::[OFFICIAL] FIFA World Cup Brazil 2014 Thread:::

good for Ronaldo
I noticed during the Colombia game, the commentator kept calling James Rodriguez "Ha-mes"
Am I the only one that finds that **** annoying. Like, why are you pronouncing his name in Spanish?
By the way J-Rod is a quality player, should have never left FC Porto for A$ Monaco tho.

absolutely stunning, I love Asian women :wow:

Lmao that's the weakest penalty of the whole cup. He could of still struck the ball. He tripped over himself
Have you ever played football before?
you can tell he never even kicked one in his life

"it's a ******* disgrace"
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Still mad at the Italy outcome. If for anyone I feel bad for it's Pirlo :frown: .
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Colombia remind me of the Dutch team.

Fast counters, but the Defense isn't that great.

I hear Greece's defense is top notch.

Park the bus and wait for a slip up.
I noticed during the Colombia game, the commentator kept calling James Rodriguez "Ha-mes"

Am I the only one that finds that **** annoying. Like, why are you pronouncing his name in Spanish?
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uhhh cause he's colombian and that's how the J is pronounced in spanish
uuuhhh obviously

but it's not like they were calling Jackson Martinez "Hackson"
Samaras' s foot was caught by Sio as he was about to swing. It was a penalty. Also Greece had the better game and played more attacking than normal. Deserved
I would not be ashamed to hold her hand in public.
why would that thouht even cross your mind?


I expect these types of comments on those NT thick threads with them cottage cheese thighs broads


this girl is a certified

qt 3.14
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I hope you're not talking about the Ivory Coast penalty. Because it was as legit a penalty as it gets.

Ivory Coast choked. No two ways about it. I really wanted them to win. But that final attack by Greece was perfect symbolism for why African nations won't win a World Cup for a long, long time: All the talent and zero organization. I couldn't believe how poorly defensively organized Ivory Coast were in that situation. Way too few players defending, not to mention those who were defending not being properly positioned. You need one freaking minute to go to the next round and you allow that?? Pathetic!!!
Africa produces a ton of talent attack wise, but they are still lacking in midfield creativity and defensively. Soon though, just gotta wait on a new generation I guess. Everyone talks down on Africa but Ghana been reppin hard these past 2-3 cups and I believe Ivory Coast did get a little unlucky at the end.
Yaya has been a ghost this tourny, hope dude finds his form and gets over his brothers death for the upcoming season at City.
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Thats probably one of the cutest/sexiest/prettiest/gorgeous/everythingelse female I've ever seen in my life. I could seriously stare at that gif for hours.
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