That's a horrible photoshopped Gone Fishin pic. They're not even funny anymore.

Good win for the Lakers.

I'm glad they killed the Jazzholes and their fans' dreams IN SLC. Nothing sweeter than a road win.

With that said, time for the Lakers to crash and burn from here on out. I'm back off the LA wagon.

P.S. This dude pac was smashed.
i hate the jazz, good win lakeshow!

all of em can burn.... except d.williams, trade him to a better team and city

korver has to be heated okur didn't give it back while he was WIDE open in the corner . .

dude had the basket locked on with his crosshair ready
Does anyone have a link to a story about what happened after the game. Jazz fans were yelling racial slurs at the Lakers and threw all kinds of crap at thebench.
Wow as many others have said it feels so good to be a Lakers fan right now but this is still just the beginning. We have a tough series coming up no matter whothe winner is betweem the Spurs/Hornets.

Either way I'm confident in our Lakers as I have ever been. Everybody has great confidence in what we are doing right now and it shows on the court. To winon the road against the best home team all year in the league in the CLOSEOUT game is absolutely amazing. Especially the way road teams have been strugglingthis playoffs.

Now let's get rest up in the 5 days we have, hopefully get Ariza back, and get right back to work.
Even the commentators said the fans were acting like 10 year olds throwing stuff at Lakers fans and saying slurs. Hate to bring this up but its odd consideringthe arena is like 90% Mormon.
Originally Posted by kuruptygotti

Even the commentators said the fans were acting like 10 year olds throwing stuff at Lakers fans and saying slurs. Hate to bring this up but its odd considering the arena is like 90% Mormon.

a lot of the mormons i know around my way (and there are alot) are only mormon when they want to be
Good Win!!!

Didn't really see all of it because I had other things to do but being back in WCF feels great!

Can't wait to see who we play next.
Of course, Bryant has created his own villainous character, and he brought it out after the Jazz pulled within seven points with just over five minutes remaining.

"I went to the Black Mamba," said Bryant, who finished with 34 points.

First he got the ball on the right wing, as Matt Harpring muscled him up. Bryant created enough space to launch a 3-pointer and drained it. Harpring turned and groaned as if he'd been stabbed.

"Man, oh man that was a big shot," Harpring said. "I've got to give him credit for that one. That's one of those shots that if he misses, we're golden. But he made it and that's why he's a big-time player."

Game recognizes game.Props to Matt Harpring.
Actually, one fan did blame Kirilenko, commandeering a public address microphone during halftime and using the arena loudspeakers to urge Jazz owner Larry Miller to trade Kirilenko.

And by the third quarter, one Jazz fan was directing the same nasty verb used for the referees at Carlos Boozer.


Just when you think Jazz fans can't get even more class less.You see this crap.

Originally Posted by NIMO007

By the end of the first half the fans were reduced to chanting derisively at the referees, as if it were the official's fault the Jazz shot 33 percent, or that the refs played defense that let the Lakers get whatever shots they wanted. Hey, maybe the refs chartered the plane for Andrei Kirilenko's ill-timed trip to San Francisco Thursday to take care of visa issues at the French embassy.

Actually, one fan did blame Kirilenko, commandeering a public address microphone during halftime and using the arena loudspeakers to urge Jazz owner Larry Miller to trade Kirilenko.

And by the third quarter, one Jazz fan was directing the same nasty verb used for the referees at Carlos Boozer.
, us Laker fans will be glad to take Boozer or AK of your hands. Here is a deal we will give you Newble for Boozer. Sounds good. Dumb fans.
Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

As President of the Sasha Vujacic hate club,

If there was ever a game for me to be proud of him, it would have to be this game. Dude attacked the basket and didn't just settle for shots. And to be a Euro and take a charge like a man from Milsap, props. Good job Sasha. Good job.

Barely got to a damn computer just now to check in with the Laker faithful.

KB8, not that it matters now, but that was me typin in for 3PLE, in th eplayoffs, everybody needs to step up and since he wasslackin, I had to fill in for him and get the job done.

Utah, I have a feeling we will be facing each other the next couple seasons. Ya'll are some tough a*^ bastards, props on a great series.

We ain't done nothin yet, we still got work to do......
What a game

Lakers looked good for about 3.5 quarters and then proceeded to fall apart

Luckily clutch free throws by Kobe, Lamar, and Fisher helped seal the deal.

Even when they were falling apart, I had a strong feeling that Lakers would still pull out the W
Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

As President of the Sasha Vujacic hate club,

If there was ever a game for me to be proud of him, it would have to be this game. Dude attacked the basket and didn't just settle for shots. And to be a Euro and take a charge like a man from Milsap, props. Good job Sasha. Good job.

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