How is me pointing out I like The Incredibles over the F4 a tangent when it's something I pointed out in my own post in response to someone questioning whether new heroes could still be created with the same powers as older characters?
Cuz the Incredibles are not a comic.
Are we not talking about comics? Or just heroes in general?
If so I liked Hancock the movie more than the Deadpool comics and the Space Ghost cartoon.
You're acting like I was speaking to you and randomly threw it in against you. The post had nothing to do with you man
From there, I branched out from talking about just comics to talking about other mediums by mentioning The Incredibles, since the film itself is a story and we were speaking about creating good stories.
I don't know why you're trying to make this about me or why you're assuming this has to do with me specifically.
I replied cuz it doesn't make sense. I'm sure you caught that the 65th time I said it. So I don't get how I'm acting like it was against me. As far as I see it, the topic of discussion has nothing to do with me specifically at all. Its not like anybody called me out. I chose to respond cuz you know it's a public forum and I can do that if I want.
I pointed out Blue Marvel as a good story that was told in the comics and then The Incredibles as a good one that was told in the films, thereby showing that it can happen in multiple mediums and that in general just because one thing has been done before or even a few times doesn't mean that it can't still be successful and freshly potratryed to people.
I get that but I thought we were talking about comics. I didn't know ppl thought good stories being told with new characters wasn't happening in other mediums.
Except they've been making new characters long after the 60s passed that aren't named Batman or Superman
New characters were also created in the 90s, so i'm not really sure how this point of yours holds any weight:
Cable, Gambit, Deadpool, Jesse Quick, Bishop, Spawn, Hellboy, Static, Rhodey's first time as War Machine, etc. All appeared in the 90s and have done fairly well for themselves
This is where we disagree about fairly well.
If that's the standard you're going by, you have nothing to complain about now cuz like I said new
characters heroes (I'll say new heroes from here on out cuz apparently using it interchangeably with new characters is being interpreted wrong) are being created.
New heroes never stopped being created. They're constantly being created. So there has to be some denial or ignorance of that fact going on with complainers.
This seems like an overreaction out of nowhere to me
I agree. I'm not sure what y'all are complaining about now. When did Marvel stop creating new heroes? Or is this complaining about the pace they make them? Cuz it's been laid out why they have an incentive to create legacy characters and why creators aren't incentivized to give away their best new creations.
I specifically said they need to make more new heroes.
Again they are doing that.
If that's your standard; from Jesse Quick to Static then Marvel never stopped creating new heroes.
From 2000 to 2016 there's been about a thousand new heroes created.
So I feel like these complaints literary are just complaining to complain. Its more about whining about new legacy characters than a lack of new "original" heroes.
I don't even think Tony may be going anywhere going off that cover and what Bendis has said.
I meant back as Iron Man. I think Riri will just be "Iron Man" while Tony is hiding/injured or something. And will then take on another name when he returns to the suit.
Yeah I got that.
I'm saying I aint sure Tony won't suit up going off what Bendis has said. Depends if the Hulk breaks him