Official DragonBall Z Thread. R.I.P Akira Toriyama. You will be missed

Throwing All that GoatHan slander  out like he did this trash

Look at ya mans b.

Washed and happy as ever.









































See how quick he had to go ssb x kaioken though

Gohan ain't even had a full 24 hrs of training and already hit top 3

Give my boy the room of spirit and time and bet Beerus and Whis try recruiting him to be the next God of Destruction
On the cusp of elimination
Will have a flash of all hes gonna lose
And then what unlocks him is a piccolo voice over

Enter Goathan
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Goku was NOT going all out. Son didn't even break sweat. Hell, he put more energy into hit Vegetas's SSB baseball x ki blasts. Son punched his son once watched him fall and gracefully brought him back to earth literally and figuratively.

A true example of Goku going all out as an SSB x Kaioken is when he fought Hit in front of Beerus and co. Son was completely done after beating Hit's attack.
Goku is definitely stronger than gohan i dont think the argument against that can be made. what i dont agree with is how you and others lump everyone together when it comes to how they fought goku and essentially ignore everything preceding t. how goku fought krillin and roshi doesnt come close to how he fought 17.

The entire fight with Krillin served as nothing more than to get krillin to reestablish himself as a warrior. goku is stupid but he's also krillins best friend. he could tell that krillin was scared and nervous about jumping back into fighting again, he doubted himself and that was easy to see. So what did goku do? he went SSB even though he did need to validate Krillin as a fighter. to show that hes worthy of fighting against and besides the strongest people in the universe. Thats literally all the episode was about. No Krillin isnt SSB level, no goku didnt have to go SSB, but he did it to reassure krillin.

The fight with Roshi seems obvious to me. Goku's goal was to subdue him. Not destroy him. Although goku mentioned that he was stronger than he had first imagined Roshi is still roshi and still human. He doesnt all of a sudden have the power to match a full power base form Goku. This served only to show that theres more to Roshi than we thought as far as his power goes, and in the last episode when Goku asked him for training he said that he'd teach goku some more of his moves, which indicates theres even attacks roshi has in his arsenal that even goku doesnt know about.

Now the fights between 17 and Gohan are completely different because the goal here for both fights wasnt some sentimental thing like Krillin, or to show that theres more to a character than we thought. Both these fights were there to determine HOW strong  17 and gohan are. Thats important because you dont look at it in the sense of how much goku had to hold back you look at how much power goku had to use. Thats why its completely different that goku went SSB against 17 and Gohan than when he fought Krillin. Both 17 and Gohan at the very least are the lowest threshold of SSB and both them are probably a good deal stronger than the lowest threshold too. Because 17 admits that he was holding back and so was goku. And when gohan and SSBx Kaioken goku clashed the world shook enough to literally surprise vegeta who was following the fight. Thats significant. And its also significant that 17 fought goku at whatever level he was fighting and literally did not lose his composure AT ALL. Thats what i mean by context and thats what i mean nuances of each episode. Super isnt that complex but if youre not paying attention than youre not picking up on anything and it might be worth waiting for the DUB so you dont miss out on stuff reading the subs.


i mad at myself for actually typing all that up but the lack of objectivity and blatant trolling by some is getting annoying as hell. I didnt think super was so deep it needed this much explanation
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Gohan is the TMac of DB. All that talent but no practice.

And Gohan may have more potential than those 2 but he will never top them in power. His potential is capped by his inconsistency.

Hard work > talent
none of this takes into account the future direction of the show and his character. For the first time in this entire series Gohan is actually just like goku and vegeta in the sense that he WANTS to get stronger and he wants to make his ultimate form stronger.  All of the gohan down talk completely ignores the fact that he has been on the rise for literally the entire series. from being an academic in the beginning of the series, to stepping out against freiza, want to get stronger, committing to training, fighting in the exhibition, to now exchanging a massive blow with SSB x Kaioken goku that surprise even the likes of vegeta to leading the Universe 7 team. The issue is you keep framing gohan in the light of DBZ when he was essentially just given his power and didnt train. But dude has literally been working to get stronger and stepping out as a warrior since he could barely maintain super sayain when freiza came back. You say inconsistency but Gohan has actually consistently been getting better and stronger the more he appeared in the show. All your comments ignore that completely.
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He's on the rise because the existence of the entire universe is at stake.

Will he have this same hunger when peace is restored?

He stepped out against freeza because he had to. Not out of his lust for combat. He isn't playing Rock Paper Scissors to decide who gets to fight the big strong guy.

All your comments ignore his complacently. Everyone's saying "Gohan is byke", but ignoring that he's done this all throughout the series. So if you guys are excited because he's going to get his 5 minutes of shine before going back to being a teacher, cool.

I was one of the front runners rooting for Future trunks when he came back. He's my favorite character. Didn't stop people from downplaying the entire black saga and future trunks power increase. It is what it is.

But let's not act like this isn't just a temporary quick fix. Gohans training has been written in to lead up to this point. It's part of the storyline. Not part of his characters nature. Had Goku not been there and had Gohan not seen the levels his father has reached, Gohan would have no desire to get stronger.

If the the world wasn't about to end, Gohan wouldn't be out here trying to become stronger. He trains for the task at hand. He doesn't train for the sake of just becoming stronger. Gohan has never cared about being the strongest.
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Also gohan is a teacer and understand how to get bettet for a deadline

Vegeta ad goku train all the time wnd still almost get washed by threats

They studying wrong
He's on the rise because the existence of the entire universe is at stake.

Will he have this same hunger when peace is restored?

He stepped out against freeza because he had to. Not out of his lust for combat. He isn't playing Rock Paper Scissors to decide who gets to fight the big strong guy.

All your comments ignore his complacently. Everyone's saying "Gohan is byke", but ignoring that he's done this all throughout the series. So if you guys are excited because he's going to get his 5 minutes of shine before going back to being a teacher, cool.

I was one of the front runners rooting for Future trunks when he came back. He's my favorite character. Didn't stop people from downplaying the entire black saga and future trunks power increase. It is what it is.

But let's not act like this isn't just a temporary quick fix. Gohans training has been written in to lead up to this point. It's part of the storyline. Not part of his characters nature. Had Goku not been there and had Gohan not seen the levels his father has reached, Gohan would have no desire to get stronger.

If the the world wasn't about to end, Gohan wouldn't be out here trying to become stronger. He trains for the task at hand. He doesn't train for the sake of just becoming stronger. Gohan has never cared about being the strongest.
but have you not seen the evolution in gohans character though?  Yeah I'll agree that part of Gohans motivation to get stronger because he has a hero complex. But thats not just it, these fillers episodes have shown gohan actually ENJOYING becoming a fighter again, and not just being a teacher dismissive of fighting when no necessary. It all started during that great saiyaman epsiode when he fought the alien. And then we saw it again when he asked goku to spar with his as super saiyains, and then we saw it again last episode when dude was smiling damn near half conscious after clashing with Kaioken x SSB. Thats something that was NEVER apart of gohans character or nature until recently. Training for the task at hand never had him embracing the role of a warrior in the past. Needing to be a hero is one thing but weve never seen gohan ever upset at the fact that hes gotten weaker until now. Thats a complete 180 from where used to stand as a character and hes been fully embracing it. For the first time Gohan isnt talking about getting strong enough to complete a task, hes talking about surpassing his limits for the sake of surpassing them. Thats a goku trait. The complete opposite of how hes been his entire history in the franchise. How is that not setting the tone for future episodes?
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I don't know if I want Gohan to go Blue

Rather him master Mystic or get some sort of Mystic 2.0 or something lol

Blue Gohan would be dope though lol but I kinda like it as Goku and Vegeta's thing
I don't know if I want Gohan to go Blue

Rather him master Mystic or get some sort of Mystic 2.0 or something lol

Blue Gohan would be dope though lol but I kinda like it as Goku and Vegeta's thing
we arent going to see that i dont think. gohan said he wants to go a different route than goku
Gohan doesn't deserve to go blue, dude will go back to being a geek after the tournament is over, that's why in the timeskip at the end of Z that Uub enters, Gohan doesn't even join the tournament because of some research panel thing. Goten and Trunks didn't want to join the tournament either..

why? because they're all half humans

they only go in fight mode when the earth is in danger, that's when their Saiyan side and lust for fighting gets activated
Goku is definitely stronger than gohan i dont think the argument against that can be made. what i dont agree with is how you and others lump everyone together when it comes to how they fought goku and essentially ignore everything preceding t. how goku fought krillin and roshi doesnt come close to how he fought 17.

The entire fight with Krillin served as nothing more than to get krillin to reestablish himself as a warrior. goku is stupid but he's also krillins best friend. he could tell that krillin was scared and nervous about jumping back into fighting again, he doubted himself and that was easy to see. So what did goku do? he went SSB even though he did need to validate Krillin as a fighter. to show that hes worthy of fighting against and besides the strongest people in the universe. Thats literally all the episode was about. No Krillin isnt SSB level, no goku didnt have to go SSB, but he did it to reassure krillin.

The fight with Roshi seems obvious to me. Goku's goal was to subdue him. Not destroy him. Although goku mentioned that he was stronger than he had first imagined Roshi is still roshi and still human. He doesnt all of a sudden have the power to match a full power base form Goku. This served only to show that theres more to Roshi than we thought as far as his power goes, and in the last episode when Goku asked him for training he said that he'd teach goku some more of his moves, which indicates theres even attacks roshi has in his arsenal that even goku doesnt know about.

Now the fights between 17 and Gohan are completely different because the goal here for both fights wasnt some sentimental thing like Krillin, or to show that theres more to a character than we thought. Both these fights were there to determine HOW strong  17 and gohan are. Thats important because you dont look at it in the sense of how much goku had to hold back you look at how much power goku had to use. Thats why its completely different that goku went SSB against 17 and Gohan than when he fought Krillin. Both 17 and Gohan at the very least are the lowest threshold of SSB and both them are probably a good deal stronger than the lowest threshold too. Because 17 admits that he was holding back and so was goku. And when gohan and SSBx Kaioken goku clashed the world shook enough to literally surprise vegeta who was following the fight. Thats significant. And its also significant that 17 fought goku at whatever level he was fighting and literally did not lose his composure AT ALL. Thats what i mean by context and thats what i mean nuances of each episode. Super isnt that complex but if youre not paying attention than youre not picking up on anything and it might be worth waiting for the DUB so you dont miss out on stuff reading the subs.


i mad at myself for actually typing all that up but the lack of objectivity and blatant trolling by some is getting annoying as hell. I didnt think super was so deep it needed this much explanation

Repped.. Great job. 
Gohan doesn't deserve to go blue, dude will go back to being a geek after the tournament is over, that's why in the timeskip at the end of Z that Uub enters, Gohan doesn't even join the tournament because of some research panel thing. Goten and Trunks didn't want to join the tournament either..

why? because they're all half humans
they only go in fight mode when the earth is in danger, that's when their Saiyan side and lust for fighting gets activated
Its because they got **** to do. Goku don't even touch his wife.
But, theoretically, Gohan can get Blue via training right?

He doesn't have to be a full sayain to access god-ki? (ssg)
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