Official FIFA Soccer 14 Thread

Sucks to hear adobe. Are you on PS4

I'm on a 5 game win streak in Div 1. On my way to the title. :pimp:
^5 game win streak you say? Well cheers till you stop winning before going on a fat losing streak...thats just FIFA for you :smh:
Unless you got da gift. :lol:
I set up Reus for a game winning tap in.... The ball just deflects off his foot for a goal kick :lol: . Then I eventually lose on pks :rolleyes
I set up Reus for a game winning tap in.... The ball just deflects off his foot for a goal kick
. Then I eventually lose on pks
Going to PKs when you know you've outplayed the other dude is just 
I scored the worst most scripted goal 2 days ago online.

45th min (shocker) I clear it out facing perpendicular to the goals, and I'm almost by my own goal. The ball just keeps going flying, bounces, and then his goalkeeper starts rushing to catch the ball, right as he's about to get it at the edge of his box he just falls and the ball goes in :lol:
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They better fix this **** and make the gameplay like fifa 10/11. Cause after 11 the game has become way too scripted.
So when I first posted in here it was because I was complete garbage at this game... First fifa I've ever had and played...

Pretty proud of myself now that I've figured some things out and I'm up to division 4 in seasons... remained in 4 after my first season there.  record is 44-23-33, not bad considering how awful I was when I first started playing.
So when I first posted in here it was because I was complete garbage at this game... First fifa I've ever had and played...

Pretty proud of myself now that I've figured some things out and I'm up to division 4 in seasons... remained in 4 after my first season there.  record is 44-23-33, not bad considering how awful I was when I first started playing.
did you do anything specific to get better or just play a lot?  i got fifa last week and i have yet to score a goal, ive been doing the skills challenges to try and work on my game and just playing a lot of matches.  im getting shots on goal, just cant get them to go in..
People on here told me just to play a lot essentially... Build up the muscle memory in your hands so the things you do are 2nd nature.

Learning how to position to get your players head on the ball first is probably the biggest thing online... If you're not crossing the ball into the box, you're getting crossed on at the other end.  Defending the headers is just as important as scoring your own... Seems like its ridiculously overpowered.

I had a dude literally sprinting with Ronaldo to the corner of the pitch, and threw a cross in off the sprint when the ball was in the corner circle... He put it right in the heart of the box and scored. 

I try to play a patient game but its hard sometimes with the dudes online spamming their sprint button and double teaming every single person w the ball.

Learning the different shot assist buttons was hard for me, i kept chipping it when I meant to drive it or finnessing when I meant to chip... It really is about making your hands do all the work while you're able to look elsewhere on the screen to see where your other players are/will be.
So when I first posted in here it was because I was complete garbage at this game... First fifa I've ever had and played...

Pretty proud of myself now that I've figured some things out and I'm up to division 4 in seasons... remained in 4 after my first season there.  record is 44-23-33, not bad considering how awful I was when I first started playing.

You're better than me already
 I dunno... Still got a long way to go... I do bad against players that actually look like they're trying to play proper soccer in games.

I think I'm good at countering the cheesy players though. Dudes that just spam 60 yard in the air balls to Ronaldo types.
:lol:  I dunno... Still got a long way to go... I do bad against players that actually look like they're trying to play proper soccer in games.

I think I'm good at countering the cheesy players though. Dudes that just spam 60 yard in the air balls to Ronaldo types.
you on 360?

hit me up, gt: genocydal
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People on here told me just to play a lot essentially... Build up the muscle memory in your hands so the things you do are 2nd nature.

Learning how to position to get your players head on the ball first is probably the biggest thing online... If you're not crossing the ball into the box, you're getting crossed on at the other end.  Defending the headers is just as important as scoring your own... Seems like its ridiculously overpowered.

I had a dude literally sprinting with Ronaldo to the corner of the pitch, and threw a cross in off the sprint when the ball was in the corner circle... He put it right in the heart of the box and scored. 

I try to play a patient game but its hard sometimes with the dudes online spamming their sprint button and double teaming every single person w the ball.

Learning the different shot assist buttons was hard for me, i kept chipping it when I meant to drive it or finnessing when I meant to chip... It really is about making your hands do all the work while you're able to look elsewhere on the screen to see where your other players are/will be.
I cant play a slower pace to save my life, people just pressure me all the damn time....if I could shoot better I could actually make them pay for it.

I get so many 1 on 1 with the GK and they still block my strikes

This game makes me want to break **** but I still play it
 Yea I cant beat a charging keeper to save my life unless I'm outside of the box still.  I try the chip shot but it never ever works for me.
Also, I quit playing Ultimate Team... It was addicting for a bit but man i was getting pissed having my team smoked by TOTS Ronaldo when my best player is Mandzukic. 

I had to cut the cord on that before I got pissed and bought coins or some ****.
Looked at my record, only 40% winning. I started right when the PS4 release back in Nov. I had fifa13, but i never played it. So i was real rusty when i started back up again, i mean losing streaks galore.

Anyone on PS4 add me. DOOOM_PhD although i don't play friendlies much. i usually stick to seasons
:rofl:  Yea I cant beat a charging keeper to save my life unless I'm outside of the box still.  I try the chip shot but it never ever works for me.

What you wanna do is as the goal keeper comes out you just dribble past him outwards of the post. and curve the ball in. if that makes sense
:rofl:  Yea I cant beat a charging keeper to save my life unless I'm outside of the box still.  I try the chip shot but it never ever works for me.

Either chip it or finesse it. Regular shots is the worse thing to do when theyre charging. They always seem to somehow save it but not finesse :lol:
I used to love dribbling keepers but they made it too hard in this game

Another thing they did that I don't like is try to fix those easy open net tap in goals by making legit sideways passes inside the box impossible to complete
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Another stupid thing that fifa has had to fix for a while now is off corners and crosses once the opponent knocks the ball out, your midfielders randomly charge into the box and create a counter opportunity for them instead of sit back and hold their position to either retain possession, challenge for the ball, or play defense.

And also imo they make defenders on the wings screw up or make them difficult to select on purpose at random points in the game.

A quick counter and playing through the wing are the 2 most common ways for bad players to score, so imo it's done purposely to boost their goals, fun, interest, and probability of buying the game next year.

I swear a part of getting better at this game is managing the stupid things it does to try screwing you.
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I used to love dribbling keepers but they made it too hard in this game

Another thing they did that I don't like is try to fix those easy open net tap in goals by making legit sideways passes inside the box impossible to complete

Last year, if it was 1 on 1 with the keeper... I was walking the ball in the net :lol:
Just watched someone with a record of 1577-37-105 abuse an opponent on the Live with PS channel. Final score was 8-0 and you could tell he didn't want to score more than he did. Sick.
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