Official Foamposite Pro Pearl Thread....PICS PAGE 1....MAY 23 2009

If you like the kicks, buy them when they drop... This thread is pretty much dead w/o the flame wars...let it die quietly...
Originally Posted by penny4president

If you like the kicks, buy them when they drop... This thread is pretty much dead w/o the flame wars...let it die quietly...
swerv need to post that pic when he was rockin his eggplants
Originally Posted by Swerv1n

Originally Posted by HEADdetective

Seems like this dude has no life outside of NT.
Not comin at dude crazy or nothin, but son, go get some friends....a girl...somethin.
You OD'n with the amount of useless and repetitive posts.
Why people gotta hate cause i have an opinion about a shoe......since i dont like Pros i have no life and since i have a NT account i have no life yet u got more posts than me....prolly been a member longer than me so who has no life u might wanna check yourself pimp.. Coming in here all head strong.....dudes base their egos off a post count......
...... feel all accomplished dont u.......wack juice

I'll be back n here when some solid info much thin skin in here....this thread gettin bout as lame as these dudes hatin......peace.....
Maybe because of your lack of maturity about it. You stated your opinion already 50 times, there's no need to keep on doing it.
The RD is on its way . Cant wait for it to finally be here . I wonder when pictures well come out , hopefully soon .
Originally Posted by lysolflow

what's wrong wit his pants?...

Really , I dont see whats wrong ... yall need to grow up and let other people be . Not everyone is like YOU .
^ooooooh dannnnng
lol why yall all goin on his jeans?? although like most i would have probably chose 501's to rock w/ eggplants.

501's go with almost any shoe.
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