Can someone tell me what race is the purple chick from infinity 5. The one Cap was talking to before Hulk smashed the last of the Alephs in that planet? Oracle her name is.

Also Joe Mad posted on fb that he is thinking of new ways for Medusalith to use her hair
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Ain't no comic stores down here!! Someone message me a free online site I can read comics on.Ive been slacking
Picked up The Sandman: Overture #1 earlier today. Gaiman still has it. Stuff was good. It's definitely been a while.
X-Force Vol. 3 - Logan, X-23, Warpath, Domino, Elixir, Wolfsbane etc
That is Uncanny X-Force Vol 1 - Psylocke, Deadpool, Logan, Fantomex, Angel, etc

Do you know if they have the Vol 1. as a big book (i'm sorry i always forget the name of those)
Trade hardcover/paperbacks? They have vol 1 split into 7 of those. Literally the only story arc i didnt like was otherworld.
I dont like current regular Ms marvel. Used to love her when she was pretty much tied to the X-Men. I am willing to give this a try. Marvel always does stuff like this and they do a great job at it (Storm, Kitty Pryde, Miles Morales, etc)
Yah. Marvel always bust out an underrepresented character. Especially ones that arent potrayed well in the media. Since DC did this with GL I was wondering when Marvel would
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I'm really looking forward to Ms.Marvel mostly for its a new character a she is Muslim. The only other Muslim Characters I can think of is Dust, the Arabian Knight and the lady from M13(the medic). Need more variety.
Same. I googled her and got this

"Her mom is paranoid that she’s going to touch a boy and get pregnant. Her father wants her to concentrate on her studies and become a doctor."

Describes any foreign minority family. I am african and can relate to having this type of parents.
just read superior spiderman 1-20 yesterday... pretty good read, so far i'm liking this new spidey :lol
he straight up punched black cat :rollin :{
How no one has figured out it is Doc yet is unbelievable. Their personalities are nothing alike. I havent read spiderman in 8 or so years but I have read a few of the superior stuff and they are nothing alike
just read superior spiderman 1-20 yesterday... pretty good read, so far i'm liking this new spidey

he straight up punched black cat
loved this story line, read amazing spider-man 698-700.  Animation got a little weird when he took on Kingpin.  Also, didn't care for 2099 being involved. 
Marvel And Netflix Announce 'Daredevil,' 'Luke Cage,' and Three More TV Series

Alex Zalben
November 7, 2013

In a move that pretty much changed the TV landscape in one fell swoop, Marvel and Netflix announced  plans for a TV/on-demand version of "The Avengers" Thursday (November 7): four live action series based on their superhero properties will play on Netflix, all culminating in a team-up mini-series titled "The Defenders."From the press release:Led by a series focused on "Daredevil," followed by "Jessica Jones," "Iron Fist" and "Luke Cage," the epic will unfold over multiple years of original programming, taking Netflix members deep into the gritty world of heroes and villains of Hell's Kitchen, New York. Netflix has committed to a minimum of four, thirteen episodes series and a culminating Marvel's "The Defenders" mini-series event that reimagines a dream team of self-sacrificing, heroic characters.The biggest, most recognizable series is "Daredevil," which previously was made into a much-maligned movie starring Ben Affleck. After the rights to the property lapsed at FOX, and returned to Marvel Studios, fans have been wondering where the blind lawyer by day, New York vigilante by night would show up next. And now they know the answer.The other series are probably less well known, at least to fans outside the comic-book arena:'Jessica Jones'
This was previously announced in development by Marvel TV as "AKA Jessica Jones," based on the comic book by Brian Michael Bendis and Michael Gaydos. The comic series was named "Alias," which was also the name of a TV show starring Jennifer Garner (interestingly, also a star of the "Daredevil" movie), hence the name change to "AKA Jessica Jones." Now it's just simply the character's name. Jones is a former superhero and member of the Avengers who hit on hard times and now works as a detective in New York.'Luke Cage'
One of the most eagerly requested Marvel properties by fans, Luke Cage is a street-smart hero with unbreakable skin. He tied in heavily in the "Alias" comic-book series, later marrying and having a child with Jessica Jones. He also frequently partnered with...'Iron Fist'
A mystically powered Kung Fu expert and playboy billionaire named Danny Rand, Iron Fist has had a number of iterations through the years — though his most popular was working with Luke Cage as "Heroes for Hire," a team that sold their heroic expertise for money.'The Defenders'
This is the street equivalent of "The Avengers." Traditionally in the comics, The Defenders have been called the "non-team," with their membership ranging from Ghost Rider, Hulk, and Dr. Strange (all potential movie projects), to some of the characters you see above.Naturally, there are numerous questions that arise from the announcement, not least of which is whether these shows will tie into the greater Marvel Cinematic Universe, including the movies and ABC's "Agents of S.H.I.E.LD." Plus, given the ever-expanding number of shows, how much give and take will there be — or could there possibly be — from the casts?News, as they say, will continue to break on this.
Picked up days of future past & days of future present at a garage sale for $2.

Dude was offering 50 for all of his marvel comics but that 2nd pair of lane 5's held me back? oh well, hopefully dude will sit on em long enough to let it go for 40. :\
never read the comic only saw the fox cartoon. how is it

They both have their ups and downs. Worth the read imo. After all it is only two issues.

Major differences:
- Bishop plays an important role in the cartoon but has nothing to do with it in the comics
- Kitty Pryde is sent to the past in the comics. Rachel grey mindswaps kitty's adult body with her child body because kitty hadnt underwent psychic defense yet.
- I forgot who all the important x-men where in the cartoon but in the comics future wolverine, future storm, future magneto, future colossus future kitty pryde and future rachel were the key players. From the present it was Xavier, kitty pryde, storm, wolverine, and I am sure I am missing a few. The bad guys in the present were Mystique, Pyro, the guy who can create thunder, destiny, someone else I forget.

I liked both.
Yo y'all, I'm going to be that guy who's a complete novice, but am really looking to get into comics.

Growing up, I had maybe a stack of fifty comics, mostly 90s stuff.

I want to get into the Marvel books of the 60s-early 90s, but I realize that amassing a comic collection isn't practical, and I don't really have extra space around my pad to keep hundreds (thousands? :lol ) of comics.

So, my question is about Marvel Unlimited. It seems like a really good service, but I know it stumbled out of the gates pretty poorly.

I currently only have an iPhone, but I realize a tablet may be in order to get the most bang for my buck.

I'm sure some of you aficionados have the streaming service, and I know it's no replacement for owning the comics, but as a newcomer and casual fan, I'd love to get into some of the classic series'.

So do you guys like Marvel Unlimited? Do you feel like their classic selection is sufficient? What do you read it on? Can you use your laptop to read them?

Also on a kind of unrelated note, are there any comic streaming services that has the Spawn library? That was the only non-Marvel comic I ever read growing up.
This opinion may be dated but I got the free trial years ago. They had an incredible amount of comics but they didnt have complete volumes of the older stuff. Sometimes they didnt even have complete story arcs. If you are looking to read every issue of X-Men, F4, or whatever else, you are SOL. The newer stuff is always up to date tho. And they did regularly add comics from their backcatalogue and a lot of them were comics you would want to read.
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