Official E3 thread of gaming goodness!

Originally Posted by nnarum

x 9000

Edit: Gamestop still has it at 9/1/09

[h2]Mafia II and Red Dead Redemption delayed to fiscal 2010[/h2]
by Andrew Yoon { May 26th 2009 at 5:05PM }

Take-Two advised its shareholders of two big delays that will impact its earnings for the rest of the financial year. The upcoming Mafia II and Red Dead Redemption have both been delayed "to allow additional development time for the titles and to maximize their full potential in terms of the quality of the player experience and market performance." In other words, the development teams needed a bit more time.

The two titles are now planned for the first half of fiscal 2010, which spans November 2009 to April 2010. This means either of these games can still make the all-important holiday shopping season. However, even without Mafia and Red Dead Redemption, Take-Two still has a relatively strong lineup with BioShock 2, The Ballad of Gay Tony, and Borderlands.

edit - i know it says "november 09 to april 10" but these games were already rumored to come out holiday season (oct-dec) before the delay,especially mafia 2
i thought last year was the best ever gaming wise, but this year .....

mw2,fight night rd4, new splinter cell, lfd2, uncharted 2, heavy rain, halo odst, bioshock2, mass effect2, all due this year.

plus infamous, killzone2, re5, and sfiv. great time to be a gamer.
Final Fantasy VII is D/L as we speak.

I don't care that I own it already.

And Mo, you only like Uncharted because dude looks like you.
I know there ate some metroid fans so his is what I have figured of abot metroid other m. It seems to be what umbrella chrincles is to the resident Evilseries. It plays all over the place bits from metroid prime and bits tom super metroid are obvious scenes. Some stuff from even before the first Metroidperhaps. Very interesting indeed
Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

Originally Posted by ElNino8

This has to be game of E3 2009...



nah son, they saved the best for last, people in the crowd we're going crazy when they saw GOW3 it in its full 1920x1080p awsomeness

uncharted 2 might be the most underrated though, the ending of that helicopter scene, specifically where objects were flying all over the room had me

Man I forgot to add Drake to a previous list that I made. I knew I forgot something. I LOVED the first one. It was short, and the gunplay was simple, but thestory and drama had me
. Obviously the graphics were astonishing too.Sometimes, when Drake would be near a cliff, I would stop and honestly look out into the ocean and enjoy the view. Game had a crazy impression on me.

FF13 does it for me though. I picked up the compete Advent Children/FF13 demo/movie when I was in Japan a few weeks ago. And it is absolutely ridiculous
my goodness. The graphics and gameplay are
. It's sick in Japanese too, the voices are perfect. I'm definitelypicking it up when I go back to Japan In December.

FFI4 sounds good. With solid execution this game could be EPIC. Definately will keep looking into it.
Originally Posted by ErickM713

Originally Posted by Stay Lurkin


Forza 3, GT5, GTA: Ballad of Gay TONY, Left For Dead 2, Splinter Cell: Conviction, Fifa 10, NBA 2K10, MW2, GOW3, Bioshock 2, FF7 (PSN), Dirt 2, Need For Speed Shift, Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2, DJ Hero...

Man I promised myself I'd start a personal finacial revolution when I got back from Japan too
Rockstar been breakin' alot of race barriers lately!

There was:
African American
and now Hispanic with Luis

I figured it though with the Museum Piece mission when Niko,Johnny, and Luis all meet at the same time


so what are all the big games coming out this year i lie to plain ahead

so far i plan no getting

fight night round 4
nba 2k10
madden 1010
call of duty mw2

i have a ps3 and a xbox please help complete my list
Wow... Just watched both of the entire $ony and M$ conferences on gamespot.

Here's my quick rundown:

M$ - A
- Splinter Cell Conviction, Modern Warfare 2, Alan Wake all looked like fantastic games
- M$ showing innovation with things like NATAL (
) the Tony Hawk board (though how much will THAT cost??)
- Forza looks pretty good as well
- Never was into the series but MGS to 360 is huge for M$
The Beatles intro

$ony - B -

- Uncharted looks BANANAS. GT5 too. And GOW did as well. But I expected that. It's $ony's franchise. And I'm
that so many of you never playedthe 1st two GOW games.

- The depth of the motion controller was very impressive.
- At this point, I no longer care about any PS2 news. And the fact that $ony is emphasizing going past the 10 year cycle for the PS2 was annoying to me.
- MAG looks like a hot mess. Like someone said, way too much going on...
- I'm not understanding the point of selling the PSP Go next to the PSP 3000. It seems like $ony is making the same mistake they did with trying to supportthe PS2 next to the PS3. If they had ended the PS2's cycle and forced people to cop a PS3, I think they would have been better off. Just my opinion though.
- Forcing yet another piece of proprietorship on us with the M2 for the PSP Go.
(I don't own a PSP so I'm not sure if this supports the M2 or not)
- No PS3 price-drop.

I didn't watch Nintendo's conference.
And I've never been into Halo or FF so I couldn't care less about those titles.

M$ had a great overall show.
$ony only had a great ending. Admit it, you were all yawning throughout the first 2/3 of their conference.

But kudos to $ony (and M$) for at least bringing something "new" to the table in regards to their Wii "clones".
Oh, and
at Kojima's blog.
Originally Posted by SHUGES

Wow... Just watched both of the entire $ony and M$ conferences on gamespot.

Here's my quick rundown:

M$ - A
- Splinter Cell Conviction, Modern Warfare 2, Alan Wake all looked like fantastic games
- M$ showing innovation with things like NATAL (
) the Tony Hawk board (though how much will THAT cost??)
- Forza looks pretty good as well
- Never was into the series but MGS to 360 is huge for M$
The Beatles intro

$ony - B -

- Uncharted looks BANANAS. GT5 too. And GOW did as well. But I expected that. It's $ony's franchise. And I'm
that so many of you never played the 1st two GOW games.

- The depth of the motion controller was very impressive.
- At this point, I no longer care about any PS2 news. And the fact that $ony is emphasizing going past the 10 year cycle for the PS2 was annoying to me.
- MAG looks like a hot mess. Like someone said, way too much going on...
- I'm not understanding the point of selling the PSP Go next to the PSP 3000. It seems like $ony is making the same mistake they did with trying to support the PS2 next to the PS3. If they had ended the PS2's cycle and forced people to cop a PS3, I think they would have been better off. Just my opinion though.
- Forcing yet another piece of proprietorship on us with the M2 for the PSP Go.
(I don't own a PSP so I'm not sure if this supports the M2 or not)
- No PS3 price-drop.

I didn't watch Nintendo's conference.
And I've never been into Halo or FF so I couldn't care less about those titles.

M$ had a great overall show.
$ony only had a great ending. Admit it, you were all yawning throughout the first 2/3 of their conference.

But kudos to $ony (and M$) for at least bringing something "new" to the table in regards to their Wii "clones".
Oh, and
at Kojima's blog.
And what exclusive form MS made you say
? Forza? Anotherdumb Halo expansion? Common bro be realistic. MW2 is nothing to brag about because it's multi. I'll give you Splinter Cell, but the other MSexclusives were okay. Natal is cool but the PS3 sensor was just a notch under. Alan Wake seemed good too.

PS God of War 3 stole the show hands down. GT5 took a dump on Forza. Uncharted was sick. FF14, even tho I won't buy it but many will. And the new Icogame was just beautiful. Common don't be biased. I'm known as a PS supporter but PS exlcusives > MS exlcusives at this show. And that's whatstole the show. I admit it was boring in the beginning. But once they hit the PS3 they killed it. I bet you'd say the same thing if MS had a hand heldand they stressed it for over an hour.

I watched the show from an unbiased perspective, and IMO, MS took way to much time stressing multi platforms. While PS just did straight exclusives.
To the people who are saying no need to mention Call of Duty MW2, did you not hear in the presentation. MS has locked down the first 2 map packs on theirsystem first. They didn't say for how long, but that is HUGE!!

And to Biggie62, hate to throw this at you dude. But God of war stole the show..... are you serious... I like God of War. But its the same game it has been foryears dude, not that big of a deal. Uncharted does look nice, but GT5 dump on forza? How long has Sony been dangling GT5 in PS3 owners faces....... since therelease of the dang system. And I am a gamer I love my xbox and ps3 but I am not going to lie to myself and say ps3 stole the show.

Oh and one more Playstation saying got obliterated.

"MGS will never be on xbox360"

Case closed.
PS3 was the clear winner here.

Their motion sensor actually uses a 1:1 capture ratio which makes quite a difference when playing.

Playing FPS online w/ that should be fun

I don't see anything particularly
about the 360 showing. NATAL is a disaster waiting to happen.

I guess being able to twitter is cool.

wii motion plus...finally.
Stargalaqtic wrote:
Oh and one more Playstation saying got obliterated.

"MGS will never be on xbox360"

Case closed.


Is it Metal Gear Solid 5? No?

You got a filler. Congrats. It is still going to be an amazing game, but it's like getting Final Fantasy X-2... who cares.

No one won E3 except consumers. Some great stuff presented by all 3.

FFXIV, though.
Originally Posted by 2sappy

Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

Originally Posted by 2sappy

Originally Posted by nnarum

Don't sleep on this game, even though the Nintendo conference sucked.

Video Games | Metroid: Other M | E3 09: Debut Trailer HD

XBox 360 | Playstation 3 | Nintendo Wii
oh my lord. i almost cried watching this
I have found a purpose for my Wii again
i guess i have to clean the dust off of it now
I was thinking the same thing
Originally Posted by rickybadman

Originally Posted by Biggie62

Originally Posted by SHUGES

Wow... Just watched both of the entire $ony and M$ conferences on gamespot.

Here's my quick rundown:

M$ - A
- Splinter Cell Conviction, Modern Warfare 2, Alan Wake all looked like fantastic games
- M$ showing innovation with things like NATAL (
) the Tony Hawk board (though how much will THAT cost??)
- Forza looks pretty good as well
- Never was into the series but MGS to 360 is huge for M$
The Beatles intro

$ony - B -

- Uncharted looks BANANAS. GT5 too. And GOW did as well. But I expected that. It's $ony's franchise. And I'm
that so many of you never played the 1st two GOW games.

- The depth of the motion controller was very impressive.
- At this point, I no longer care about any PS2 news. And the fact that $ony is emphasizing going past the 10 year cycle for the PS2 was annoying to me.
- MAG looks like a hot mess. Like someone said, way too much going on...
- I'm not understanding the point of selling the PSP Go next to the PSP 3000. It seems like $ony is making the same mistake they did with trying to support the PS2 next to the PS3. If they had ended the PS2's cycle and forced people to cop a PS3, I think they would have been better off. Just my opinion though.
- Forcing yet another piece of proprietorship on us with the M2 for the PSP Go.
(I don't own a PSP so I'm not sure if this supports the M2 or not)
- No PS3 price-drop.

I didn't watch Nintendo's conference.
And I've never been into Halo or FF so I couldn't care less about those titles.

M$ had a great overall show.
$ony only had a great ending. Admit it, you were all yawning throughout the first 2/3 of their conference.

But kudos to $ony (and M$) for at least bringing something "new" to the table in regards to their Wii "clones".
Oh, and
at Kojima's blog.
And what exclusive form MS made you say
? Forza? Another dumb Halo expansion? Common bro be realistic. MW2 is nothing to brag about because it's multi. I'll give you Splinter Cell, but the other MS exclusives were okay. Natal is cool but the PS3 sensor was just a notch under. Alan Wake seemed good too.

PS God of War 3 stole the show hands down. GT5 took a dump on Forza. Uncharted was sick. FF14, even tho I won't buy it but many will. And the new Ico game was just beautiful. Common don't be biased. I'm known as a PS supporter but PS exlcusives > MS exlcusives at this show. And that's what stole the show. I admit it was boring in the beginning. But once they hit the PS3 they killed it. I bet you'd say the same thing if MS had a hand held and they stressed it for over an hour.

I watched the show from an unbiased perspective, and IMO, MS took way to much time stressing multi platforms. While PS just did straight exclusives.
Ummmm I know people will call me a fan boy but, If you write down the Xbox Exclusives coming in 2009 (you know the year we are in right now) and compare them to Sony's exclusives then it becomes clear that MS snatched 2009 away from Sony. It was more of the same Sony showing games coming nowhere near releasing and MS putting solid dates no their stuff. Only Uncharted, MAG and GoW3 had dates, only 2 of those games release in 2009 and only one of those games looked good. And now Square is saying they are "targeting" a 2010 for 14.
Face it is fall it is Sony that will be relying more on multi-platforms, not MS.
MS has nice full price expansion pack coming this fall...why would Sony release most of it's hot title during fall/winter when 3rd party companies releasing there big hit titles also....hello COD:MW2!!,MADDEN, RockBand Beatles, Tekken....etc....look at the first half of 2009 (hello this year), MS been quiet as hell!! while Sony making a bit of noise.
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