Official Confessions Thread. vol: Aint had one of these in a while.

-my girlfriend of 3.5+ years dumped me in august
-we should have broke up probably about a year ago, if not longer ago
-we still haven't told a lot of people about this...only our closest friends know we're broken up
-she cheated on me hella and i found out like 3 months later...we broke up for about a month and got back together. at the time i thought she only kissed some dude. i should have known better.
-before she dumped me she came clean about everything...resulting in breaking my heart into like a million pieces.
-for the record, i would equate a broken heart to being eaten alive or to drowning to death
-what i'm more mad about is that she seemed perfect. great body, great face, and a personality to match. however i would blame her demise a couple of her bop %!!*#!% friends that give advice like they know something and like they have someone who actually loves them. #!!+%%@ @#%$%+%*. yes i am mad. its the worst feeling in the world...its taken time, but i'm lowkey over it
-anyways, long story short...we dont speak for a while, we start talking again as friends and its actually kind of cool
-i sleep at her apt a few night a week just because being single is so goddamned friends who know we're broken up don't this, if they did they'd lose a lot of respect for me
-i'm a huge simp and still do a lot of the things i did when she was my girlfriend...but the strangest part about this is that i'm not attracted to her AT ALL. i really couldnt force myself to think about her sexually just grosses me out. at this point since its not sex related, i cant understand why i still simp to her. i've decided i'm a chump and too nice.

-as far as work goes...if this one little situation doesn't get fixed very soon...i'm going to walk away from my job bc i can't take it anymore

-one kind of really great thing about a hot ex that she still has hot of which is into niketalk, i confess that my ex girlfriend is my wingman to this new girl who i find oddly cute and sexy and interesting and i think it'll be good lulz
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

I'm only 23 years old and really don't think I'll ever be happy. Not to say that I'm depressed, just not happy at all. I'm always either angry or sad or discontent. Still have a long way to go, but right now I'm just not seeing it.
I feel exactly like this and when I am happy I get paranoid because I think that something bad will happen, it usually does
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

I'm only 23 years old and really don't think I'll ever be happy. Not to say that I'm depressed, just not happy at all. I'm always either angry or sad or discontent. Still have a long way to go, but right now I'm just not seeing it.
I feel exactly like this and when I am happy I get paranoid because I think that something bad will happen, it usually does
 -I'm 22 and about to graduate in May and am really scared to enter the real world. I'm an architecture major and NOBODY is getting jobs in that field right now. Unemployment is @ 40%.
-Last week I passed up sex because I was so mad at this girl I would have ended up like Peter in Forgetting Sarah Marshall


Spoiler [+]
- A few months ago I met this girl I thought would be a random hookup, but she seemed super interested in me and seemed real cool so I got to know her a little better. The more I got to know her she was real chill and down to earth, one of the coolest girls I've met. Truly loves football, a history nerd, and can play Smashing Pumpkins songs on guitar (basically the 3 coolest things a girl could be into from my end
) among many other things. Unlike most of the rest she didn't already have a bf and was actually into me.
-After a while she went from being super pressed over me to acting like I didn't exist. Never called/texted me, barely responded to my calls/texts. 
-I figured I'd just move on and take the L. Even though I was pretty pissed cus I really liked her a lot, I wasn't too dumb to take the hint that she wasn't interested anymore. It was really bothering me though because I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that I had done NOTHING wrong to make her disinterested. So I really wanted to ask her why she lost interest but I had too much pride to put myself out there like that if she had already moved on. 
-Fast forward to last week, she sends me some text like, "I just stuffed mac n cheese in a burrito. This is what finals do to me." Like I don't hear from you for a month and that's how you get back in touch?
I figured she was just delirious from not sleeping and I was pissed at her so I just said "Well I'm not surprised cus you never had %!#+ to eat in your fridge."
-The next night at like 11 I'm doing work and she texts me asking what I'm doing that night and wants me to come downtown with her and basically talking like she didn't just give me the cold shoulder for a month. I didn't wanna come across as bitter so I went to meet her even though I REALLY didn't want to b/c I didn't want to make a scene. Also I didn't know what to think/how to act since I figured she was no longer interested. She definitely wanted to see me, but were we just friends now or what?

-When I got there she seemed really happy to see me. After I'm there for like 30 mins and having a pretty good time all things considered, she starts talking about, 

"Look, I really like you, I think you're a good guy and I don't wanna hurt you. When you call or text me and I don't respond, it's cus I don't want to get into something serious and hurt you." 
I'm like what the *@*% kinda sense does that make? She goes on to tell me that she's joining the Peace Corps next summer(first time I heard of that) and she'll be doing that for 2 years so she doesn't wanna commit to something right now etc. This made me even more mad because she was the one that pursued me in the first place and acted like she wanted a relationship, if she didn't want one she shoulda told me that upfront instead of leading me on and then ignoring me and making me think she wasn't interested. I didn't want her to know that it bothered me that much so I just told her I wish she'd have told me and that I was surprised to even hear from her again. After that she kinda just moved past it, and to try and keep from getting angry I just kept drinking (I've NEVER gotten mad when I'm drunk, I always stay positive/in a good mood). 

-As the night went on I was still pissed but trying to hide it and she was all over me and acting like it was old times. I kept telling myself to just get over it and be glad for the {0} I was gonna get at the end of the night.
-We finally get back to her place and I realize there's just no way I'm gonna be able to get it up when I'm that drunk and that mad
. She came in the room like half dressed and I said nah you know what *@*% it, I'm just gonna go home cus if I'm being honest I'm really mad at you. We proceeded to have an hourlong conversation and I STILL don't really know where we're at now. 
  I don't even think she remembers having the conversation
The next morning I was snowed in so I chilled at her place all day and we ordered pizza and watched The Sandlot and a Gangland marathon on the History Channel

-I've only got $400 in the bank right now and no job over winter break. I don't have any idea how I'm gonna pay my rent next month. 

-I'm rarely able to fall asleep before 3 o clock. Sometimes I just stay up til 6 or 7 even if there's nothing to do. 

-Every time I finish watching porn I almost instantly feel disgusted with myself

-I've lost 40 lbs in the last 6 months but am honestly not any happier with the way I look. I've still got about 15 lbs worth of fat in all the wrong places and a lot of my clothes are too big now; it's a good thing but it sucks at the same time.

-I find a lot more comfort in the temporary joy of eating a whole pizza or otherwise indulging myself with food than I do from eating well for months and working out.
I'm not a big picture guy and it's very hard for me to make the right decisions in the moment even if I know it pays off in the long run.

-I haven't paid much attention to news or politics in years. I'll check out the headlines on CNN once in awhile or if somebody posts an article on NT I'll read it, but other than that I really just don't give a crap. My mom said something about Harry Reid yesterday and aside from knowing he was a politician I had no clue who he was
I've become very disenchanted with the whole political landscape; most people are way too strongly opinionated one way or the other and don't even care about the reality of situations, they just want to hear/believe whatever tilt will support what they already believe. 
 -I'm 22 and about to graduate in May and am really scared to enter the real world. I'm an architecture major and NOBODY is getting jobs in that field right now. Unemployment is @ 40%.
-Last week I passed up sex because I was so mad at this girl I would have ended up like Peter in Forgetting Sarah Marshall


Spoiler [+]
- A few months ago I met this girl I thought would be a random hookup, but she seemed super interested in me and seemed real cool so I got to know her a little better. The more I got to know her she was real chill and down to earth, one of the coolest girls I've met. Truly loves football, a history nerd, and can play Smashing Pumpkins songs on guitar (basically the 3 coolest things a girl could be into from my end
) among many other things. Unlike most of the rest she didn't already have a bf and was actually into me.
-After a while she went from being super pressed over me to acting like I didn't exist. Never called/texted me, barely responded to my calls/texts. 
-I figured I'd just move on and take the L. Even though I was pretty pissed cus I really liked her a lot, I wasn't too dumb to take the hint that she wasn't interested anymore. It was really bothering me though because I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that I had done NOTHING wrong to make her disinterested. So I really wanted to ask her why she lost interest but I had too much pride to put myself out there like that if she had already moved on. 
-Fast forward to last week, she sends me some text like, "I just stuffed mac n cheese in a burrito. This is what finals do to me." Like I don't hear from you for a month and that's how you get back in touch?
I figured she was just delirious from not sleeping and I was pissed at her so I just said "Well I'm not surprised cus you never had %!#+ to eat in your fridge."
-The next night at like 11 I'm doing work and she texts me asking what I'm doing that night and wants me to come downtown with her and basically talking like she didn't just give me the cold shoulder for a month. I didn't wanna come across as bitter so I went to meet her even though I REALLY didn't want to b/c I didn't want to make a scene. Also I didn't know what to think/how to act since I figured she was no longer interested. She definitely wanted to see me, but were we just friends now or what?

-When I got there she seemed really happy to see me. After I'm there for like 30 mins and having a pretty good time all things considered, she starts talking about, 

"Look, I really like you, I think you're a good guy and I don't wanna hurt you. When you call or text me and I don't respond, it's cus I don't want to get into something serious and hurt you." 
I'm like what the *@*% kinda sense does that make? She goes on to tell me that she's joining the Peace Corps next summer(first time I heard of that) and she'll be doing that for 2 years so she doesn't wanna commit to something right now etc. This made me even more mad because she was the one that pursued me in the first place and acted like she wanted a relationship, if she didn't want one she shoulda told me that upfront instead of leading me on and then ignoring me and making me think she wasn't interested. I didn't want her to know that it bothered me that much so I just told her I wish she'd have told me and that I was surprised to even hear from her again. After that she kinda just moved past it, and to try and keep from getting angry I just kept drinking (I've NEVER gotten mad when I'm drunk, I always stay positive/in a good mood). 

-As the night went on I was still pissed but trying to hide it and she was all over me and acting like it was old times. I kept telling myself to just get over it and be glad for the {0} I was gonna get at the end of the night.
-We finally get back to her place and I realize there's just no way I'm gonna be able to get it up when I'm that drunk and that mad
. She came in the room like half dressed and I said nah you know what *@*% it, I'm just gonna go home cus if I'm being honest I'm really mad at you. We proceeded to have an hourlong conversation and I STILL don't really know where we're at now. 
  I don't even think she remembers having the conversation
The next morning I was snowed in so I chilled at her place all day and we ordered pizza and watched The Sandlot and a Gangland marathon on the History Channel

-I've only got $400 in the bank right now and no job over winter break. I don't have any idea how I'm gonna pay my rent next month. 

-I'm rarely able to fall asleep before 3 o clock. Sometimes I just stay up til 6 or 7 even if there's nothing to do. 

-Every time I finish watching porn I almost instantly feel disgusted with myself

-I've lost 40 lbs in the last 6 months but am honestly not any happier with the way I look. I've still got about 15 lbs worth of fat in all the wrong places and a lot of my clothes are too big now; it's a good thing but it sucks at the same time.

-I find a lot more comfort in the temporary joy of eating a whole pizza or otherwise indulging myself with food than I do from eating well for months and working out.
I'm not a big picture guy and it's very hard for me to make the right decisions in the moment even if I know it pays off in the long run.

-I haven't paid much attention to news or politics in years. I'll check out the headlines on CNN once in awhile or if somebody posts an article on NT I'll read it, but other than that I really just don't give a crap. My mom said something about Harry Reid yesterday and aside from knowing he was a politician I had no clue who he was
I've become very disenchanted with the whole political landscape; most people are way too strongly opinionated one way or the other and don't even care about the reality of situations, they just want to hear/believe whatever tilt will support what they already believe. 
Originally Posted by ashleythetall

-my girlfriend of 3.5+ years dumped me in august
-we should have broke up probably about a year ago, if not longer ago
-we still haven't told a lot of people about this...only our closest friends know we're broken up
-she cheated on me hella and i found out like 3 months later...we broke up for about a month and got back together. at the time i thought she only kissed some dude. i should have known better.
-before she dumped me she came clean about everything...resulting in breaking my heart into like a million pieces.
-for the record, i would equate a broken heart to being eaten alive or to drowning to death
-what i'm more mad about is that she seemed perfect. great body, great face, and a personality to match. however i would blame her demise a couple of her bop %!!*#!% friends that give advice like they know something and like they have someone who actually loves them. #!!+%%@ @#%$%+%*. yes i am mad. its the worst feeling in the world...its taken time, but i'm lowkey over it
-anyways, long story short...we dont speak for a while, we start talking again as friends and its actually kind of cool
-i sleep at her apt a few night a week just because being single is so goddamned friends who know we're broken up don't this, if they did they'd lose a lot of respect for me
-i'm a huge simp and still do a lot of the things i did when she was my girlfriend...but the strangest part about this is that i'm not attracted to her AT ALL. i really couldnt force myself to think about her sexually just grosses me out. at this point since its not sex related, i cant understand why i still simp to her. i've decided i'm a chump and too nice.

-as far as work goes...if this one little situation doesn't get fixed very soon...i'm going to walk away from my job bc i can't take it anymore

-one kind of really great thing about a hot ex that she still has hot of which is into niketalk, i confess that my ex girlfriend is my wingman to this new girl who i find oddly cute and sexy and interesting and i think it'll be good lulz
Please update with pics of both ex and current chick who you're after...Your ex was
Originally Posted by ashleythetall

-my girlfriend of 3.5+ years dumped me in august
-we should have broke up probably about a year ago, if not longer ago
-we still haven't told a lot of people about this...only our closest friends know we're broken up
-she cheated on me hella and i found out like 3 months later...we broke up for about a month and got back together. at the time i thought she only kissed some dude. i should have known better.
-before she dumped me she came clean about everything...resulting in breaking my heart into like a million pieces.
-for the record, i would equate a broken heart to being eaten alive or to drowning to death
-what i'm more mad about is that she seemed perfect. great body, great face, and a personality to match. however i would blame her demise a couple of her bop %!!*#!% friends that give advice like they know something and like they have someone who actually loves them. #!!+%%@ @#%$%+%*. yes i am mad. its the worst feeling in the world...its taken time, but i'm lowkey over it
-anyways, long story short...we dont speak for a while, we start talking again as friends and its actually kind of cool
-i sleep at her apt a few night a week just because being single is so goddamned friends who know we're broken up don't this, if they did they'd lose a lot of respect for me
-i'm a huge simp and still do a lot of the things i did when she was my girlfriend...but the strangest part about this is that i'm not attracted to her AT ALL. i really couldnt force myself to think about her sexually just grosses me out. at this point since its not sex related, i cant understand why i still simp to her. i've decided i'm a chump and too nice.

-as far as work goes...if this one little situation doesn't get fixed very soon...i'm going to walk away from my job bc i can't take it anymore

-one kind of really great thing about a hot ex that she still has hot of which is into niketalk, i confess that my ex girlfriend is my wingman to this new girl who i find oddly cute and sexy and interesting and i think it'll be good lulz
Please update with pics of both ex and current chick who you're after...Your ex was
I love my ex and can't stop thinking about her even after almost 7 years. We still friends but that fire burned out long ago for her I believe. The worst thing about it is we broke up because I went to college in another country, I haven't gone back and moved on with my life. I have a baby now with somebody else and we live together but I am miserable. I think I made the biggest mistake of my life leaving her behind.

Is this crazy?  
I love my ex and can't stop thinking about her even after almost 7 years. We still friends but that fire burned out long ago for her I believe. The worst thing about it is we broke up because I went to college in another country, I haven't gone back and moved on with my life. I have a baby now with somebody else and we live together but I am miserable. I think I made the biggest mistake of my life leaving her behind.

Is this crazy?  
  • I'm 23 graduated in May w/my BA in Psychology but I had a 2.4 GPA 
  • I'm not sure if any graduate programs will even accept that (It's on my mind all day)
  • I don't know if I want to do sports psychology or psychiatry
  • I'm afraid of being a failure
  • I'm 23 graduated in May w/my BA in Psychology but I had a 2.4 GPA 
  • I'm not sure if any graduate programs will even accept that (It's on my mind all day)
  • I don't know if I want to do sports psychology or psychiatry
  • I'm afraid of being a failure
I dont think I will ever fall in love again.... seriously. I'm not afraid of it just dont believe in it anymore.I don't think modern people really understand what love is.My mom really is an unpleasant person to be around most of the time and we are not close at all. I think I'm addicted to music it's ability to change my mood and brain waves is amazing. I need something amazing to happen in my life it's been repetitive lately. I love people watching.Im too picky when it comes to women and it's not good.
I dont think I will ever fall in love again.... seriously. I'm not afraid of it just dont believe in it anymore.I don't think modern people really understand what love is.My mom really is an unpleasant person to be around most of the time and we are not close at all. I think I'm addicted to music it's ability to change my mood and brain waves is amazing. I need something amazing to happen in my life it's been repetitive lately. I love people watching.Im too picky when it comes to women and it's not good.
Originally Posted by untouchable jc

I love my ex and can't stop thinking about her even after almost 7 years. We still friends but that fire burned out long ago for her I believe. The worst thing about it is we broke up because I went to college in another country, I haven't gone back and moved on with my life. I have a baby now with somebody else and we live together but I am miserable. I think I made the biggest mistake of my life leaving her behind.

Is this crazy?  

Wow...I completely understand bro.

Me and my ex also broke up 7 years ago and i still think about her.

We broke up because, just like you, I was heading over to college, while she was still had one more year of high school left. We (well she really) was convinced that it wouldn't work with the distance and all that so we called it quits.

We still talked and all that, years after our breakup almost like we hadn't even split up. She'd visit me in school, we'd chill together when we both had breaks etc.

We also would have lil arguments and ishhh, almost like couples, and then makeup like it was nothing...

Our last argument was the straw that broke the camels back, however. She revealed some messed up stuff that happened right after we broke up originally (slept with a friend a mutual friend of mine). To get back at her, I then revealed to her all the tail that was being thrown my way, which though I had always refused on account of my feeling for her, I was no longer going to be so accommodating for her feelings.

She got mad, I got mad. She started talking about racial ishhh like how black guys aint ishhh (meanwhile I'm black) and how she was messing with a white dude who was soooooo much better than me. And that was it. Told her to lose all my contact info, 'cause I was going to do the same for her, and since then, we haven't communicated.

What sucks is the fact that on two previous occasions, I've actually run into her and her shining "white-knight." The first time was ODDDDD awkward and she was clearly perturbed when she saw me. Me I just looked away like I didn't even know her. The ishhh still burned like a muth*** though. Recently just saw her again over thanksgiving break with the same guy. I've seen FB vacation pics and whatnot, so it looks like they're happy...

While I still have feeling for her, I don't think I'm in love with her. It just that the burnt me baddddd with the last conversation we had...

Originally Posted by untouchable jc

I love my ex and can't stop thinking about her even after almost 7 years. We still friends but that fire burned out long ago for her I believe. The worst thing about it is we broke up because I went to college in another country, I haven't gone back and moved on with my life. I have a baby now with somebody else and we live together but I am miserable. I think I made the biggest mistake of my life leaving her behind.

Is this crazy?  

Wow...I completely understand bro.

Me and my ex also broke up 7 years ago and i still think about her.

We broke up because, just like you, I was heading over to college, while she was still had one more year of high school left. We (well she really) was convinced that it wouldn't work with the distance and all that so we called it quits.

We still talked and all that, years after our breakup almost like we hadn't even split up. She'd visit me in school, we'd chill together when we both had breaks etc.

We also would have lil arguments and ishhh, almost like couples, and then makeup like it was nothing...

Our last argument was the straw that broke the camels back, however. She revealed some messed up stuff that happened right after we broke up originally (slept with a friend a mutual friend of mine). To get back at her, I then revealed to her all the tail that was being thrown my way, which though I had always refused on account of my feeling for her, I was no longer going to be so accommodating for her feelings.

She got mad, I got mad. She started talking about racial ishhh like how black guys aint ishhh (meanwhile I'm black) and how she was messing with a white dude who was soooooo much better than me. And that was it. Told her to lose all my contact info, 'cause I was going to do the same for her, and since then, we haven't communicated.

What sucks is the fact that on two previous occasions, I've actually run into her and her shining "white-knight." The first time was ODDDDD awkward and she was clearly perturbed when she saw me. Me I just looked away like I didn't even know her. The ishhh still burned like a muth*** though. Recently just saw her again over thanksgiving break with the same guy. I've seen FB vacation pics and whatnot, so it looks like they're happy...

While I still have feeling for her, I don't think I'm in love with her. It just that the burnt me baddddd with the last conversation we had...

I think about my Ex everyday

Ive been smoking High grade bud everyday (literally) for 2 yrs and i think im addicted.

i realized that i only have about 3 real friends

im 18 with no job and dont really care

after my ex i pretty much let myself go (stop caring) IE. wifed up a snow bunny who use to get off just out of boredom and sex (im dominican) , she aint ugly or anything but we just vibe smoke and F#@$ (not really wifey material to me.)

ive pawned some of my S#$@ for money to go smoke

i turn 19 in may im in college for a major that i dont even think i wanna do.(still undecided about career)

Nothing really interests me except for clothes music and bud

i love Pu$$y (i think im a sex addict)

ive been a no show at my last job just cause i didnt wanna wake up at 6AM

ive felt completely numb these past 2 yrs like a ghost but i like it .
I think about my Ex everyday

Ive been smoking High grade bud everyday (literally) for 2 yrs and i think im addicted.

i realized that i only have about 3 real friends

im 18 with no job and dont really care

after my ex i pretty much let myself go (stop caring) IE. wifed up a snow bunny who use to get off just out of boredom and sex (im dominican) , she aint ugly or anything but we just vibe smoke and F#@$ (not really wifey material to me.)

ive pawned some of my S#$@ for money to go smoke

i turn 19 in may im in college for a major that i dont even think i wanna do.(still undecided about career)

Nothing really interests me except for clothes music and bud

i love Pu$$y (i think im a sex addict)

ive been a no show at my last job just cause i didnt wanna wake up at 6AM

ive felt completely numb these past 2 yrs like a ghost but i like it .
What's good with the young cats saying they are ready for the world to end?? It's never that bad my dudes. I'm wondering why there are so many people contemplating suicide..
What's good with the young cats saying they are ready for the world to end?? It's never that bad my dudes. I'm wondering why there are so many people contemplating suicide..
Originally Posted by 5am6oody72

 -I'm 22 and about to graduate in May and am really scared to enter the real world. I'm an architecture major and NOBODY is getting jobs in that field right now. Unemployment is @ 40%.
-Last week I passed up sex because I was so mad at this girl I would have ended up like Peter in Forgetting Sarah Marshall


Spoiler [+]
- A few months ago I met this girl I thought would be a random hookup, but she seemed super interested in me and seemed real cool so I got to know her a little better. The more I got to know her she was real chill and down to earth, one of the coolest girls I've met. Truly loves football, a history nerd, and can play Smashing Pumpkins songs on guitar (basically the 3 coolest things a girl could be into from my end
) among many other things. Unlike most of the rest she didn't already have a bf and was actually into me.
-After a while she went from being super pressed over me to acting like I didn't exist. Never called/texted me, barely responded to my calls/texts. 
-I figured I'd just move on and take the L. Even though I was pretty pissed cus I really liked her a lot, I wasn't too dumb to take the hint that she wasn't interested anymore. It was really bothering me though because I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that I had done NOTHING wrong to make her disinterested. So I really wanted to ask her why she lost interest but I had too much pride to put myself out there like that if she had already moved on. 
-Fast forward to last week, she sends me some text like, "I just stuffed mac n cheese in a burrito. This is what finals do to me." Like I don't hear from you for a month and that's how you get back in touch?
I figured she was just delirious from not sleeping and I was pissed at her so I just said "Well I'm not surprised cus you never had %!#+ to eat in your fridge."
-The next night at like 11 I'm doing work and she texts me asking what I'm doing that night and wants me to come downtown with her and basically talking like she didn't just give me the cold shoulder for a month. I didn't wanna come across as bitter so I went to meet her even though I REALLY didn't want to b/c I didn't want to make a scene. Also I didn't know what to think/how to act since I figured she was no longer interested. She definitely wanted to see me, but were we just friends now or what?

-When I got there she seemed really happy to see me. After I'm there for like 30 mins and having a pretty good time all things considered, she starts talking about, 

"Look, I really like you, I think you're a good guy and I don't wanna hurt you. When you call or text me and I don't respond, it's cus I don't want to get into something serious and hurt you." 
I'm like what the *@*% kinda sense does that make? She goes on to tell me that she's joining the Peace Corps next summer(first time I heard of that) and she'll be doing that for 2 years so she doesn't wanna commit to something right now etc. This made me even more mad because she was the one that pursued me in the first place and acted like she wanted a relationship, if she didn't want one she shoulda told me that upfront instead of leading me on and then ignoring me and making me think she wasn't interested. I didn't want her to know that it bothered me that much so I just told her I wish she'd have told me and that I was surprised to even hear from her again. After that she kinda just moved past it, and to try and keep from getting angry I just kept drinking (I've NEVER gotten mad when I'm drunk, I always stay positive/in a good mood). 

-As the night went on I was still pissed but trying to hide it and she was all over me and acting like it was old times. I kept telling myself to just get over it and be glad for the {0} I was gonna get at the end of the night.
-We finally get back to her place and I realize there's just no way I'm gonna be able to get it up when I'm that drunk and that mad
. She came in the room like half dressed and I said nah you know what *@*% it, I'm just gonna go home cus if I'm being honest I'm really mad at you. We proceeded to have an hourlong conversation and I STILL don't really know where we're at now. 
  I don't even think she remembers having the conversation
The next morning I was snowed in so I chilled at her place all day and we ordered pizza and watched The Sandlot and a Gangland marathon on the History Channel

-I've only got $400 in the bank right now and no job over winter break. I don't have any idea how I'm gonna pay my rent next month. 

-I'm rarely able to fall asleep before 3 o clock. Sometimes I just stay up til 6 or 7 even if there's nothing to do. 

-Every time I finish watching porn I almost instantly feel disgusted with myself

-I've lost 40 lbs in the last 6 months but am honestly not any happier with the way I look. I've still got about 15 lbs worth of fat in all the wrong places and a lot of my clothes are too big now; it's a good thing but it sucks at the same time.

-I find a lot more comfort in the temporary joy of eating a whole pizza or otherwise indulging myself with food than I do from eating well for months and working out.
I'm not a big picture guy and it's very hard for me to make the right decisions in the moment even if I know it pays off in the long run.

-I haven't paid much attention to news or politics in years. I'll check out the headlines on CNN once in awhile or if somebody posts an article on NT I'll read it, but other than that I really just don't give a crap. My mom said something about Harry Reid yesterday and aside from knowing he was a politician I had no clue who he was
I've become very disenchanted with the whole political landscape; most people are way too strongly opinionated one way or the other and don't even care about the reality of situations, they just want to hear/believe whatever tilt will support what they already believe. 
My dude posted a book 
Originally Posted by 5am6oody72

 -I'm 22 and about to graduate in May and am really scared to enter the real world. I'm an architecture major and NOBODY is getting jobs in that field right now. Unemployment is @ 40%.
-Last week I passed up sex because I was so mad at this girl I would have ended up like Peter in Forgetting Sarah Marshall


Spoiler [+]
- A few months ago I met this girl I thought would be a random hookup, but she seemed super interested in me and seemed real cool so I got to know her a little better. The more I got to know her she was real chill and down to earth, one of the coolest girls I've met. Truly loves football, a history nerd, and can play Smashing Pumpkins songs on guitar (basically the 3 coolest things a girl could be into from my end
) among many other things. Unlike most of the rest she didn't already have a bf and was actually into me.
-After a while she went from being super pressed over me to acting like I didn't exist. Never called/texted me, barely responded to my calls/texts. 
-I figured I'd just move on and take the L. Even though I was pretty pissed cus I really liked her a lot, I wasn't too dumb to take the hint that she wasn't interested anymore. It was really bothering me though because I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that I had done NOTHING wrong to make her disinterested. So I really wanted to ask her why she lost interest but I had too much pride to put myself out there like that if she had already moved on. 
-Fast forward to last week, she sends me some text like, "I just stuffed mac n cheese in a burrito. This is what finals do to me." Like I don't hear from you for a month and that's how you get back in touch?
I figured she was just delirious from not sleeping and I was pissed at her so I just said "Well I'm not surprised cus you never had %!#+ to eat in your fridge."
-The next night at like 11 I'm doing work and she texts me asking what I'm doing that night and wants me to come downtown with her and basically talking like she didn't just give me the cold shoulder for a month. I didn't wanna come across as bitter so I went to meet her even though I REALLY didn't want to b/c I didn't want to make a scene. Also I didn't know what to think/how to act since I figured she was no longer interested. She definitely wanted to see me, but were we just friends now or what?

-When I got there she seemed really happy to see me. After I'm there for like 30 mins and having a pretty good time all things considered, she starts talking about, 

"Look, I really like you, I think you're a good guy and I don't wanna hurt you. When you call or text me and I don't respond, it's cus I don't want to get into something serious and hurt you." 
I'm like what the *@*% kinda sense does that make? She goes on to tell me that she's joining the Peace Corps next summer(first time I heard of that) and she'll be doing that for 2 years so she doesn't wanna commit to something right now etc. This made me even more mad because she was the one that pursued me in the first place and acted like she wanted a relationship, if she didn't want one she shoulda told me that upfront instead of leading me on and then ignoring me and making me think she wasn't interested. I didn't want her to know that it bothered me that much so I just told her I wish she'd have told me and that I was surprised to even hear from her again. After that she kinda just moved past it, and to try and keep from getting angry I just kept drinking (I've NEVER gotten mad when I'm drunk, I always stay positive/in a good mood). 

-As the night went on I was still pissed but trying to hide it and she was all over me and acting like it was old times. I kept telling myself to just get over it and be glad for the {0} I was gonna get at the end of the night.
-We finally get back to her place and I realize there's just no way I'm gonna be able to get it up when I'm that drunk and that mad
. She came in the room like half dressed and I said nah you know what *@*% it, I'm just gonna go home cus if I'm being honest I'm really mad at you. We proceeded to have an hourlong conversation and I STILL don't really know where we're at now. 
  I don't even think she remembers having the conversation
The next morning I was snowed in so I chilled at her place all day and we ordered pizza and watched The Sandlot and a Gangland marathon on the History Channel

-I've only got $400 in the bank right now and no job over winter break. I don't have any idea how I'm gonna pay my rent next month. 

-I'm rarely able to fall asleep before 3 o clock. Sometimes I just stay up til 6 or 7 even if there's nothing to do. 

-Every time I finish watching porn I almost instantly feel disgusted with myself

-I've lost 40 lbs in the last 6 months but am honestly not any happier with the way I look. I've still got about 15 lbs worth of fat in all the wrong places and a lot of my clothes are too big now; it's a good thing but it sucks at the same time.

-I find a lot more comfort in the temporary joy of eating a whole pizza or otherwise indulging myself with food than I do from eating well for months and working out.
I'm not a big picture guy and it's very hard for me to make the right decisions in the moment even if I know it pays off in the long run.

-I haven't paid much attention to news or politics in years. I'll check out the headlines on CNN once in awhile or if somebody posts an article on NT I'll read it, but other than that I really just don't give a crap. My mom said something about Harry Reid yesterday and aside from knowing he was a politician I had no clue who he was
I've become very disenchanted with the whole political landscape; most people are way too strongly opinionated one way or the other and don't even care about the reality of situations, they just want to hear/believe whatever tilt will support what they already believe. 
My dude posted a book 
Man oh Man.

I want everyone to know that this is some good read. Expressing yourself is a good start to making things better. I'm prolly going to comment on everyone's situations later. It helps me read on what other ppl are doing. Maybe I should get a job in it.
Man oh Man.

I want everyone to know that this is some good read. Expressing yourself is a good start to making things better. I'm prolly going to comment on everyone's situations later. It helps me read on what other ppl are doing. Maybe I should get a job in it.
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