Official FIFA Soccer 15 Thread

Don't have the game, but even super skilled players can't chip on their good foot?
anyone playing Career Mode?  Why does the coach keep sending me emails about on field behavior?
I don't get any fouls during the match

Could it be me cursing at my teammates and the kinect picking it up?
After a few emails about my behavior he sits me out of the next match
but I haven't done anything
This used to happen to me with 14. I ended up just disabling the kinect in fifa. It would happen even when I didn't say anything. I guess it was picking up something from the commentary and thinking it was cursing. I even got suspended a game because it was happening so much.
Yeah I don't understand why they made the chip shot nearly impossible. I definitely don't overuse it and pick my spots for it, but they just catch it like they have some impossible reaction time.

I am so tired of people abusing sprint on this game though. Hanging out in middle divisions on FUT seasons because everybody just sprints past my CB's. Then the left and right backs (both 92 pace) just stand and watch.

I don't even know what to do defensively to stop it either.
just played someone who literally just lob passed every single time. my AI defenders run the opposite way the ball is going for some reason while its in the air and he just runs right behind my defenders while theyre sprinting the other way. how can EA not fix this. dude has the nerve to talk **** after saying he's too nice. i hate lob pass cheesers
^People are weird

I didn't realize I hit next match and walked away for a bit to find me in a game losing 4-0. Lost it 6-5 and he was talkin mad **** like he was nice :lol:
anyone use a certain formation, tactics or any other team management when playing online thats helps them?
anyone use a certain formation, tactics or any other team management when playing online thats helps them?

Really depends on how you like to play and what team you use.

But my favorite is 4 -3-3 with an attacking cam. 4-4-2 with Liverpool and Man U since they have two really good strikers
Really depends on how you like to play and what team you use.

But my favorite is 4 -3-3 with an attacking cam. 4-4-2 with Liverpool and Man U since they have two really good strikers
do you recommend any of the play calling or whatever it is on the the d-pad?
new way idiots wanting to troll on pro club is your own teammate cutting you off on a clear path run and stealing the ball from you :smh:
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Really depends on how you like to play and what team you use.

But my favorite is 4 -3-3 with an attacking cam. 4-4-2 with Liverpool and Man U since they have two really good strikers
do you recommend any of the play calling or whatever it is on the the d-pad?
Im on Liverpool default until i'm down a goal.  Then I'd go Attacking, Team Pressing, and High Pressure.  After equalizing or going up  a goal, ill go back to neutral but keep the pressing and pressure.

I wanna play JuicyJu, you're Div 2 with a great record, best in my friend list.
Im on Liverpool default until i'm down a goal.  Then I'd go Attacking, Team Pressing, and High Pressure.  After equalizing or going up  a goal, ill go back to neutral but keep the pressing and pressure.

I wanna play JuicyJu, you're Div 2 with a great record, best in my friend list.
ill try this out. I think hes the best on NT :nerd:
Jumanji Jumanji you should stream so I can watch and learn. not wasting my time or yours playing a match since ill get destroyed :lol:
Yeah I don't understand why they made the chip shot nearly impossible. I definitely don't overuse it and pick my spots for it, but they just catch it like they have some impossible reaction time.

I am so tired of people abusing sprint on this game though. Hanging out in middle divisions on FUT seasons because everybody just sprints past my CB's. Then the left and right backs (both 92 pace) just stand and watch.

I don't even know what to do defensively to stop it either.
Try setting your tactic to counter attacking or set it to defensive or ultra defensive to stop these pace abusers. Your defense will back up deeper to your goal. Also try to contain a lot and back up constantly making sure his player is in front of you. Being patient is the best way to counter these douches.

If all else fails just use Real Madrid and fight fire with fire :lol:
^I will give it a try man. Thanks for the advice.

I play a lot of Ultimate Team though so the Real option is out.

I just get so annoyed because I pass the ball around and work the ball by passing and dribbling to get it into the box to score. I hate losing to people who just sprint past my defense. :smh:
Don't know why, but I never have success with formations that have 4 in the back in FUT.

352 is what I end up using
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Nah I only had ibarbo but I only brought him in cause I was losing and he had benzema and James :rofl:. All this kid was doing was spring around the field while I play possession and long lobs
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Hey is there any way one of you with a high level can gift me the Online Pro (pro clubs) upgrades from the catalogue? Its getting real old playing with my friends and their players are incredible while mine is decent at best, not to mention GASSED by halftime :lol:

My Ultimate Team isn't the most talented but If one of you guys can help me out I can give you an El Shaarawy, Bernard or Fernando Torres?
Why is it that whenever I'm Bayern (*****) I ALWAYS have an opponent thats using RM?

When I use say, PSG (*****) I seem to get teams like Chelsea and Man U... 
I have yet to play RM in this FIFA.  I guess they feel sorry for Liverpool.  I play a bunch of BVB though.
how the hell have you not played real madrid? I get matched up with them every single ******* time

this ***** ronaldo is giving me nightmares
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