Official DragonBall Z Thread. R.I.P Akira Toriyama. You will be missed

no DBZ this week?

The Great Sayiman Arc is suppose to be for 2 or 3 weeks.
Woulda been a trash episode anyways with L-Han.

No sweat off my back
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Never in my life have I come across someone who could speak about this series and capture how I feel about it nearly word for word. He even got my feelings about the Buu Saga down. Only thing he missed was a mention of the Otherworld Tournament Saga, which I really do consider to be one of the best filler arcs in any anime.
It's happening, it's happening......................NEW SPOILERS (hint: one of the spoilers reconnects back to the canon of a certain future sibling of a current young Saiyan)

Gohan so washed, they making a movie about it.

Gotdamn 30 for 30: Washed N_'s
future trunks need to come back again in DBS, there is way too much demand for his character to leave him out of the DBS series
I just re-watched Z and finished it while waiting for the next Super episode since last weekend's one was cancelled

There's something bothersome about it all

At the end of Z, post-Buu battle, 10 years after
Everybody is mad at Goku because he hasn't kept in touch with them in 5 years

So I'm guessing that means The Multiversal Tournament (Next Arc in Super)
was the last time they saw Goku

Goku fights Uub at the tournament at the end of Z
and he apologizes to everybody because
he's gonna go on hiatus again to train Uub
so that if anything happens to him, Uub can replace him
Vegeta makes a remark that he believes it's much more than that
Goku promises he'll come back sometimes to visit instead of being unreachable for 5 years

Now here's the part that I don't like

Dragon Ball GT starts 5 years after those events...
The start of GT is Emperor Pilaf gets access to the black star dragon balls
and accidentally wishes Goku were a kid so he could beat him up

Pilaf got the Dragon Balls and wished for youth, so him, Mai, and the dog, become sone lil kids

Why don't I like this?
1) I hate Dragon Ball GT
2) I hope that this Pilaf stuff and recurrence that's present in Super
isn't leading for Dragon Ball Super to become a rehashed version of
Dragon Ball GT after the 'Multiversal Tournament' Arc/Saga

After the tournament, I'm crossing my fingers that they don't
time skip 10 years just so Pilaf can wish Goku to becone a kid
and then the rest of GT's plot kicks in with new animation and
slight storyline changes.

I just hope it Time Skips to Goku training Uub at his village and Hercule sponsoring them the money and food, then new **** happening.
Have they even acknowledge/ hinted at Uubs existence ?

I think it's over for the young bull. No more screen time.
Didn't they mention uub in Super being a baby
When they were looking for team members during the 6 vs 7 arc
Don't know, but the kid literally lives on some random island, in a world that is full of random islands, in a village that's piss poor and has to rely on some sickly looking kid for aid. Not really a surprise if he doesn't get a mention and he can't possibly play any major role in Super, because the time skip at the end of Z makes it clear that that's the first time anyone has seen him before.
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