Official E3 thread of gaming goodness!

Slowly but surely they all convert.
You put downloadable content and a re-release of a decent N64 game?

Why not put the Fallout 3 D/L content on there! OH AND YOU FORGOT the map packs for MW2!!


Oh Richard, you crazy.
Richie, Rick, Ricky, ick with a D, I don't care! I have White Knight Chronicles, Final Fantasy XIII, Versus, XIV, Agito, and Dissidia dropping. I couldcare less about anything else.

Unlike you, I only care about the games I like, not every type of game dropping from my "beloved"system.

And yes, I was going crazy over FFVII. But find where I said it was OVA FOR X-BOX OVAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

Also... for arguements sake... Argueably one of the most influenial games in history > A 007 Clone.
^ Did you just mention a bunch of FF games? LOL I dont even care anymore all you dude who hate xbox all your doing is missing out on awesome games. And we willsee how important those map packs for MW2 are very soon. Or maybe you forgot how popular COD4 is.
I have to agree w/ Biggie, MS underwhelmed and bank hard on 3rd party. MW2 ia 3rd party, Beatles Rockband, 3rd Party, MGS:R 3rd Party, TH: Ride is 3rd Party.All they show is other people stuff and multiplat. There own, another Halo spinoff?
. Forza 3 looks cool but it's too arcadey and not sim, Crackdown 2had a CG trailer
, Splinter Cell will never be as good as the dev talk about show. MS hottest product of the show (Natal) isn't gonna see the light ofday till Fall 2010, if that (PR Rep). It's also not proven to be logical. No controllers? Really? How many games will support that? There is a greatarticle on Natal Milo from that ill post in a minute, showing it's flaws and way to early progress. It's dope tech though, just nothappening anytime soon and the only reason why the show it was they knew Sony and Nintendo would show off there motion sensor products.

Why is that dude Ricky Bobby always talking about sales? Are you in the accounting department? Sales don't mean crap, example GTAIV, it was trash but hellit sold a lot. Kane and Lynch was crap, it sold a lot. Heavenly Sword was crap, sold a lot etc.
Splinter Cell will never be as good as the dev talk about show

^ They did show the gameplay, did you miss it. Looked great.
And everyone taking about MS relying on 3rd party titles. What do you expect, time to step back and give MS some props. Only 2 generations into the gamingindustry, and they are making great progress.
Facebook on Xbox = Some loud, racist, or generally annoying kid getting tracked down in real life

I cant wait to see this on the news
Richardo Avalon, here is a few games from other genres... just so you can stop whining.

Yakuza 3

Heavy Rain

Ratchet and Clank

Uncharted 2

White Knight Chronicles


Fat Princess


Now, my release date knowledge isn't amazing, so if something has slipped to 2010, feel free to point that out as ignorantly as possible, which I am sureyou will be able to.

^ Did you just mention a bunch of FF games? LOL I dont even care anymore all you dude who hate xbox all your doing is missing out on awesome games. And we will see how important those map packs for MW2 are very soon. Or maybe you forgot how popular COD4 is.

Also, I AM COD4...
Map packs are important, though. PS3 will geteventually, and my roomate has a 360, so I'll be able to see them.
What do you expect, time to step back and give MS some props. Only 2 generations into the gaming industry, and they are making great progress.
For selling a faulty product? I went through RROD 2 times before I said #$%@ it and got myself a launch PS3 and its been working just like thefirst day I bought it. Most of my friends are making the move as their 360s go down. I will admit the game selection for the PS3 was not on 360s level in thebeginning, but developers are now showcasing PS3's impressive ability.
You guys are seriously arguing who has the better lineup in 2009. It's the 360 by a mile...really only 'blockbuster' exclusive titles if you caneven call them that that PS3 has this year are Uncharted 2 and Heavy Rain. That's one reason why I'm waiting to purchase a PS3 next year cause reallythey don't have anything that I HAVE to have that isn't available on 360.

Anyway, why haven't we heard anything from 2K @ E3 yet? They better be coming out with NBA 2K10 or else.
E3 has been good for me thus far...
Golden Sun DS
Kingdom Hearts DS
Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks
Assassins Creed 2 (might be a renter... the first wasn't a "must own" imo)
Front Mission Evolved (hopefully it plays like FM3)
Uncharted 2 (renter?)
White Knight Chronicles
Alan Wake
Mass Effect 2
Dragon Age Origins
Star Wars: The Old Republic (why do TOR and XIV have to come out in the same year? I don't have enough time for two friggin' MMO's)

I don't know why there are so many people nerd raging in here... looks like the next 2 years will be good for every genre (esp. RPers
Originally Posted by yAyToNyO

What do you expect, time to step back and give MS some props. Only 2 generations into the gaming industry, and they are making great progress.
For selling a faulty product? I went through RROD 2 times before I said #$%@ it and got myself a launch PS3 and its been working just like the first day I bought it. Most of my friends are making the move as their 360s go down. I will admit the game selection for the PS3 was not on 360s level in the beginning, but developers are now showcasing PS3's impressive ability.

How many ps2 got the DRE, I went through 6.
Originally Posted by 100PROOF

Facebook on Xbox = Some loud, racist, or generally annoying kid getting tracked down in real life

I cant wait to see this on the news
Originally Posted by rickybadman

Square Enix confirms that FF14 is not a PS3 exclusive and the game can show up on Xbox 360

You have a source?

Not that I don't believe you, it's just that I was reading yesterday that it could have came out on 360, but the hardware couldn't handle it.

How many ps2 got the DRE, I went through 6.

My OG was sold to a friend and is still going strong.


^ Good looks, I'll see if I can find the article about the hardware issue.

I mean, it's a console MMORPG, so who cares, right?
final fantasy14 12:07 A: The current plans are to have worldwide servers that are cross-platform and cross-region. We will do a beta test andlook at the balance and player experience. We want to look for a good balance between region and cross-region play.

Beta confirmed!
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