Quick comparison between KJ7 Suns and Miami.

Also doing a giveaway when I reach 100 subs and than another at 500, and a pair of J's at 1000.
red suede 96 and stack 2 down to $80 JJ

promo code hx92 for 15% off brings it down to 68 

but there's that $8 shipping fee
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^^^ if you're buying from JJ use HX92 to get 15% off. I was going to order with a 20% code I found but it looks like that one expired
^^^ if you're buying from JJ use HX92 to get 15% off. I was going to order with a 20% code I found but it looks like that one expired
please reread my post I put this in my post and even put the total price after the 15%
then why say something in the first place

Dont worry bout it playa :D

Naw ill still be as critical as i was just in a more subjective way.

The kj7 is very nice and i just have to look at retro models from fila as more modern takes on the classics
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