Been reading Secret Wars :eek why didn't anyone tell me how fire this **** was
In Doom we Trust.

did anyone read the new civil war... from secret wars. I'm loking it
Yeah, I enjoyed it as well. Really liking how Parker turned out. Should be interesting.

This month I just started reading comics again after years not buying/reading any, and there are way too many secret war titles I want to follow, and the main story is just awesome. I need to read what's available from Hickman's Avengers runs while I still have this Marvel Unlimited for a penny.
i went over seas so im really behind on Uncanny x men and all new x men, I think im only on issue 23 in uncanny and 19 in All new

I want to read the secret wars too. now that I got a new job I can afford to buy em. my brother gets most of the issues.
Been reading Secret Wars :eek why didn't anyone tell me how fire this **** was
You're right. I have to backtrack and pick up 2 and up.
Recently got this oldie. Really like this cover, and in spirit of the new movie this weekend.
Real talk, I think Secret Wars is one of the best comics I've read in 10 years.

The art, the story, the fact that it's going to be concluding the Ultimate imprint which has become dated and run its course, the little nuances of character that the writers threw in (like Ultimate Reed Richards thinking that Doom was screaming at him :lol fantastic little scene).

This **** fire, bruh.
Right now Marvel>>>>DC until they put out something even close to this in quality. Just off of Secret Wars and the related titles.

Tried getting into Convergence but couldn't.
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In my household its always been marvel vs everybody.

Image had a great run for me also loved wildcats and gen 13. My brother got invited to do art for image but he turned it down. Smh
Sorry i put my mini review in another thread. Im going to go to the antman thread once i find it.

It was a good movie. I was confused why they used scott lang ibut then it made sense after i did the marvel wiki of him

Very entertaining movie. Really funny. Good action in it. Not avengers or cap level but for what it was good.
It was more a family movie to me. But good to see.
Posted my review in the MCU thread. Movie was way better than I thought it'd be.
Anyone else got everything secret wars since it started dropping? I'm gettin every comic it's just to much to read each week and some of the comics I thought weren't gonna b good r dope
Its sooooo much fun ready how much people love Secret Wars because people was complaining (not much here) about it before it began
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Coppin all hip hop variants, once secret wars is done this next marvel collection gonna cost me a pretty penny maybe even a nice shiny nickel
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