OFFICIAL: *******.com vol. What did you get?

If you need to get in then PM me.

Thanks to the NTers that helped and that attempted to help
. My yahoowasn't receiving emails, so another NTer sent me one to my Verizon.
Originally Posted by TeflanDon

If you need to get in then PM me.

Thanks to the NTers that helped and that attempted to help
. My yahoo wasn't receiving emails, so another NTer sent me one to my Verizon.
You're very welcome
I noticed people with yahoo mail isn't getting them.

If it sends out at a later time, my friends going to have an inbox full of
Originally Posted by RATxAxTAT

I noticed people with yahoo mail isn't getting them.

If it sends out at a later time, my friends going to have an inbox full of

That's what happened with me.
I got a solid 28 points
. I stay forgetting to sign in everyday. I should make it my homepage. But yeah like everyone else, shoot me a PM for an invite.

Edit: Who has actually ordered and received something? I seen Monday Night got UFC.
Yo seriously, someone let me get an invite. I pm'd several people so far and got nothing, even in the original thread
Originally Posted by Frank Mucus

Yo seriously, someone let me get an invite. I pm'd several people so far and got nothing, even in the original thread
You have yahoo?
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