Official Dallas Cowboys [3-3] vs. Philadelphia Eagles [2-4] Game Thread. Eagles Win, 34-7.

polorico wrote:
clowns, you got every call in this game from holding /pass int

ill see you soft boys come later in this year

Originally Posted by tim teufel

Look to get some picks for romo. It's clear as day they won't ever win anything with this dude.

RetroSan even crossed dude's name out

Originally Posted by Fade On You

Cowboys won't win a chip with Romo.
Eagles won't win a chip with Reid.

How do you even compare to the 2? Reid has come close MANY times and has just not been able to get over that hump. Romo hasn't even got close to winning a ring and the Cowboys have never been Superbowl contenders late in the season with Romo as their QB..The Cowboys have many weapons and good enough defense to not constantly disappoint their fans. If you traded Eli for Romo, the Cowboys would be much improved and the Giants would be 2-5 right now.
i don't know if ya'll have NFL Network but the amount of slurpage the Eagles are getting all of a sudden (
) is almost

Bandwagoning chumps
eagles baby. great game and I was glad to see mccoy get 25+ carries again. If we keep running the ball like this and teams keep playing those safeties deep, all Vick has to do is hit Celek and Avant on those intermediate routes. leh go!
UPPTEMPO8387 wrote:
Originally Posted by Fade On You

Cowboys won't win a chip with Romo.
Eagles won't win a chip with Reid.

How do you even compare to the 2? Reid has come close MANY times and has just not been able to get over that hump. Romo hasn't even got close to winning a ring and the Cowboys have never been Superbowl contenders late in the season with Romo as their QB..The Cowboys have many weapons and good enough defense to not constantly disappoint their fans. If you traded Eli for Romo, the Cowboys would be much improved and the Giants would be 2-5 right now.

I completely agree with the last matter how hard the media tries to make Romo out to be a top QB he will never be that. He will never lead that team into winning a Superbowl.

Im in a Cowboys Vs. Eagles thread posting my observations about both teams tho, not comparing them per se.

The thing about Reid is, no matter how many times he makes it to the Superbowl or how many times he comes close, his play calling will always *!+@ up the Eagles chances of actually winning the championship....he is not a Superbowl Championship caliber coach...the Eagles need someone to push them over the hump and give them that extra "it" factor. Look at it this way....McNabb was traded because the organization knows he won't win a Superbowl and getting rid of him is giving the Eagles a better shot at accomplishing that. Reid is the same way. Will he get you to the post season? 7/10 times probably. Will he win a Championship? No. Reid has a long standing pattern of horrible play calling and absolutely horrible coaching decisions. Give me Superbowl wins > Division Championships ANY DAY. Reid is 3rd or 4th in line i believe to be the longest tenured coach to never win a Superbowl. How many almost wins does it take for you to say things need to be changed?
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