*OFFICIAL* Carolina Panthers 2023 OFF-SEASON

After last week's slow start I feel like they'll jump on these boys off gate. Can't overlook anyone but Hopefully we'll go into that saints matchup both being 9-3 :nthat:
He gotta run to the ball...

The ball doesn't just drop in your hands you scrub.

We gotta upgrade these bums at receiver for real. 
Yea, a Marqise Lee or somebody in the draft is much needed. O-Line IMO gotta be top priority tho.

Hope this doesn't ed up being a lethargic effort carrying over from last week. Also, a good chance to see Stew with an expanded(?) role. 

Let's get the ball rolling, boys!
Let's make it 9 in a row next week...

Expected the W this past Sunday.

NO don't want this tho! Sunday Night Football, I'm ready 
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Can't even focus at work. Off at 6 going straight to my boys house and drinking/eating wings
Weather crazy out here in MD...which is just fine with me cause I gotta be at work at 11:30 tonight, which would've caused me to miss the end of the game. Now I got a way out :pimp:

Tonight, we prove the nonbelievers wrong...again!!! #KP
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