Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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Damn. I really can see Jon and Dany hooking up. I mean they're growing and seems like they are understanding each other so it makes sense, but as a viewer knowing they're related?
so when we getting that pose from jon
when he getting his ginyu force pose game on
after cutting someone down like we saw in the season 7 trailer
She says Dracarys before he lets the flamethrower go off.
"Thought you'd still be rowing" :rofl:
Cersei might be lying about the pregnancy, I still think Jaime is the one to kill her.
:lol: at Davos selling libido enhancers
Carcetti pulling the swerve on Arya
And the Eastwatch Mob. GANG GANG GANG :pimp:

I think Arya knew Littlefinger was "playing" her..She ain't that stupid..

I'm starting to think that Sansa and Tyrion are in cahoots together..I bet they hatched a plan to get all the major players on the same continent so they could pick them off one by one..
white walkers next week
i swear white walkers have prolly 20 min of screen time in the whole series so far
Jon had just been stabbed in the books. They haven't even confirmed that he died. The only account you have post death is Beric's who mentions that he has pretty much forgotten about his former life after being resurrected so many times. It's implied that characters brought back by the Lord of Light lose pieces of themselves each time they're brought back. Jon has only been brought back once on the show. There is a scene of him (post death) eating alongside Sansa, Brienne, Edd, Tormund etc. Whether he does it out of habit or because he's hungry who knows.
Mann y'all this thread movin.
So kinda whack how Jaimie and Bbronn jus swam to the other side of the lake with nothin happening but ok...

Gendry byke tho!! Ready to hammer folks heads in...

I knew Jon never bent that knee. Homie said naw girl, I really don't need ya permission to bounce LOL

WTH Sam finna do tho?

Arya and Little Finger bout to go at it. Jus slice his hoee asss up and get it over with..
Cerci tryna get Bron outta here about the meet up but I know he not finna go out like that...
Good episode for the build up. Next weeks looks lit tho!!
Sansa has always been a snake, willing to turn on her family because of her crush on Joffrey. tyrion is much more honorable.

i love the squad but the story is half-baked. showing Cersei a zombie to convince her is the dumbest thing I've heard. what they would do is capture a dozen of them and release them in KL and let them have their way.
:lol: Bruh, that's some Littlefinger ****.

No way Jon, Tyrion, Davos, and even Dany would cosign that.

You know when Jon said Bran saw the Night King and his army. I was wondering if Jon realized Bran is a warg. It's no surprise if Jon believes his siblings w/o evidence. He's so much like Ned

Edit: I find this a bit strange. No one questioned about Bran's witness. I expected Tyrion to ask how did Bran see, ya know?
I assume they all think Bran just came from behind the wall after having been thought dead and is claiming to just have seen the army of the dead marching on Eastwatch.

Not that he has magic see through the eyes of ravens powers.
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Season 1
Yeaaa...nope. I'm done b. Got my dude Eddard Stark, Lord of Winterfall and Warden of the North. Ruined my Sunday b. Ya'll aren't my friends. Ya'll set me up. Nope. Nope. No. Hell nah.
my duuuude
how u just now getting into GOT???
i envy u though
enjoy the ride man
enjoy that damn ride
That means they all will die. Death by GRRM.
Littlefinger doesnt know about the faceswapping, tread carefully boiiiii
Until its revealed LF trained with the faceless men too....

Whole lot about his background you don't know


Urine gonna feel stupid for going through all this trouble to get with a middle-aged woman with 4 kids. Think of how much damage been done to her ***** between Kingslayer and birthing 4 kids. I wonder if Kingslayer has to use his prosthetic fist to get her going.

Urine's looking even more foolish than Lord Friendzone himself.
Gonna have to start calling him Lord ****old.
were the sperm resurrected too? does grrm explain this in the books?
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Another great episode, these last two are gonna be GOAT level man. :nthat:

I think Cersei was lying about pregnant just to assure than Jaime never betrays her.

Obviously the reveal of Jon being a legit Targ was huge its sort of crazy how the show just revealed it and had it glossed over. Gotta be for a reason though and obviously this will be huge in the future.

Gendry with the warhammer was great stuff. My man Davos had my dying when he said "I thought you'd be still rowing" :rofl:

GOT avengers squad is about to be so lit. I think both Thoros and Beric die next episode for sure. Possibly lord friend zone also. Maybe the wight they bring back to kings landing is one of the Avengers? Possibly a wight Hound? In which case he'd be back in Kings Landing with undead Mountain? Undead Cleganebowl coming? :wow: Crackpot theory haha but would be sick.

Anyone think its possible Dany sends a dragon to save the day or possibly one of the dragons (Rhaegal?) fly away on their own because they sense Jon may be in trouble? Dragons are obviously very smart creatures and the scene with Jon and Drogon in this episode shows the connection. Its doubtful but it would be an awesome time to see a dragon and the walkers in the same scene for once.

I really think Arya may know that Littlefinger knows about her creeping and taking the note and that her and Sansa will be setting up Littlefinger. I need that bastard to die man he OD annoying. If she isn't aware than Bran gotta come through and tell them whats good.

All in all, I can't wait for these last two episodes but am sad its nearing its end. 72 and 82 min runtimes will be glorious though :pimp:
Until its revealed LF trained with the faceless men too....

While lot about his background you don't know
bruh when cerise had him hemmed up
a few seasons back when he was tryna throw shots
he damn near **** himself
he aint got no fighting skills
Season 1
Yeaaa...nope. I'm done b. Got my dude Eddard Stark, Lord of Winterfall and Warden of the North. Ruined my Sunday b. Ya'll aren't my friends. Ya'll set me up. Nope. Nope. No. Hell nah.

And another one.

Play with her **** :nthat:
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