^the first volume sucked. Wolvie is such a played out terrible character. Hes as inconsistent with his personality as DC heroes are with their powers. They can keep that book.

Also it took em long enough. The only reason to read thaf book was for the kids since they no longer make New Mutants. ****. Marvel went fyll ****** with that book.
Thanks bros!

I'm not really looking into investing into comics, just collecting things which have value.

The value would be in the comics. No monetary value, only art value haha. I get skotties because I like them and I doubt they'll go up in price value. Only missing maybe 2-3 really rare ones.
The value of comics is based on the rarity. the 1 in 50 and 1 in 100 or even less usually skyrockets immediately. But I dont see it going for more than the initial jump in the future. Maybe if it is a popular comic the price will jump. If you can get rare variants at sticker price you could make some loot.
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The value of comics is based on the rarity. the 1 in 50 and 1 in 100 or even less usually skyrockets immediately. But I dont see it going for more than the initial jump in the future. Maybe if it is a popular comic the price will jump. If you can get rare variants at sticker price you could make some loot.

I can never find them for retail. I usually get all my stuff from midtown and they mark up all their sketch variants.

All recent Lego variants were $17. Not sure how much in stores.
You def need to know someone to get variants that are rarer than 1 in 10 for retail. I catr find any either dude wanted me to oay $50 for the Scarlet Witch Uncanny Avengers variant
Can anyone spoil me on uncanny avengers, i dont buy the series but i saw the panels with scarlet witch like 2 or 3.
^This includes my interpretation of the book and most of the important parts I remember

After AvX, Cap addresses Cyclops issue with the Avengers that they have done nothing to help mutantkind despite claiming to save all life on earth. They assemble a team of Mutants (both X-Men and Avengers) as well as nonmutants and Avengers (mutant and non mutant). Cap chooses Havok to lead this team because of the events that unfolded in AvX and Nathan Summers being a terrorist. So they needed a "good" summers to balance it out.

Naturally they are not getting along and a lot of mistakes are made. The good part about this book is that it is not a mutant vs human fight amongst the uncanny avengers. Thor is on the side of the X-Men while Havok is on the side of the Avengers.

Red Skull steals Xaviers brain (and powers) wrecks havok on New York, uses Xaviers powers to convince everyone it was the mutants faults in order to bring about a future where mutants are in internment camps.

Another storyline spun off the events of Uncanny Avengers Vol 1.... Apocalypse twin offspring have been gifted chronomancing powers from Kang. Long story short they are trying to trick scarlet witch into bringing all mutants into their own planet "planet x". This stands against Xaviers dream of peaceful cohabitation, which was the whole point of the Uncanny Avengers team anyway.
Also I finally started reading Superior Spidey. WAAAYYYY better than Peter Parker spidey. This book addresses every issue that made me stop reading the spidey comics in the first place. Can't believe people are mad about this. Peter is a boring ******g character. Between Miles and Otto I am glad they have done away with him. They are both way better than peter
Peter is far from a boring character. He's the reason those knockoffs exist. It's Just hard to continuously write engaging stories for 50 years.
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Knockoffs is just a part of the comics industry. Many DC and Marvel characters are blatant ripoffs of each other and you probably like one more han the other so that argument is invalid.

Also X-Men was also almost done away with back in the 70s yet they came back to be the highest selling comic franchise. It tough but doable. After all Bats was never in danger of being terminated completely I dont think.

People complaining about Otto Spidey have to be pretty close minded to not enjoy this book. Wanting Peter back is one thing but not liking this book.... Seriously?....
i believe the knockoffs he's referring too are Scarlet Spider, Spider-man 2099, Dr. Ock Parker.  No Peter, no spider-man.

I don't believe Pete's gone for good either, i wanna know how they bring him back.  I mean they only had that mental battle between Ock and Peter in ONE issue... would've made a great mini-series.

ASM #700 though.
  When Doc found out how strong spider-man really is.  
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No he is responding to my claims that Miles and Otto are better Spideys than peter.

Anyway think of all the people who haved taken the alias of Flash, Green Lantern, Cpt. Marvel (Marvel not DC), etc etc etc. If they cant write good stories based on peter it is time to phase him out. Shouldve been done at least a decade ago
No he is responding to my claims that Miles and Otto are better Spideys than peter.

Anyway think of all the people who haved taken the alias of Flash, Green Lantern, Cpt. Marvel (Marvel not DC), etc etc etc. If they cant write good stories based on peter it is time to phase him out. Shouldve been done at least a decade ago

No, im not. I mentioned nothing about who was better.
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^Ohh well my bad. Yah I agree that he does have a bunch of knockoffs. But at the same time I can see why people would be into the Spidey 2099 and Venom Comics. Never read Scarlet-Spider and don't intend to. I always felt the spider powers and costumes were too saturated. But if I had to rank em Miles and Otto would be way ahead of Peter. Im even starting to take a liking towards Spider Woman.
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Avengers Annual
Inhumanity 1 (one-shot)
Fearless Defenders 12
DD-Dark Nights 7
Superior Spidey Team-Up 7
Superior Spidey 23
Young Avengers 13
GotG 9
Secret Avengers 12
Indestructible Hulk Annual
Amazing Spidey 700.1
Marvel Knights Spidey 3
Painkiller Jane-Price of Freedom 2
Absolution: Happy Kitty 1 (one-shot)




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I knew infamous was magneto because of the color scheme! Said it on Marvels fb page! I wonder what the other one is tho. There was rumors of a storm ongoing. I dont like the sound of thag. Psylocke should get her own comic tho.

EDIT: NVM i forgot its wolverines weak *** comic.
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Just watched The Wolverine. Movie had me thinking is there anyway Wolverine can be killed in the comics and also if there is how many times has he died in the comics?
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I believe some red sword can kill him (I never read the comic that was in though)
Just watched The Wolverine. Movie had me thinking is there anyway Wolverine can be killed in the comics and also if there is how many times has he died in the comics?
Yeah, just like the movie they've currently stripped him of his healing factor. There's been rumors he's gonna die some time next year.
I believe some red sword can kill him (I never read the comic that was in though)
Other way he can die is through the muramasa blade which was made with part of his soul or some ****. It causes wounds his healing factor can't heal.

You can also drown him, decapitate him (if you can get around or through the adamantium, or just obliterate his head.
Finally got around to reading this weeks pulls. Inhumanity was bomb! didnt expect that at all since the guy writing it also wrote Fear Itself.
What up NT fam.

I just got into reading & buying comics again this year right around when the new Wolverine movie came out this past summer.

I have a bunch of old Wolvie's from the 80's & 90's boxed and stored away in my personal collection.I also have a few Punisher comics from that era also.

I just also got into the Omnibus books which are great for re reading old comics and the stuff you grew up on.

Here are the best sites I've found through other forums on the web for great cheap prices on omnibus books and graphic novels:
amazon obviously

In my Omnibus collection I have right now:

Uncanny X-Men vol. 1 (1970's era)
X-Men vol.1 & vol.2 by Claremont & Jim Lee (80's & 90's era)

On my list to grab next for omnibus books:

Dare Devil Frank Miller collection
The X-Men vol. 2
Secret Warriors
Uncanny X-Men vol. 2: releases next April.Just after my b-day

I'm really debating if I want to get into The Walking Dead.I haven't read any of the comics and have not watched a single episode of the TV series.
I'd say get the 1st trade near the end of the month and take it slow. You'll be a bit pissed if you go issue by issue at this current point in the story.

Secret Warriors will be good :smokin
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I'd say get the 1st trade near the end of the month and take it slow. You'll be a bit pissed if you go issue by issue at this current point in the story.

Secret Warriors will be good :smokin

This ebay seller has a lot of good omnibus books for dirt cheap.All of his stuff is brand new factory sealed and he has multiple copies of each.

I registered on forums and people on the omnibus thread say he's legit and packs his stuff well when he ships.Apparently the ebay seller recently bought a storage wearhouse that had a bunch of the brand new omnibus books.
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For Bay Area & Norcal NT'ers Image Expo is happening next month:


It's a 1 day event.

I wish I could go but it's on a Thursday and I'd have to fly up and miss a day or two of work which is a no go for me since I just started a new job and have no paid time off to use.
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