::[OFFICIAL] FIFA World Cup Brazil 2014 Thread:::

Mondragón  comes on at 43 yrs old 
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Just a horrible call. You know greece players will go down so easy in the box at this point. ********
Italy out but Greece go through... the footballing Gods had to ensure at least one ant-football side went into the last 16 
FIFA is a pathetic corporation. What a disgrace. This wc was on of the best and it turned horrible
I hope you're not talking about the Ivory Coast penalty. Because it was as legit a penalty as it gets.

Ivory Coast choked. No two ways about it. I really wanted them to win. But that final attack by Greece was perfect symbolism for why African nations won't win a World Cup for a long, long time: All the talent and zero organization. I couldn't believe how poorly defensively organized Ivory Coast were in that situation. Way too few players defending, not to mention those who were defending not being properly positioned. You need one freaking minute to go to the next round and you allow that?? Pathetic!!!
I hope you're not talking about the Ivory Coast penalty. Because it was as legit a penalty as it gets.

Ivory Coast choked. No two ways about it. I really wanted them to win. But that final attack by Greece was perfect symbolism for why African nations won't win a World Cup for a long, long time: All the talent and zero organization. I couldn't believe how poorly defensively organized Ivory Coast were in that situation. Way too few players defending, not to mention those who were defending not being properly positioned. You need one freaking minute to go to the next round and you allow that?? Pathetic!!!

legit penalty? look at the video a few posts above you. dude flopped and tripped on the grass. such a horrible call in the 91st minute
Not in that situation bro. With that much on the line, that's not something that decides who moves on.
Lmao that's the weakest penalty of the whole cup. He could of still struck the ball. He tripped over himself
Are you blind? Can't you see that the Ivory Coast player's foot blocks his kick. That's an automatic free kick in case you don't know the rules. Must be frustrating for you, but you have no case. Zero. Sorry.
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