Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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legit tears at this pic dfjdskaldjfdljfdkfjkskda
Rebellion was based on a lie.....
No it was based off Aerys tyranny.

Trash *** D&D
Trash *** Bran.
Let me not go off and go in to detail.

I'll just say I recall the Tyrion trial in the Vale, Jamie's capture, Tyrion's trial after being charged with killing Joffrey that turned in to a trial by combat. Cersi's trial, Loras' trial, Margery's trial.

Hell the first ep where Ned justly carries out an execution after a member of the NW admits to desertion.

They carried out an execution in Winterfell based off heresay. **** was like Ramsey killing his pops.


After some scandal of his is revealed Aiden should play Olsteen in the movie.
I would die if Olsteen talked like Aiden :rofl:
Rebellion was based on a lie.....
No it was based off Aerys tyranny.

Trash *** D&D
Trash *** Bran.

No, it's not, it's based on the Rhaegar allegedly abducting Lyanna.
There would be no outrage or reason for Brandon or Rickard to go to Kingslanding if R+L didn't run off together.
Aerys has been a tyrant long before this. But when you mess with other houses, you're done.
Yea. That dude Robert was a simp for Lyanna. First thing he does is go to the crypts and pays his respects. Doesn't hurt that the Lannisters wanted power as well.
Sports podcast I listen to likes to dedicate an hour on Wednesdays to GoT's talk because they're "big" fans.

Dudes were discussing the finale and they had no idea that The Hound and The Mountain are brothers...

guess I understand the spoon feeding now :lol: :smh:
Robert was simping because he never got those yambs. Lyanna knew Robert was going to play her, she had a convo with Ned about that.
Yea. That dude Robert was a simp for Lyanna. First thing he does is go to the crypts and pays his respects. Doesn't hurt that the Lannisters wanted power as well.

The Lannisters were just pissed off that Aerys took Tywins only heir as his Kingsguard to spite him and forced Tywin to leave his title as Hand.
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would cersei let jon stay kitn if he didnt bend to dany?

you can't. The North is part of the 7 kingdoms, you can't have 2 thrones. Cersei would make Jon drop the king title and take back the good old Warden of the North name

The Lannisters were just pissed off that Aerys took Tywins only heir as his Kingsguard to spite him and forced Tywin to leave his title as Hand.

not Tywin's only heir. Aerys took Tywin's preferred heir. Also Aerys didn't let Tywin's daughter marry Rhaegar
I doubt Cersei would want any Stark to be Warden of the North. She wanted to kill Jon when he was Lord Commander of the NW. Tywin felt the same way, which is why they gave Winterfell to the Boltons.
yeah I doubt it too, but hypothetically saying, IF cersei allowed Jon to live and on the condition he doesn't go against her crown and bends the knee, he would've lost that king title and been Warden like Ned
Don't remember them wanting Jon dead.

I have to go back and look, but did they explain why they wanted him dead or was it all in line with just taking out the Starks because Robb was waging war on them.
No, it's not, it's based on the Rhaegar allegedly abducting Lyanna.
There would be no outrage or reason for Brandon or Rickard to go to Kingslanding if R+L didn't run off together.
Aerys has been a tyrant long before this. But when you mess with other houses, you're done.
Rhaegar was married. Robert was betrothed and aerys was burning people alive and asking for the heads of Robert and ned from their father figure Jon arryn.
Rhaegar still basically stole Lyanna away. What they both did was practically unworthy and against all laws. So yes the rebellion started because of a little of column A but it was mainly because of column B. Lyanna is just as guilty in my eyes (even tho book wise I still don't think this will be the case)
Don't remember them wanting Jon dead.

I have to go back and look, but did they explain why they wanted him dead or was it all in line with just taking out the Starks because Robb was waging war on them.

I meant Cersei wanted Jon dead. In the books she considers sending assassins to the NW to infiltrate and take out Jon Snow. In the show, the Boltons try that with Locke but he fails. I imagine Cersei wanted to get rid of Jon because of his relation to Ned and Sansa. She couldn't trust having a Stark in a prominent position in the North.
Scumbag Rhaegar. Leaving his family. He deserved to get washed by Robert.
I need to see a live action of Robert with his warhammer.

Also Lyanna was cool to me on the show, but to have Rhaegar dip on his fam and Robert be a simp, she really should of been some off the chain looking girl.
Robert was simping because he never got those yambs. Lyanna knew Robert was going to play her, she had a convo with Ned about that.

Makes that conversation between Bronn and Jaime about guys only fighting with their cocks that much better :lol:
Yea. That dude Robert was a simp for Lyanna. First thing he does is go to the crypts and pays his respects. Doesn't hurt that the Lannisters wanted power as well.
Yup. Started tearing the moment he touched the face of Lyanna's statue lol.

Dude whored around because he couldn't fill that void. Also maybe because he wanted nothing to do with Cersei lol.
I wish Bran was able to go back in time and interact with Ned and Bobby, just for the sake of seeing them back on GoT :lol:
It's true, this is all largely Rhaegar and Lyanna's fault. But the bigger picture here is that they belonged to a system that was beginning to become outdated. Both Rhaegar and Lyanna were in arranged marriages, both were independent spirits. In Lyanna's case, she would have married a dude who she knew was going to cheat on her, maybe even hit her and she said FOH. Their actions caused a lot of deaths but it also set in motion the "breaking of the wheel" that Dany keeps referencing. Even though I think for the wheel to really break, Dany can't be the ruler. She's still very much part of the system since she claims the throne is her birthright. A new system that eschews feudalism, arranged marriages, etc is where this story could be headed.
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