Official Dallas Cowboys [3-3] vs. Philadelphia Eagles [2-4] Game Thread. Eagles Win, 34-7.

was out with my boys for the game.. didn't expect this.. but i'm glad we are starting to play like what we are capable of doing..

i'm not going talk crap after the fact.. or kick someone when they are down..

Originally Posted by itsaboutthattime

was out with my boys for the game.. didn't expect this.. but i'm glad we are starting to play like what we are capable of doing..

i'm not going talk crap after the fact.. or kick someone when they are down..

Originally Posted by itsaboutthattime

was out with my boys for the game.. didn't expect this.. but i'm glad we are starting to play like what we are capable of doing..

i'm not going talk crap after the fact.. or kick someone when they are down..


Don't get your hopes up fam..The Eagles lose by 2, it's nothing but "
@Eagles" and a bunch of quotes where Eagles' fans predicted a W..But when the team has a good performance, people act like they didn't see the game. Doesn't bother me though. I've watched every single minute of Eagles football this season so I know what this team is capable of

Oh yeah, and for the record...This "overrated secondary" gave up 1 passing TD over the past 2 games combined...If the secondary has finally developed some chemistry, things will be much different
Three weeks in a row where the Sunday night game was over by half time. Hopefully Pittsburgh and Baltimore will not continue with that trend next week.
Originally Posted by itsaboutthattime

^ between rob, dez and this thread.. the ammo is there

True..Rob calling the Eagles the "All Hype Team"..Cowboys fans on NT saying Dez would embarrass Nnamdi...People bringing up the Cowboys' rushing defense stats..Saying Romo will have no issue with the weak secondary..Saying Murray would run for 5000 yards against our running defense. The list goes on
Oh wow, I never saw that Dez quote lol..Yeah they definitely didn't beat themselves today..They gave up 1 turnover..The rest of the game was just good Eagles defense/offense.

I will say this though..The Cowboys could have run for more yards on us than they did..Not saying they would have won the game if they ran the ball more, but Murray played pretty well when he had the ball in his hands. He probably could have run for 80-100 yards if they let him run it more often.

But on the flip side, I was really happy seeing how much Reid was letting McCoy run the ball. Against the 49ers solid rushing defense, Reid got concerned and had Vick throwing 75% of the game. Tonight, he put his trust in the O-line and McCoy and let him do his thing. I think this game made McCoy a household name to the casual NFL fan that probably didn't think he was that good.
Originally Posted by itsaboutthattime

was out with my boys for the game.. didn't expect this.. but i'm glad we are starting to play like what we are capable of doing..

i'm not going talk crap after the fact.. or kick someone when they are down..

are you new here or something? you really expect quotes of the week when dallas loses?
Man that was stinky. Eagles beat us down and congrats to all their fans for that one. Hopefully we just take this beatdown and learn a lesson that makes us roll teams the rest of the season or something.
Originally Posted by LB81986

^ I agree. I don't think its going to be shootout like everyone thinks. Nor will either team blow the other out. Its going to be cold, and plus its a night game. Like you said, the Boys have the defense and personnel to keep Vick and those WRs in check. And they can stop the run without putting 8 in the box. But on the flip side, the Eagles have a good pass rush and good corners, so they can do somethings to the Cowboys pass game. The way to attack them is run right at them. Can the Boys do that is the question? If the Cowboys can run the ball well, they got the win. If Shady McCoy gets going, I think the Eagles win. 

Just as I predicted ...
Rob Ryan 
He just went off on himself after the game. Said he had a lousy gameplan, got outcoached, put the blame completely on him. That's the type of accountability I want to see from a coach after getting your +%@ kicked. Meanwhile Garrett is just so generic with the "We gotta see what we did wrong, watch the tape, etc." He's like a nerd that is trying to hang with the big boys but is in over his head
Originally Posted by k3stacks

Originally Posted by buggz05

W/e, the most entertaining part of the game was when Dez stiff armed that db like 5 yards back on the last drive of the game.

Whatever makes you sleep @ night.
Word. That was some massive reaching right there

All I gotta say is...

Why the **** do they keep cutting to Rob Ryan? You would think he was the head coach of the Cowboys the way they talk about him.
Originally Posted by Jello B Afro

are you new here or something? you really expect quotes of the week when dallas loses?

actually i do expect them.. and it has happened this season (having quotes)..  they just weren't any dallas' quotes

now do i expect this to change this week.. i would hope so, considering the laughs had at the eagles' expense this season
clowns, you got every call in this game from holding /pass int

ill see you soft boys come later in this year
Originally Posted by polorico

clowns, you got every call in this game from holding /pass int

ill see you soft boys come later in this year

Typical troll response. There were like 3 penalties the whole damn game. Acting like they called a bunch of penalties on the Cowboys. The worst kind of loser is a sore loser.
Like I said earlier in the thread... Dez is overrated until further notice

Great game from NNamdi and our secondary... D line got good pressure as well... Offense played great... Rob Ryan was so worried about the deep ball that the run game and short/intermediate throws were there all day

Also good to see Vick running off pure instinct and not worrying about sitting in the pocket and having to find a receiver

Overall great team win.. 2 great division wins.. Prime time next week lets keep it rolling
Harbaugh blew that Niners game really...they were in control and could've iced the game away. That close to still being undefeated right now
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