Official Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Thread - OUT NOW! - FULL Multiplayer INFO Pg1 [New Poll]

Thoughts on the game?

  • AMAZING! Best CoD yet!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Solid.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Meh. Just like every other CoD.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Trash. I want my money back.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I ain't eem buy it, bruh.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Loving this... Cant wait to get off work and get done at the gym so I can play it more!!!

Any PSN people??

Add me - JamesYoung1990
Xbox gamer tag - DeeringCenter

One in the chamber is always fun. Though the knife kills have seemed to be harder. Can't stab from as far away
Game is cool i like, 17-3 my first game. Rented it from redbox this morning. It does freeze, had to quit and restart the game a few times.I'll most likely go cop it, trade in MW3 for some credit.

Need some people to roll with

PSN: DJ-Wes1er

*How will i know that im getting a launch copy when i go buy it since i didnt do the midnight release. i need that nuketown 2025 lol
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Can i get a clear answer for this question...if i go pick up the game today at toys r us or GameStop will I get the zombie maps or no?
Game is cool i like, 17-3 my first game. Rented it from redbox this morning. It does freeze, had to quit and restart the game a few times.I'll most likely go cop it, trade in MW3 for some credit.

Need some people to roll with

PSN: DJ-Wes1er

*How will i know that im getting a launch copy when i go buy it since i didnt do the midnight release. i need that nuketown 2025 lol
I believe it says it on the back of the box if you get Nuketown 2025 or not.
Really looking forward to playing tonight!!!

Can i get a clear answer for this question...if i go pick up the game today at toys r us or GameStop will I get the zombie maps or no?

if you mean the nuketown zombie map no. Only people who bought the hardened or the collectors will have it. to get it you have to wait in till December for the season pass, which gives you the map in December for 360 users and ps3 users might get it January
just played online for a couple hours :smokin

I like it so far. all the maps I got to play were good, didn't see any maps that I would never want to play

there was some lag at first when I got on but after I left that match I didn't see any lag at all
Im actually enjoying the game everything is responsive and the game only froze up once from someone quitting

Im going to give it a rest now to go to the gym but should be back on by 6

hope everyone else likes it
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Does anybody know how "Rare" the Gold Challenge Coins are??  They were handing them out at the Midnight Release at the Navy Exchange here in San Diego.  Still have not played the game yet because I am studying for my finals this week.
My first COD since MW2. Walked in to the Navy Exchange this morning around 10, not even knowing about different versions and picked up a regular copy. I was walking to the cashier and some guy stopped me and started talking to me about the hardened edition. Went on and on about what comes with it. He basically up sold me on the hardened. He must have known what he was talking about since he was dressed as he still lives in his parents basement.
I just got a Probation Warning! lol.  I didnt even back out off the game, it quit by itself. SMH!!!
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it's okay, but I'm not buying it still, was surprised it was in redbox's last night so I went and got it
im over this freezing stuff. ps3 just put me on probation because its frozen 4 times in the 3 hours i have been playing
2 questions regarding online play

1. How does it compare to Black Ops 1?
2. Please tell me it's better than MW3. I had to return that game within the week :smh:
so how are the graphics compared to other cod games?  blackops 1 took a giant leap backwards in graphics.

mw2 and 3 probably had the best grahpics.
if you mean the nuketown zombie map no. Only people who bought the hardened or the collectors will have it. to get it you have to wait in till December for the season pass, which gives you the map in December for 360 users and ps3 users might get it January
thanks,yea I meant the nuke town zombies,thanks for clearing that up.soo is there any reason to buy it now or should I Just wait till Christmas to cop?
2 questions regarding online play
1. How does it compare to Black Ops 1?
2. Please tell me it's better than MW3. I had to return that game within the week :smh:

It's nothing like Black Ops. It's more fast paced as ghost is non existent. There are still campers but for the most part everyone is out running around.

I think it's better than MW3. Smooth gameplay and haven't noticed any lag compensation.

im over this freezing stuff. ps3 just put me on probation because its frozen 4 times in the 3 hours i have been playing

I guess I'm close to probation as well :smh:
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