided to stick with what I'm familiar with. I legitimately contemplated it though, strictly off how _'s said the first Black Ops ran WAY smoother on the 360. I know more heads on PSN anyway...non-NT and NT so that made it easier to stick around.

Henry, Keef and Cuzzo also told me _'s on the other side ain't up to par...:nerd: :lol:

Man listen.. JUST DO IT :lol:

You can roll with Cuzzo, Henz, Keef, Chris (BadReligion) , Poot and myself. I know BrianToTheB has a 360, i cant remember if he copped early this yr and for MW3 but i know for sure no1 played that game so he might have sold his .. idk though.. And i know Vintage still on the 360 but i dont think he plays cod on it, which is weird :lol:

Ill introduce you to other cats.Everyone is cool people. One thing about them, is that Cuzzo,Keef and Henz are right about is that they dont put up the numbers like many on the PS3/have high KDs BUT these dudes are ALWAYS in it to win it. Thats all they care about. As for on the PS3, its killstreaks first, then the win. Word to all those GW Dom games we somehow manage to lose ... They/We dont win all the time but i always know these dudes are trying to win. Even if they are not as good as PS3 dudes.There are a handful of good players here and there.

Plus XBL > PSN and the party chat/#NT lobbies always be jokes. As in the PS3, we really only had keef for the LOLs and hes here now.... :lol:

Idk **** its up to you ...
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Going to have tp wait for winter break to cop this. Know my grades would go to **** if I risked playing it now
Is there a download link for season pass yet? Bought it last night at midnight release, redeemded code (which is just XBL points smh) but couldn't find the season pass download (360 btw)
For the guys on PS3 add my PSN: jhawkcuse. I've been running COD since the OG PS3 thread and actually play. I'll pick mines up around 3.
A lot of heads playing on PS3 right now, but NOBODY giving any quick online reviews. I just need to know 5 things...

How's the hit detection?
Is there any lag in the connection?
Is there frame rate issues?
Also whats the average connection bar per team?
If you live in the LA / Socal area, hows all 4 questions above?

This matters if I buy it right now or wait for my Gamefly rental tomorrow.
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A lot of heads playing on PS3 right now, but NOBODY giving any quick online reviews. I just need to know 5 things...

How's the hit detection?
Is there any lag in the connection?
Is there frame rate issues?
Also whats the average connection bar per team?
If you live in the LA / Socal area, hows all 4 questions above?

This matters if I buy it right now or wait for my Gamefly rental tomorrow.

pretty good even with 3 bars
llike I said its been 3 bars for me
I stay in Virginia :lol:
Threw it in last night. Game is nice..quick..responsive. Everything carries over clan-wise. Looks like there's a great deal to the online experience. The leveling up is a little different than I remember with Black Ops 1 where tokens unlock items as you progress. You can also run without a side arm to add more attachments, go down to only one tactical grenade if you want to add two "Perk #1s" and other things like that. Going to be a busy couple of weeks trying to level up.
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I haven't really played a COD since since MW2 and the last one i bought was Black Ops, and that was a short lived game, I got bored really quickly with it, SO is this really just another DLC add-on copy of a game or are they actually making efforts?
I always thought that if they stopped producing a COD game every November year, and took their time like R* do with GTA then they could come out with a beast of a game.
but anyway, so not worth it?

Some people will love it because it looks and plays just like every other COD. I played the hell outta MW2, played quite a bit of BLOPS 1, was super stoked for MW3, when it was exactly MW2 I played it for about 3 weeks and then never touched it again. I'm still a huge zombies fan, so I'm ok with my purchase, but I'm still highly disappointed that it feels like a BLOPS 1 DLC add-on.
Picked up my game at Toys R Us with barely anyone in line. I got the game 10 dollars cheaper and a 20% coupon with ym next purchase. The time I was leaving, people were waiting in line at game stop. I didn't pre-order the game and you get Nuketown regardless which states on the back of the game. Another market plan thingy they we're going for. 

Played roughly for 4-5 hours online last night. Some thoughts

- The game is very fast paced. 

- Like any Cod game, it takes time to figure out what gun and map is your favorite as well as the layout overall. 

- I like a few maps but majority of them remind of some Halo maps, previous Cod maps, and over too big or "I hate this map" "Has to many things in my way"

- A lot of campers still.

- Seems like it takes forever to kill a guy

- Gun game was pretty legit, they show where the person is when the game starts on the mini map. 

- A bunch of random explosions I'm still trying to figure out because half the kill streaks I don't even know or I'm unsure of.

- Still getting the hang of the tokens they give you and overall kill streaks.

- Death hammer or the one thats like a pred. missle and spreads out and does a hail of things then explodes is my current favorite kill streak. Its like an updated pred. missle.

- You can't knife gun turrents, it can get very annoying. 

- So far the game runs smooth and only got kicked out once. Host migrations still occur but not that much.

- Playing TDM and shows your K/D Ration is pretty cool. 

- Overall just another game to get use to all over again. 

GT: dunksrnice
I had to go out of my way to pre-order

They can just blatantly lie to us? WTF I had a feeling it would be to everyone

Edit: After some searching I think it's launch copies that have the codes
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Oh **** that reminds me i didnt even put in my nuketown map codes in :lol:

Im sorry but Blops 1 cant really compare to this game. This game is simply to fast paced compared to black ops 1.

Its like MW2 in terms of action but gives you insentive to play the obj cause if you are simply camping for kills since it will only take you longer to get your streaks if your not confiriming kills or defending/capping flags.

The new type of cod players though are what kill the experience for me. A LOT of window camping and head glitching dudes. I cant stand it.

Game is solid though. Was very rusty and getting washed early on. Picked it up towards the 2nd half of the night. WAY BETTER THAN TRASH *** MW3... Not even close.
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