Official FIFA Soccer 14 Thread

I'm tryna grab air boobs too in my celebrations lol thats dope.

also what is this web app you speak of? I've never played UT but always had a team and just gave away the good cards I got to NTers
I pulled a Joe Hart, but i still got 2 other accounts to open packs on but it keeps saying wrong security passcode.
if i get anything close to a Hart in those 2 ill be set to build my first couple of teams

The 3 players i really want to use on UT this year off the bat is El Shaawary, Isco, and Gundogan
im trynna bag 100 goals each with all 3 of em
I downloaded the demo last night and I can't score. This is the first year I'm going to purchase FIFA. I'm horrible at this game. Whats the best way to score?
Of course it will be when is it not?
10, 11, 12 felt like they just progressed from one another perfectly. Then came FIFA 13 which just TANKED. It feels like NFL Blitz instead of Madden if you get what im saying. Just straight run and gun with its extremely fast pace game-play. I was just hoping they'd slow it down a bit and make it so the fastest team doesnt always win.

Is this true with Fifa 13? I'm still messing with FIFA12's manager mode and still having a blast albeit missing the roster updates. I usually buy FIFA games every 2 years but if that's the case, I will continue with FIFA 12 until I see an improvement.

IMO yearly sports titles are only necessary for the baseketball, football, and hockey games where rookies and roster updates make a big difference in the game

I love Manager mode. Always looking forward to it, especially with the new scouting set up in 14. I'm guess I'm on my last season in 13, I've found some nice gems.

Gotta check out my loyalty packs for FUT
Anybody master or at least have a good concept of skills moves in 13'. I've always been decent at them and although I rarely use them in game, the only one I'd find to be useful on a game to game basis would be the step-over. However, while the concept of doing the stepover is simply, I can never get them going on the run, I always end up doing some other crazy move. Anybody have any tips? I've found that sometimes releasing the LS helps but not sure if this is the most effective way to do it.
Most of the time I use skill moves are when Im almost gonna get tackled. I would say just practice, practice, practice.

The practice arena helps a lot out too. Learn a new move every now and then and memorize it to slowly integrate to how you play. I found it easier to learn one at a time and getting used to the timing and directions down. If you're picking up 14, the dribbling will be a little easier now since you no longer need to hold down LT/L2 to do skills and dribbles for most moves.
I downloaded the demo last night and I can't score. This is the first year I'm going to purchase FIFA. I'm horrible at this game. Whats the best way to score?

Best way to learn the game is to play the game, wait a couple weeks after the official release and there's going to be a plethora of YouTube tutorials by FIFAgods from all over the world.
Most of the time I use skill moves are when Im almost gonna get tackled. I would say just practice, practice, practice.

The practice arena helps a lot out too. Learn a new move every now and then and memorize it to slowly integrate to how you play. I found it easier to learn one at a time and getting used to the timing and directions down. If you're picking up 14, the dribbling will be a little easier now since you no longer need to hold down LT/L2 to do skills and dribbles for most moves.

naw i feel you, thats usually exactly what I do, some of those skills move i just find no use for so i just take them one by one. I'm usually good at getting timing, etc down but for some reason I've never been able to master the stepovers while running. I can execute them in a standing position however.
I downloaded the demo last night and I can't score. This is the first year I'm going to purchase FIFA. I'm horrible at this game. Whats the best way to score?

Best way to learn the game is to play the game, wait a couple weeks after the official release and there's going to be a plethora of YouTube tutorials by FIFAgods from all over the world.

Good looks. Still playing the demo using the lowest ranked teams.
where the nt money team at? got some waterboys from the pack but already getting that paper :pimp:
now is the best time to buy cheap and stack the tradepile with rare silver/bronze cards!! ill be at least 500k within a week after the game drops.
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Haven't had time to play the demo yet but I'm reluctant to try it seeing as how every year the demo is different from the full game.

I've been hearing the game is slower paced/more realistic, but people also said this when they played last year's demo and look how that turned out.

I'll be on that UT hard again this year and pro clubs though. :pimp:

Don't even bother copping. You are trash and a cheater.
Like Rafool said.. I didn't even bother downloading the demo because it'll end up being nothing like the release version just like last year..

I'm ready tho :pimp:
where the nt money team at? got some waterboys from the pack but already getting that paper :pimp:
now is the best time to buy cheap and stack the tradepile with rare silver/bronze cards!! ill be at least 500k within a week after the game drops.

show me the way! i suck at FUT, at least in the sense of making big time money haha
Man I need to practice Ive been getting shellacked by my friends :smh:

I was way better at 13 lol
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