Official Fantasy Basketball Thread

Blatche AND Deng? I would've hit that accept button with no hesitation.

Forgot to set my roster for today... Landry Fields & Grant Hill on the bench 
[font=arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif]I need some major help guys.  Im currently 10/12 in my league. My team:[/font]
[font=arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif]

  1. Kirk Hinrich
  2. DeMar DeRozan
  3. Rodney Stuckey
  4. Tracy McGrady
  5. Kevin Garnett
  6. Blake Griffin
  7. DeMarcus Cousins
  8. (Dwight Howard
  9. John Wall
  10. Monta Ellis
  11. Chris Bosh
  12. Ty Lawson
  13. Manny Harris
I was thinking of trading away Blake since his stock is super high now.  Perhaps for Westbrook?  I really need 3's.  Maybe wright + someone else.

^whos in your FA? you might not need to trade blake away cause you can drop guys like demar and manny to pick up better players. go to your FA and click sort by "rank" and write some names down

does anyone know if dorell wright got injured tonight? he only played 28 minutes which is very little compared to the 40 he averages...
probably greg monroe since they are playing at boston and ariza since you dont really need much from him and his fg could hurt you. whats your opponents lineup looking like?
hm i think its safe to punt assists at this point, his pg's are going to take over that category. you should be able to win all the others though, maybe a little trouble with ft's since you have nene, ibaka, fields and odom
Originally Posted by joegolfdad

8 cat roto, what side would you take?
Eric Gordon and David West
Chris Paul and Jared Dudley

Eric Gordon and David West easily unless your extremely desperate for assists
Should I keep Camby or drop him for Noah? I'm in first so I rather keep one or the other rather than pick up a scrub
Originally Posted by nublee

Should I keep Camby or drop him for Noah? I'm in first so I rather keep one or the other rather than pick up a scrub
I'd go for Noah. Noah intends on being back Feb. 24. That's about 5 weeks from now. This surgery for Camby says it could keep him out 4-5 weeks, but there's uncertainty how fast he'll come back because Portland could fall further out of the top 8 in the West while he's gone so the need to "rush" him might not be there. IMO, Noah's the more sure thing.
But Conley has been chucking up enough bricks to build a house, but I digress.
I had him earlier in the season drafted him with my 2nd to last pick
and traded Conley+Bargs for Lee+Ray Ray
now the guy I traded with has dropped Conley
But my only PGs are Calderon and Nash. Definitely could use some depth. Mo Williams is available as well though...
I dont see Fields hitting a rookie wall anytime soon, unless Melo gets moved to NY. THEN, he'll take a hit in minutes, but he'll still easily get 25+.

Paul, i know this is late but i would have left it the way it was. How did it turn out for you last night?
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