***Official Eagles @ Patriots on NBC SNF vol. largest spread in NFL history***


Moss just farted...and the crowd (NT) goes wild.

Wow - JR Reed just smacked Welker there too.. that's what i think you've also gotta do on offense is go after these Pats receivers... make them thinkabout coming acrossed the middle a little.
Man I liked what Feeley did on the second drive but you cannot give the Pats points without their offense touching the field. It is just not something that canhappen if you want to beat the Pats.
maybe mcnabb is slowin yall down, cuz the eagles (comin froma pat fan)is lookin pretty good right now
Wow I know yall Pats fans remember the Super Bowl. That TD catch by Lewis looked exactly like the one in the Super Bowl. I like the O right now. We have tohold the Pats to a FG.
MisterP0315 & Craftsy are competing for the biggest Patriots hater award
. This is shaping up to be a game.
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