Official District 9 Movie Post

Originally Posted by bruce negro

Originally Posted by ericescobar

Genuinly alien film.

I watched it today. I would nit pay to watch it again. The acting was so hard to believe in. I couldn't lower guard with this movie.

In the not-todistant-future, there are alien-filled slums with their mother ship just parked on top of them. There is this Theme oppresion and hope, but it's weird because the aliens look like bugs (of course) and don't speak English and are pretty strong and have POWERFUL weapons, but cannot get themselves to their mother ship. Hm...

The protagonist was overly emotional and unable to stick to a decision. He's a spazz. I will say I started to care about his alien buddy, but only kind of. I mean he gets pistol whipped by the potag, but then forgives him. Well...

To be fair, the final act was interesting, if only because the weapons had that look them of a videogame. Very Halo-like...

In the end, it is a diffeent movie. It's not as "smart" as so
e have said it is. It's an alien flick with a seldo
-seen creative spin. Rent it.
I have to say that some parts of this movie probably flew STRAIGHT over your head.

The ship couldn't move because the command module was down. The aliens did have DOPE weapons, but were so stupid that when they did use them, they used them to rob banks and derail trains etc etc.

Really take the time to think about this. There are a million, diseased aliens aboard a large ship. Obviously something happened at or near home that made them retreat. Therefore, most alien leaders would still be at home sorting out the situation. So you have one or two guys who actually KNOWS what the hell is going on (The main alien character) and the rest are a bunch of imbeciles. If it was the same situation but the aliens were humans, you think that EVERY human knows how to fly a rocket ship? How to fix one? No. There are some who are butchers, doctors, parents, but just because your race has developed great technology, doesn't mean EVERYONE knows how to use it.

You say the main character was overly emotional? HE'S TURNING INTO A &%$# ALIEN! So you would just be calm and trying to figure out the situation while you have half an alien body and men with guns are trying to find you, while a Nigerian warlord is trying to eat you? Get real, you'd have done the same.

And if you think about this, what's to say that this WOULDN'T happen if aliens landed and were in that situation? You think humans would just let some crazy intelligent space travelers with extremely strong weaponry do whatever they wanted until they could go home? No. Not at all. In fact, this is based off of Cape Town's District 6.... Look it up.

Overall, it's a stunning movie that will really make you think about what humanity's really capable of. I know as an African American this really hit home, because a lot of this is straight out of Jim Crow. Check it out.
Damn, Bruce Negro just murked ericescobar.
Originally Posted by Mcflyy

So i heard the aliens are supposed to be a metaphor for refugees in Africa keeping them in a certain place isolated from the public and wont let them go, is that true?
it pretty much seems the case.

overall, i enjoyed the movie, albeit a bit slow. the entire time, i kept thinking "how are all these european people going to be talking/protesting about'REMOVE THESE UNWANTED ALIENS' when they themselves should be removed out of South Africa?"

Also, the relationship between Wikus and Christopher Johnson was interesting to watch develop. The alien suit/machine at the end and that zapper raygun
why were me and my boy laughing every time Wikus fried someone with that gun??

btw, anyone think there is going to be a sequel?
how did humans learn to understand prawn language considering that prawns do not speak english?
I was thinking about the language barrier the other night too. They had been there for over 20 years so I guess that could be enough time for MNU to be able tointerpret and understand their language. Anybody else see a District 10 sequel? Personally I would like to see more about the assimilation the prawns had withhumans. Anyone else think that they should've cut out the whole aspect of him having a wife? It would've been an even better movie by cutting out theslow parts AND would've put more action scenes in it IMO. ALSO Anyone else feel that the guns were paying any homage to Quake, Unreal Tournament, Halo, andHalf-Life guns? Looked like they could be a lot of test props and explosions and effects that can be used for the rumored Halo movie.
Originally Posted by N1K3B4LLER

how did humans learn to understand prawn language considering that prawns do not speak english?

I thought it was because they had been there for 20 years. They learned how to understand it. The movie was
I kinda want a sequel, but fearing it could bebad, I wouldn't be mad if they didn't.
Enjoyed the movie.

Spoiler [+]
When they broke into MNU HQ and the dude shoots one of the security guys into pieces and Christopher was like "I thought you said not to shoot at humans?" and he said "he shot at me first...."
dudes face had me
I don't know why.......

Overall, pretty good movie, sequel maybe? Hope so.
2 or 3 days have passed since I saw the movie and I'm starting to think that it might be the best sci fi movie since the first matrix.
just saw this last night and i really enjoyed it. one of the better movies of the summer for sure.
Originally Posted by theword

I was thinking about the language barrier the other night too. They had been there for over 20 years so I guess that could be enough time for MNU to be able to interpret and understand their language. Anybody else see a District 10 sequel? Personally I would like to see more about the assimilation the prawns had with humans. Anyone else think that they should've cut out the whole aspect of him having a wife? It would've been an even better movie by cutting out the slow parts AND would've put more action scenes in it IMO. ALSO Anyone else feel that the guns were paying any homage to Quake, Unreal Tournament, Halo, and Half-Life guns? Looked like they could be a lot of test props and explosions and effects that can be used for the rumored Halo movie.

I felt the exact opposite, the character development was amazing, while the action seemed forced fro box office numbers.
Originally Posted by FEELLEAL

Really enjoyed it. Ready for District 10
Same. I hope it happens. I really enjoyed the movie last night... probably because I had 0 expectations or knowledge about it. My boy justinvited me last minute.
Originally Posted by bruce negro

Originally Posted by ericescobar

Genuinly alien film.

I watched it today. I would nit pay to watch it again. The acting was so hard to believe in. I couldn't lower guard with this movie.

In the not-todistant-future, there are alien-filled slums with their mother ship just parked on top of them. There is this Theme oppresion and hope, but it's weird because the aliens look like bugs (of course) and don't speak English and are pretty strong and have POWERFUL weapons, but cannot get themselves to their mother ship. Hm...

The protagonist was overly emotional and unable to stick to a decision. He's a spazz. I will say I started to care about his alien buddy, but only kind of. I mean he gets pistol whipped by the potag, but then forgives him. Well...

To be fair, the final act was interesting, if only because the weapons had that look them of a videogame. Very Halo-like...

In the end, it is a diffeent movie. It's not as "smart" as so
e have said it is. It's an alien flick with a seldo
-seen creative spin. Rent it.
I have to say that some parts of this movie probably flew STRAIGHT over your head.

The ship couldn't move because the command module was down. The aliens did have DOPE weapons, but were so stupid that when they did use them, they used them to rob banks and derail trains etc etc.

Really take the time to think about this. There are a million, diseased aliens aboard a large ship. Obviously something happened at or near home that made them retreat. Therefore, most alien leaders would still be at home sorting out the situation. So you have one or two guys who actually KNOWS what the hell is going on (The main alien character) and the rest are a bunch of imbeciles. If it was the same situation but the aliens were humans, you think that EVERY human knows how to fly a rocket ship? How to fix one? No. There are some who are butchers, doctors, parents, but just because your race has developed great technology, doesn't mean EVERYONE knows how to use it.

You say the main character was overly emotional? HE'S TURNING INTO A &%$# ALIEN! So you would just be calm and trying to figure out the situation while you have half an alien body and men with guns are trying to find you, while a Nigerian warlord is trying to eat you? Get real, you'd have done the same.

And if you think about this, what's to say that this WOULDN'T happen if aliens landed and were in that situation? You think humans would just let some crazy intelligent space travelers with extremely strong weaponry do whatever they wanted until they could go home? No. Not at all. In fact, this is based off of Cape Town's District 6.... Look it up.

Overall, it's a stunning movie that will really make you think about what humanity's really capable of. I know as an African American this really hit home, because a lot of this is straight out of Jim Crow. Check it out.

So glad you took the time to set this straight. Read this at work been didnt have the time to write all this, but its exactly what i was thinking.
cgi was amazing. i'm glad they didn't have a gigantic budget - looks like the money was spent on making a great movie instead of feeding huge egos.
Don't go in expecting non-stop action.

This was a "message" movie with a lot of political overtones (or is it undertones?).

I was expecting for it to be more on the horror side, but it wasn't. I guess it can be described as a sophisticated, realistic alien movie.
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