Official College Slam Dunk and 3-Point Contest thread

Not surprised at Michah. . .dude had some impressive stuff when he was a freshman at KU. . .in the Late Night dunk line, lol.
I still remember youtubing TD awhile ago.
Originally Posted by langfor5

Not surprised at Michah. . .dude had some impressive stuff when he was a freshman at KU. . .in the Late Night dunk line, lol.

Did he leave KU just because he wasn't going to get as much playing time as he hoped?
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

;lol they started booing dude and he was like, "what happened, did I miss it?"

By the way, what is McClinton's mohawk called? I would get one myself if I could get someone to do that good of a job
Foreal that *$% look clean..I think its a reg mohawk with the temples faded
It's the Tony show!

and I'll take this years college dunk contest over the Nba's this season.
are you kidding me we this far and he was gonna try to pull that first dunk off?
sit down micah

on a side note: Gonzaga stay losing.
Did he leave KU just because he wasn't going to get as much playing time as he hoped?

Yeah, that played a part in it. Dude was a loner when he was on campus and never really fit in. Plus he was dating some crazy chick at the time (he still maybe) and he moved back to be with her.
blazinjkid wrote on 3/8/09:

Originally Posted by DEpast

Originally Posted by I3

Hey guys,

I dont follow the NCAA, but about a few weeks ago I saw these highlights on ESPN about some dude who had a few put-back dunks, a block and then a put-back dunk again in one game, he then hung on the rim and humped the air. I think he had dread-locks? or a pony-tail.

Can anyone help me out, I wanna youtube this as it cracks me up.

I believe he's from Charlotte. They upset Xavier in the highlights right?
Charlie Coley. That boy gets up. He's thrown down some SERIOUS dunks this year that never made the highlight reels.

My dude
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