Official FIFA Soccer 14 Thread

So whats the deal with the new legends? Are they for UT only? If so has anyone gotten one?
anyone know any good "low key" CF/ST ? I play career mode so im in it for the long run.. I want someone who starts at like a 76-80

I want strictly a goalscorer, poacher, etc to come off the bench.. I start with Benteke on arsenal

Preferably Dutch lol.. I got Luuk de Jong but I didnt like him
So whats the deal with the new legends? Are they for UT only? If so has anyone gotten one?

Releasing after the next gen drop. But the freezing in this game is on some other steez, it either freezes while I'm in the area loadin up a match or during a match and I get the L WTF.
Fut. Atlectico 300. Yes I spent money on packs. :rolleyes But only Casillas, Defoe and Ozil came from that. I mainly use Kevin Gamero at ST though.

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Sell Ozil and pick up IF Isco hes a god, Then you can use any BBVA Striker or any Spanish striker. I recommend Torres or Diego Costa untill you get the coins for Benzema. then you can use someone like Alex Song in the CM spot hes a monster this year
As usual NT is resistant to change.

The off the ball movement and AI alone negates whatever you have to complain about and make this better than any FIFA in the past by default.  I've been asking for this from FIFA for years, you can play actual soccer now. 

The movement + the improved passing = there are DIMES to be had for days. Got me out here pinging it feelin something like Andrea Pirlo. I've always felt limited in the precision and range past FIFA games allowed. Possession soccer finally has a purpose and a concrete place in the game. 

Love how maintaining possession actually takes thought now. A lot more thought is required before you receive the ball, you have to have a much better idea of what you're actually going to do with the ball before you get it and I don't mean with you're next pass, I mean with you're very next touch. You also can't just change directions with the L stick to escape pressure, you're better off shielding and using body positioning. All much more realistic. 

A lot of people have mentioned that they're getting caught from behind, I've found that it's really not about sprint speed, it's about using the L stick to maintain your advantageous body position keeping the attacker in between the ball and the defender as you progress towards goal. If the defender is directly behind you, he's not going to catch you, if he's slightly to either side he's going to slow you down and catch you. Once you get in behind the defender, you have to stay behind the defender or he's gonna catch you in dispossess you just like in real life. 

This is an actual soccer game. Feel bad for you guys who returned already without getting used to it. 
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As usual NT is resistant to change.

The off the ball movement and AI alone negates whatever you have to complain about and make this better than any FIFA in the past by default.  I've been asking for this from FIFA for years, you can play actual soccer now.

The AI is the same as or worse than it was last year. Defenders are still out of position and slow to react way too often(especially on over the top through balls and crosses). And yes I switch manually, but too often it switches to the wrong person so I'm stuck relying on the lackluster AI.
I'm talking strictly about off the ball movement and AI when attacking. The type of runs your AI supported teammates make when you're in possession, the timing and angles of those runs, how they react to your decisions on the ball, etc. I'll never be able to pick up 13 or anything else again. 
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As usual NT is resistant to change.

The off the ball movement and AI alone negates whatever you have to complain about and make this better than any FIFA in the past by default.  I've been asking for this from FIFA for years, you can play actual soccer now.

The AI is the same as or worse than it was last year. Defenders are still out of position and slow to react way too often(especially on over the top through balls and crosses). And yes I switch manually, but too often it switches to the wrong person so I'm stuck relying on the lackluster AI.

Yup the movement is a lot better. But like he said the defense loses their marking far too easily and take forever to react on those through balls like theyre always 100% sure it's offsides.

The turning is also pretty bad, but I kinda like the direction theyre goin in... just needs a couple of more tweaks
is the mobile version a lot different than the console? im playing fifa 14 on my phone and the game is slightly garbage compared to dream league soccer for example. eh it was free.
So we all buying gold packs out here, no one buying silver packs? There are some gems in there.
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