May I hear your reasoning? I know Knight struggles (I've had him) and Reggie Jackson is filling in for Westbrook, but what about longterm?
Long term at the least he's gonna be the sixth man so he'll still have a lot of value his upside is him being their third scorer
May I hear your reasoning? I know Knight struggles (I've had him) and Reggie Jackson is filling in for Westbrook, but what about longterm?
Long term at the least he's gonna be the sixth man so he'll still have a lot of value his upside is him being their third scorer
knight is just a pain in the A for owners. he is going to be more annoying than helpful. dont be the knight owner in your league if you have value in the FA
Just drafted for my first league.... everyone autodrafted but me.

whacha think NT?

View media item 626632

HUGE league... dont know why we got so many players but eh... money league.
- picked up a lot of rookies at the end just for ***** and giggles. And a good amount of Big Men for trade value.
- 2 per position with 3 util

Have one more draft this week, still looking to get into some more. LMK IM DOWN FOR ANYTHING, BRING IT ON!
Just drafted for my first league.... everyone autodrafted but me.

whacha think NT?

HUGE league... dont know why we got so many players but eh... money league.
- picked up a lot of rookies at the end just for ***** and giggles. And a good amount of Big Men for trade value.
- 2 per position with 3 util

Have one more draft this week, still looking to get into some more. LMK IM DOWN FOR ANYTHING, BRING IT ON!

Bron, Rose, Davis, and Parker?
Did I make the right choice in selecting Jimmy Butler over Joe Johnson?
they're about the same fantasy wise. joe is a great player but will be hindered by all the talent around him. butler is young and athletic and hes growing into his own game and the system so he will be relied on heavily since rip is gone. id take butler over joe this year since he has so much upside especially in an injury prone team
View media item 626793Just drafted for the first time. Any help would be appreciated. Don't know what I'm missing but I tried to pick up a variety of players for each position. I was the 11th seed out of 12.
Just drafted for the first time. Any help would be appreciated. Don't know what I'm missing but I tried to pick up a variety of players for each position. I was the 11th seed out of 12.
i would look to move a SF for a C, you only have 4 Cs with one being a rookie and one shooting 38% from the line. i would say the SF position is the hardest to find this year so you might be able to find someone looking for a SF
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