Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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Jon being the true Targ heir really only affects Dany. She's been popping off about being the 'rightful' heir which she now isn't. But none of her followers or Cersi's followers care either way. Although the show/books wouldn't go throught the effort to make Jon legitimate if it didn't matter. I can't see it getting Dany to back off her claim but maybe. Maybe it will just be a more palatable option for Cersi's followers since he was born and raised in Westeros and since Raegar was always well liked as opposed to his father. The Dornish certainly won't like it though.

It's all to set up Jon Gawd being on the throne at the end of all this. Either Dany will die or she'll realize she's not fit for power and Jon is and bend the knee :pimp:
I hate how Jon just hella ignored Varys during the council.

Varys was like "we got a big *** wall between us and them" and Jon was like "I gotta go fight for my people"
:rofl: at Davos offering the Lannister dudes some medieval Rhinos :lol:

He's one of my favorite characters on the show. Hope he makes it out alive by the end
I'm with one of the super friends catching the L, turning into a wight and Bran reversing it with magic like the children of the Forrest did with BenJen and using that person as proof of the army of the dead...

speaking of Benjen :wow:

I wouldnt be surprised if he comes through next episode
He can't use a sword. They cut off the knuckles from his right hand remember? Besides who gonna recount the tale if none of avengers make it back? Lastly dude never been ashamed to call himself a coward (and he isnt really a coward considering all he's done).
He said something like "I'd rather be a coward for one day(?) than be dead for the rest" or close to that.
I heard KD just signed onto the GOT squad

Fianally a fights with the WW's next week.

Kabreezy with that stunned look at JS when he pet Drogon.

Thoros of Myr dying next week, IMO.
Also, are we just gonna ignore how Dany has dragons and can easily torch the undead?
My guess is Dany swoops in and tries to rescue the Avengers of Westros

Which is how we end up with the ice dragon
Well the shows definitely over if Drogon becomes an ice dragon because the other two can't do anything about him.
So basically Lyanna is Helen of Troy. She could have avoided a lot of bloodshed, including that of her husband, father, and brother, if she just told everyone she went with Rhaegar willingly.
Also, are we just gonna ignore how Dany has dragons and can easily torch the undead?

The show has to have some type of conflict. Drogon by himself could wipe out the whole army :lol:

Maybe the NK has some type of control over them ala how he jus scattered the ravens last episode
So basically Lyanna is Helen of Troy. She could have avoided a lot of bloodshed, including that of her husband, father, and brother, if she just told everyone she went with Rhaegar willingly.

It still would have caused problems for the Starks, Baratheons and Martells. She wasn't supposed to **** Rhaegar to begin with.
War tho? Sure Robert and the Martells would have been pissed. But Jon Aryn and Tywin Lannister wouldn't have cared. Rickard and Brandon wouldn't have been burned alive.
In past seasons episode 9 is always lit

Since this is the second to last episode should we expect that next week?
I'm rewatching the series in 3 weeks just to catch all the little things I either missed or forgot.

Too much to remember all at once.
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